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Out of touch?


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Here in San Antonio, our mayor and county official are defying the State's 'guidelines' and requiring all wear masks.  The State Atty. General has sent the two of them a warning letter, which they are deflecting, of course.   To the point - we've had at least 3 cases  in the local news in the past week, where physical assaults have taken place between Pro-Mask and Ant-Maskers.  Usually - a  customer not wanting to wear a mask, assaulting the manager of the store who won't let him in.  Interestingly, it's been in the inner city type places.  In one case, two customers came back with a gun and shot and killed the unarmed Dollar Store security guard who wouldn't let them in.  I'm guessing the Mayor is including that as a CoronaVirus death. 

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The entire coronavirus experience has taught me a lot about the nature of human panic, terror, paranoia, and vindictiveness. 

And it's been very instructional as well on the topic of governmental over-reach and the impulse for politicians (at all levels, in all nations) to do something, anything, even if it's the wrong thing. 

In the end, they never really needed to do anything at all, except to issue some health & safety guidance, and then let adult taxpayers and citizens go on about their business. 


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They told us we had to follow the stay at home order to flatten the curve so we don't overwhelm the hospitals.  That's done.  The curve is at flat as it's gonna get.  The hospitals are empty.  Time to open all the way.  

Also, stay at home orders don't seem to work.  In NY during the stay at home order, 66% of new cases were from people saying at home.  Those were either retirees, previously unemployed or newly unemployed.  18% were nursing home patients.   Only 16% were from essential workers (including high risk health care workers).   Staying at home increased your risk.  The lock downs don't work.

There is evidence now that there was an event in Wuhan in early October.  That's probably when it really started.  Wuhan is a international city of 11 million with lots of travel in and out.  By the time we issued stay at home orders it was way too late.  All just a waist of time. 

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the person with no mask is attacking others or least saying it dosnt matter if they infect someone...ps     I can read your post for the definition thanks

Edited by jvi
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3 minutes ago, brad1 said:

I thought that Out of Touch video was great!

Kevin ain't out of touch. You are dude. 

 Ghost's  authoritative post comes from a Nicki Swift youtube/web page.  What is "Nicki Swift" 

 "Nicki Swift is the top source for all the best dirt and juiciest gossip on the celebs you love…or love to hate{". (pinterest)

"Nicki Swift. 427K likes. Covering celeb news, gossip and glam, and all the dirt in between, with smarts you want and style you'll love. "(facebook)

So - ghost may be more than just 'out of touch'.  



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9 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Remember that hilarious show he did called "Kevin Can Wait"?   Never should have been cancelled after just 2 seasons, despite the poor ratings. 

One persons hilarious is another persons stupid. Its subjective. Like Jimi Hendrix is still the best guitar player ever and has not plugged in for about 50 years for some reason that escapes me.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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Just now, ghost_of_fl said:

Right, thus a ratings system where they actually ask people what they like.  

What if I buy Queens Greatest Hits LP and I don't think its their Greatest. Then they lied to me.

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56 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Sorry, someone posted their opinion on a message board.  I shared my opinion too.  I can see where that would be a problem. My bad.  No need to break out the pitchforks.   👨‍🌾👩‍🌾👨‍🌾 

That only happens when you say something negative about a J-45. If you do you better get you Glock and bolt the doors cause their commin.

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3 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Sorry, someone posted their opinion on a message board.  I shared my opinion too.  I can see where that would be a problem. My bad.  No need to break out the pitchforks.   👨‍🌾👩‍🌾👨‍🌾 

Actually I was blaming myself for (nearly, but strangely, not yet) getting the thread locked. 

After all, I spoke the truth about unnecessary panic and governmental over-reach in all this. 

Maybe the Mods and Admins are taking the weekend off. 

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35 minutes ago, rct said:


Do you play the fukking guitar or just come here todick around with which "news" is not better than Fux?  Isn't there some James Taylor to finger pick through over with the acoustic geniuses?  Jesus Christ and you***** at everyone else.  WTF Ksdaddy?  If I was doing this crap I'd get two weeks off.


I've been booted for less.

They just talk about and look at their J-45s and think up new models of them that haven't been made yet. And drool over what ever a banner model is.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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3 minutes ago, rct said:


I know you have.  I have gotten time off for trying to keep the acoustic clowns from doing this same stuff to me, out of nowhere with their friggin politics that had nothing to do with anything and I'm the guy that gets the time off.  Fukk these fukking assswipes, like they don't have enough to do over in their little schoolyard over there.  Jesus h.


The acoustic mafia runs Bardertown.

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