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Custom Shop Lifetime Warranty


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2 hours ago, Little Feat said:

So if this issue the guy is having, happened at 6 month would it be okay to contact Gibson, or what at around 1 year,  or 2 years, ect. Its a lifetime warranty, and Gibson should at least look at it, and have the final say, not 8 guys on the forum saying 7.5 years is two lifetimes.

Which according to MjrPaynendazGibson has not even answered his call or e-mail.

“According to”, is a slippery slope.  8 guys discussing something in a forum is pretty normal, as is 8 guys disagreeing.  Lifetime warranties on guitars are odd anyway, what could go wrong that would be legitimate to a company?  Binding pulling loose, bad neck angle, finish peeling, tuners failing, but cracks in too dry wood, no.  Oh, not an environment issue?  Sure, we’ll take your word..

Not saying wood can’t crack all by its lonesome, I’m just questioning that it happened that long after purchase all by itself.

According to the OP, in a previous post he stated he’s retired and has nothing better to do than trash Gibson over this.  It’s a free world to ***** about anything, but I think a lot of responses will be like mine, crazy to believe it’s a warranty issue.


Edited by Gibson29
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6 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

Lifetime means Lifetime.. Period.. That shouldn’t be confusing?

Why are some here trying redefine that word?

Why wouldn’t Gibson want to provide excellent Customer Service for those who spend $Thousands on their Guitars???

The post Covid World has become very strange…………

It’s not confusing, warranty issues should be addressed, a few here just don’t believe it’s a legitimate warranty issue.   A crack due to negligence would never be covered.  You may say it’s been kept at 40-50% rh the entire 7 years and cracked just because, and Gibson doubts that.  I mean no offense, but me too, and I say that only because it’s a topic on the forum,  posted precisely for everyone to comment.

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You know we're not the brightest crayons in the box. We need visual aide. How about some outside and inside pictures of the damage? I've bought quite a few Gibson guitars in the 2007-2023 range. I did see a drop in quality in the mid teen years. I have a 2016 Nick Lucas 12 Fret Mystic Rosewood. To me, a dream guitar. I purchased one from Musicians Freind and had to return it because the bridge plate was damaged. I was negotiating one from another 5-star dealer but they looked at the bridge plate per my request and it too was damaged. I then negotiated one from CME. They ensured me they looked at it and everything was good. Apparently, they did not double check it per my request.  This is what I received.


When I received it and called, they were very apologetic. They asked if I wanted to return it or have it fixed. I really liked it, so I chose the fix it option. CME took control of it and got it to the factory and back to me in about 6 weeks. As mentioned by someone before, I would try to go through the place I purchased it if possible. Here's my repaired plate.



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1 hour ago, Dave F said:

You know we're not the brightest crayons in the box. We need visual aide. How about some outside and inside pictures of the damage? I've bought quite a few Gibson guitars in the 2007-2023 range. I did see a drop in quality in the mid teen years. I have a 2016 Nick Lucas 12 Fret Mystic Rosewood. To me, a dream guitar. I purchased one from Musicians Freind and had to return it because the bridge plate was damaged. I was negotiating one from another 5-star dealer but they looked at the bridge plate per my request and it too was damaged. I then negotiated one from CME. They ensured me they looked at it and everything was good. Apparently, they did not double check it per my request.  This is what I received.


When I received it and called, they were very apologetic. They asked if I wanted to return it or have it fixed. I really liked it, so I chose the fix it option. CME took control of it and got it to the factory and back to me in about 6 weeks. As mentioned by someone before, I would try to go through the place I purchased it if possible. Here's my repaired plate.



That's more like it. I have seen too many issues with bridgeplates on new or nearly-new Gibsons to cut them much slack on this particular problem. What you got was clearly the result of drilling the pin holes with no backing caul, which we have seen time and time again. It really is not an acceptable practice. At the very least, you are likely to get tear-out around the pin holes, which accentuates wear virtually every time you change the strings.

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41 minutes ago, j45nick said:

We really need photos of this problem to comment intelligently on it.

As far as I'm concerned, no photos, no problem.


Perhaps Gibson should take the same approach!

No photos, no fixie!

That will weed out quite a few, or at least delay them.

(I read AGF, UMGF, Gibson Acoustic......currently there are acres of threads about warranty problems......have the companies closed ranks a bit?).

Like I said, I just take my guitars to my luthier tech, say fix please, pay and come home very pleased. Our lifetime warranty ends when we get home!

