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Nigeria to Brazil Non-Stop

Twang Gang

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Wonder if any of you saw this story a day or so ago about four guys that stowed away on the rudder of a cargo ship.  They thought the ship was going to Europe, but 14 days later they ended up in Brazil.  Hard to believe anyone could survive, supposedly they ran out of food and water after 10 days and survived drinking sea water (doesn't seem possible).  Tied themselves to the rudder so they wouldn't fall in the ocean while sleeping.  Here's the craziest part, after they were rescued in Brazil, two of them sought asylum there - but the other two returned to Nigeria!!  Really brings into question the sanity of some people or the validity of what the news media reports.

Four Nigerians rescued in Brazil spent 14 days on ship’s rudder (nbcnews.com)

Edited by Twang Gang
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Saw the article and a photo showing 2 of the geniuses on the rudder.   Ship must have been unloaded because, as Sgt.Pepper pointed out rudders are suppose to be 100% under the water.  And, even if it had been partially loaded,  waves would have washed over the rudder forcefully if they hit even moderately heavy seas.  From the photo, I couldn't see where they would have tied themselves off.   They said they barely talked and only in whispers so the ships crew wouldn't hear them and throw them overboard.  You wouldn't hear someone talking on the other side of a ships steel hull with the propellors (screws) churning and the water sloshing.  They either lied there, or are supremely stupid.    I thought you would DIE if you drank saltwater, especially for 10 days.   I'd think you would for sure if you also had no food.   I find the claim of the men impossible to believe.  Either that, or Darwin missed a golden opportunity.

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48 minutes ago, merciful-evans said:

I think that was explained to me in junior school. Why? I'm not sure. Maybe because we lived by the sea and some of us were stupid. 

I’ve swam in the ocean and swallowed a gulp or two and even I know it’s not for drinking, and I don’t have gills.

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14 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

You can survive  few weeks without food depending on how fat you are,  water maybe 4 or 5.

"water maybe 4 or 5  DAYS ////    This story is definitely 'fishy'.   Weren't those 2 brothers who connived with Jussie Smollett's fake story also from Nigeria ? 

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Maybe they were some of those Nigerian "diplomats" who would send those scam eMails to Americans hoping that some of them would be dumb enough to fall for their ruse.  And they were trying to elude the authorities.


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On 8/6/2023 at 8:48 AM, Whitefang said:

Maybe they were some of those Nigerian "diplomats" who would send those scam eMails to Americans hoping that some of them would be dumb enough to fall for their ruse.  And they were trying to elude the authorities.


Nah - those "Nigerians" were Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife's daughter's father-in-law.

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