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Price Drop. . .Red Flag??

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1 minute ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Nope.  People with grey hair are often on a "fixed income" and can't afford to drop $4000 on a luxury item.  Not saying that's the case for all people with grey hair, but surely the case for plenty.   

I'm never offended if someone doesn't treat me "special".   I require no participation trophies either.  

Oh come on, you really gonna go there?  People on fixed incomes are not going into GC. And gee, way to make friends and influence people. Where did I ever say I was asking for “special” treatment?  I was a polite customer, they were a store.  Dealing with customers is kinda the point of having a store.  Sorry if you got a bug up your butt about working people with grey hair wanting to buy guitars. 

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2 minutes ago, Murph said:


Yea, I remember.

Even your riots were "peaceful".....


Actually they were, up until outside agitators infiltrated and used the marches for cover to start their agenda. Not going to go into it here, but you can google who has been convicted for the acts that precipitated the violence, including burning the police-station. They knew what they were doing.  Investigators are still looking for the pasty guy who smashed the first window that lit the fuse.  There many people who believe Chauvin knew exactly what he was starting with his knee during those eight horrible minutes while a grown man struggled helplessly beneath him, begging for his life and crying out for his momma to save him.  Don’t forget who/what started it all.  

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46 minutes ago, Murph said:

Retired people don't buy stuff?

That's ridiculous.

I was referring to Ghost’s (not RBs) reference to people on fixed incomes who don’t have 4gs to drop on a guitar.  I was saying those folks are not likely to be hanging out at GC.    

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35 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

But you just said "a LOT of teenage wannabes with no cash" are going into GC. How does that make sense for one group but not the other?  🤔

You are really not tracking well are you.  I never said grey hairs are hanging around GC playing guitars for no reason.  That is the opposite of what I was saying.  go walk into any GC on a Saturday afternoon and  scan for pimples vs grey hair.  

My GC even has special nicknames for their frequent, empty pocket, flyers.  They are saintly kind to the kids wailing away, simply because they know someday the lad will save up enough for an Epiphone.  But in the meantime, it’s a lot of work to retrieve every custom Les Paul so they can “try it out.”

But the guys do it, because it’s good customer relations, and they are building store loyalty.  That is everything in retail.  

I was contrasting our store experience with the hell-scape one where you could barely get anyone’s attention, even while looking like what could likely be a serious buyer. 

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13 minutes ago, PrairieDog said:

I was referring to RBs reference to people on fixed incomes who don’t have 4gs to drop on a guitar.  I was saying those folks are not likely to be hanging out at GC.    


I made no references to persons on fixed incomes, or their inability to spend $4,000.00 on a guitar.

You should take more care when citing other's comments in a thread.


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17 minutes ago, RBSinTo said:


I made no references to persons on fixed incomes, or their inability to spend $4,000.00 on a guitar.

You should take more care when citing other's comments in a thread.


My very sincere apologies. It was unintentional and I didn’t mean to draw you into the kerfuffle, My only poor excuse is I had your nick in my head because of my initial response to your comment that started the spiral. I will do better next time. Thanks for call out.  

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3 hours ago, RBSinTo said:


We were in North Miami in December, and because I didn't dare take a guitar down on the plane, I visited a Guitar Center just to noodle for a bit.

I was shocked by the number of acoustics that were damaged beyond repair, and yet were on display at full price.

I was not impressed by what I saw, or how I was treated by staff during my visit, and would never spend any money in their stores.



GC is legendary for being the biggest POS music store in the USA. I go in there for strings and nothing else.

Its hard to F up a pack of strings, but I feel GC could manage to do it.

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5 hours ago, PrairieDog said:

There many people who believe Chauvin knew exactly what he was starting with his knee during those eight horrible minutes while a grown man struggled helplessly beneath him, begging for his life and crying out for his momma to save him.  Don’t forget who/what started it all.  

Sort of hard to forget with people constantly reminding us.  😀      Also hard to forget that the procedure Chauvin used was approved by the Minneapolis PD, and that was why the city paid out $27 million to Floyd's family a couple of days before Chauvin's  trial began.  

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I pretty much quit going to GC before I got gray hair.. It had nothing to do with my hair & everything to do with GC’s not having what I’m I interested in buying.. And the cocky attitude of young wannabe Rock Stars who work there & act like they’ve never heard of Discounts….

The exception being Hollywood Guitar Center.. That is like a Candy Store to a kid!

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19 minutes ago, 'Scales said:

at GC advanced level training course:

"OK now, so an obese, grey-haired, cross-dressed, boomer woman of colour walks in the door, ....how do we assess?    Any ideas?"

Simple, Oh look, a customer!  Walk up, pleasantly greet them, and ask, “how can I help?”  

What’s the issue with common customer service?  My GC has no problem with it. They leave the racist/homophobic/fill in the blank, bullshit in the Gibson forums. 

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Correct Answer!!! =D>

That they entered the store qualifies them - all the rest (including age, hair colour, perceived motive for visit and/or available cash based on same, and all other prejudices) are just red herrings.

Go directly to cashier for $15 an hour. Do not pass Gibson Lounge. [laugh]

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1 hour ago, 'Scales said:

at GC advanced level training course:

"OK now, so an obese, grey-haired, cross-dressed, boomer woman of colour walks in the door, ....how do we assess?    Any ideas?"

Who has $, a 15 year old with no job who came in to play Stairway, or a Boomer who worked all his/her life? I’m going with option B - the Boomer.

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1 hour ago, PrairieDog said:

Simple, Oh look, a customer!  Walk up, pleasantly greet them, and ask, “how can I help?”  

What’s the issue with common customer service?  My GC has no problem with it. They leave the racist/homophobic/fill in the blank, bullshit in the Gibson forums. 

Come on down to SC I’ll show you how the South does it. Bring your own Yeti mug and alcoholic beverage of choice. 

When you count 10 Trump 2024 flags, or stickers on cars you win a prize. It should only take 5 mins and the game is over.

I’ve heard the sweetest looking old ladies uttering the N word around here. 

PS Dump and sleepy Joe are both a-ss hats.

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18 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

It's funny you should mention that. 

Guess what a 15 year old has?  Proud parents who will pay the bill.  

"Roblox" has a 22.87 billion market cap.  Google what "Roblox" is and marvel at the (proxy) buying power of a teen. 

Maybe it’s the 15 year olds buying the limited edition Jimmy Page double necks and Tom Murphy ages stuff?

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15 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

No and their parents probably aren't buying them Ferraris either.   But they'll get cars. 

In Newport Beach, Ca. they are….. LOL! 

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6 minutes ago, ghost_of_fl said:

minimum -  aluminum - liniment - cinnamon

My 11th grade history teacher pronounced aluminum as Al-U-Minium.

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