There was one thread where the guy was going to ship the faulty guitar from Europe to US and back, and pay shipping. Surely there is a good luthier close......though I STILL wait for my 52 LG1....my tech gets busy and ‘one week is now 2 months. Imagine if I had to ship it to him as well!  Mean, how long would it take to fix the bridge plate problem above?





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Pictures here? LOL! We’re not Gibson..

The OP just wants Gibson to look at the Guitar & assess it. If it’s Warranty? Fix it. If it ain’t Warranty, fix it & he’ll pay for it. What’s the big deal?

By doing so the OP maintains the Gibson Lifetime Warranty.. IMO, that’s the smartest way to go. He’ll also get a First Class repair..

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1 hour ago, Larsongs said:

Pictures here? LOL! We’re not Gibson..

The OP just wants Gibson to look at the Guitar & assess it. If it’s Warranty? Fix it. If it ain’t Warranty, fix it & he’ll pay for it. What’s the big deal?

By doing so the OP maintains the Gibson Lifetime Warranty.. IMO, that’s the smartest way to go. He’ll also get a First Class repair..

I've been through this process on a couple issues. I have two Gibson Authorized repair shops near me. I've taken my guitar to them, they inspect and suggest repair, they sent the report to Gibson. Gibson decides to not approve, approve repair shop to do the repair or issue a RM. Both times I used the local shops, Gibson authorized them to do the repair.

The only time (twice) I've received an RM was on new purchases via the dealer. Both issues were resolved. Granted, both of these RM were in the time frame where I could return the guitar for a refund.

If your car is under warranty issued by the OEM, you don't take it back to them. You take it to the dealer. Make the dealer earn his markup.

Gibson Repairs U.S.A., Gibson Service Centers (service-center-locator.com)


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I’ve had to send 2 Guitars to Gibson for Warranty repair.. A 50th Anniv. 1961 Epiphone Casino with Tremotone & my Gibson J-160E..

Some years ago, I had a horrendous experience with, according to Gibson, who was supposed to be one of their top notch Certified Gibson Repair Luthiers in San Diego, Ca. He almost ruined my 1959 Gibson ES345 Stereo.. He was doing work on the Wiring which he totally screwed up & somehow broke one of the Tuning Keys. I stopped him before it got too much worse.. I wanted to wring the guys neck! Actually do much worse than that…

From then on I only wanted Gibson factory to do my Warranty work.. And they have. In both cases neither of my Guitars were in the return period.. One was about 2 years old & the other was several years old. They replaced the Casino, did a perfect Set up  & it is an excellent Guitar.. They repaired my J-160E perfectly as well.

I own about 35 Guitars.. Mostly higher end by several major well known Manufacturers.. That Casino & J-160E are probably the most played of all my Guitars..

You all can do what you want.. I’ll stick to having the Manufacturers do the Warranty at their factories.. 

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2 hours ago, JWG4927 said:

Yes, but you gotta play 35 guitars to keep guitar repair people busy.

It does keep me busy.. They all get played.. Some more often than others.. I go through phases.. Several are back ups.. I’m seriously thinking about selling off at least half of them.. I do my own Setups & String changes.. Except my Ric 360 12 String.. I have my Luthier do that one.. I hate changing those strings! I take excellent care of all my Guitars & seldom have any serious issues.. 

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On 4/21/2023 at 9:52 PM, Dave F said:

I've been through this process on a couple issues. I have two Gibson Authorized repair shops near me. I've taken my guitar to them, they inspect and suggest repair, they sent the report to Gibson. Gibson decides to not approve, approve repair shop to do the repair or issue a RM. Both times I used the local shops, Gibson authorized them to do the repair.

The only time (twice) I've received an RM was on new purchases via the dealer. Both issues were resolved. Granted, both of these RM were in the time frame where I could return the guitar for a refund.

If your car is under warranty issued by the OEM, you don't take it back to them. You take it to the dealer. Make the dealer earn his markup.

Gibson Repairs U.S.A., Gibson Service Centers (service-center-locator.com)



The OP lives in central Florida. From that list of Gibson Service Centers, there are several that should be within an hour or so drive from his location. I would call to verify opening hours, and tell them you would like them to look at the guitar. Put the guitar in the car, and drive to seem them, rather than going back and forth online or by telephone.

Describing a problem is one thing. Showing them the problem is another matter entirely.

