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Rusty Young, steel guitarist


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Rusty Young, the great steel guitar player from Poco, passed away April 14th from a heart attack.  He was 75.

Young was at the heart of Poco - it became his band, eventually - and was one of the first steel guitar players to make an impact in rock, along with Sneaky Pete Kleinow,  Al Perkins, Red Rhodes and a very few others.

He wrote "Rose Of Cimarron" among other tunes and it was his distinctive steel guitar sound that distinguished Poco from every other 'country-rock' group;  IMO Poco were the band who first defined that genre and were totally committed to it.  They didn't sell millions of albums but were hugely influential and laid down the path for many bands who came after them, most notably the Eagles.

The album "Deliverin'"  is just one classic from Poco's fine discography and still holds up to this day.


Edited by jdgm
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I had a couple of Poco LPs in the vinyl days. Yes, loved their sound and songs. 

Country rock was more of a surprise over here in the uk in the 60s. After an initial 'WTF?', I allowed myself to enjoy it. Still do.

The New Riders of the Purple Sage and the Marshall Tucker Band, also became favourites, but Poco were a little bit extra special. Thanks in no small part to Rusty.

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