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Gibson Going Out Of Business?


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I just heard a rumour that's circulating on MLP. Apparently, Gibson in Memphis and Nashville had a meeting with their employees yesterday at quitting time and told them that they are closing for an indefinite period of time. Personally, I didn't believe it but I wondered if any of you have heard anything? :-({|=

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Sure do. I called the Commercial Appeal Newspaper in Memphis and asked them and they knew nothing about it. However that didn't stop over four pages of posts in MLP. I'm simply asking a question that seems to have been answered here.

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As I stated before, that would be great... specially for guys that own lots of gibsons... they might come up in price when the stores are cocmpletely out of them (or when the stores rise the prices stupidly just because there are none being made).


You see, it doesn't matter what happens at this time, we already got ours so we will be fine, and if it happened then we would get the chance to try other brands: fender, hamer, hell, even those EVH newest perfect greatest ever guitars.

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My guess is that if there is any truth to this...Gibson is slowing down production or halting production until the existing inventory is sold. It is happening in many factories around the states. Your halt production and furlough your factory workers until biz picks up. Why keep producing an item that nobody is buying right now?

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