And remember, honey catches more flies than vinegar.

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You know, that was my original plan, run by Guitar Center which is about 20 minutes away, let them look at it then, go from there. My ‘mistake’ was contacting Gibson  Customer  Care for a wiring schematic for my 2013 Gibson “Roxy-Frank Zappa” SG. In my email I “mistakenly” mentioned my Custom Shop Nick Lucas ‘Warranty’ issue. They’ve been directing me back and forth since October 2022. I offered pictures. No response.

I’ll eventually post pictures and the entire email thread just so everyone else can try to understand Gibson Lifetime Warranty and how to go about having an issue addressed.
I appreciate all the experienced replies. Kinda surprising what some have been through. Glad to see some ended up well… for the Player/Customer.  

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1 hour ago, MjrPaynendaz said:

You know, that was my original plan, run by Guitar Center which is about 20 minutes away, let them look at it then, go from there. My ‘mistake’ was contacting Gibson  Customer  Care for a wiring schematic for my 2013 Gibson “Roxy-Frank Zappa” SG. In my email I “mistakenly” mentioned my Custom Shop Nick Lucas ‘Warranty’ issue. They’ve been directing me back and forth since October 2022. I offered pictures. No response.

I’ll eventually post pictures and the entire email thread just so everyone else can try to understand Gibson Lifetime Warranty and how to go about having an issue addressed.
I appreciate all the experienced replies. Kinda surprising what some have been through. Glad to see some ended up well… for the Player/Customer.  

Since you haven't gotten a suitable response, go back to your original plan.

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9 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

I wouldn’t waste 2 seconds with Guitar Center.. Been there done that!

Why the OP won’t write a Certified letter to Gibson CEO detailing the horrible Service, or lack thereof, is beyond me?


When your Ford breaks, warranty or not, do you flatbed it to Dearborn Michigan or do you take it to the dealer?


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1 minute ago, Larsongs said:

Guitar Center ain’t Ford! LMAO!!!! That is probably the worst comparison you can make!

Guitar Centers so called Factory Authorized Repair & Warranty Dep’ts. are a joke! At least every one I’ve dealt with.. 

No, it isn't.

It's a dealer network, out in front of a manufacturer.  They need each other, you need neither.  Your beef about the car, guitar, refrigerator, whatever, is with whom you bought it from, and you didn't buy it from Ford.  Or Gibson.  Or Frigidaire.   The dealer you bought it from has beef with the manufacturer, not you.


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4 hours ago, rct said:

No, it isn't.

It's a dealer network, out in front of a manufacturer.  They need each other, you need neither.  Your beef about the car, guitar, refrigerator, whatever, is with whom you bought it from, and you didn't buy it from Ford.  Or Gibson.  Or Frigidaire.   The dealer you bought it from has beef with the manufacturer, not you.


I disagree.. The Manufacturer builds it for consumption by a Consumer.. All the Middlemen between them & the Consumer are, for lack of a better term, the BS.

Ultimately, a portion of my Dollars go to the Manufacturer in an unbelievably connived woven system… Cost. The system is much like Organized crime laundering Money in a way.. 

My business goes thru a long chain between the Manufacturer & I but ultimately the Buck stops with the CEO, President or Owner of the Business.. 

In this case, if you read the Warranty, it states the Guitar is Warranted by Gibson… Not Guitar Center….  They are nothing more than a middle man. 

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How To Obtain Warranty Service

In the event of malfunction of your Gibson instrument, you should notify your nearest Authorized Gibson Dealer.


That's what the CEO and The Board of Tone Directors are going send back to you, registered, certified, insured, signature required, return receipt requested.


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Some manufacturers put specific instructions in their product packaging - “do not return product to your retailer”.   Some include specific toll free numbers at their plants for you to call if you’re missing a screw, etc.  they know if you bring that partly assembled mess of a bbq grill back, they and /or the retailer will lose $ as well as the customer’s  loyalty.  An 8 year old musical instrument with an issue regarding a part made by Mother Nature… I don’t think photos are going to be useful in determining the cause of the failure.  Certainly not here ! 
A sworn statement by a “luthier” neither.  Like it or not, Gibson has a network of people they trust to evaluate returns for issues not easily resolved with a phone call or email to Nashville.  
But, having stated the obvious,  I’d be curious how this crack showed up? Was it just a quarter inch crack by the sound hole that grew over the years, or a full face 8” crack that appeared overnight?  

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