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Cell phone stupidity - public sh!tters, etc....


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Most areas of my workplace make cellphone use impossible.

I was in the bathroom - alone, I thought - and I hear a voice from one of the sh!tter stalls.


Conversation seemed casual enough, what is the importance? It can't wait that long?


I go down in the concrete bowels of the nuke facility - 50 feet underground - and there are young Rad Protection guys still using their phone constantly.

No signal at all, they are playing games and looking at pics for hours on end - where no cameras are allowed....


Sooner or later the sh!t's gonna hit the fan on that one.



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I hate cell phones. One of our waiters had a constant need to text and be texted. I refer to it in the past tense, because the phone went into the garbage disposal after three tables complained about him checking his phone while they were asking questions. His parents came in with a bill, saying I owed him 200-some dollars. I pointed out the clearly printed guidelines that everyone signs when they work in my kitchen.


Rule #3 - Any cell phones being used in kitchen or dining areas will be confiscated and quite possibly destroyed.


I feel that if someone needs to contact me, they can call me at home. If it's an emergency, they can call me at work. So score one for the folks who feel the same.

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Well I also hate cell phones. I only got one because I almost lost a contract due to the fact that the program manager couldn't get a hold of me while I was on travel. Now I just need to remember to turn it on! I don't worry much though. One of these days my Greek temper will come through and I'll throw the darn thing at a wall...

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I have never owned a cell phone. My wife has one, she works midnights and drives through a deer field, (has hit several, it's impossible not to). So if we are on a trip/whatever we have one. If I'm alone, I'm un-reachable. Get over it.


I refuse to get one, because of the stupidity. I have an answering machine.


Ironic. A few weeks ago I played a gig, and drove about an hour after the load out, to a Waffle House on the way home.


I'm alone, so go to the bar, and sit down. It's 3:00 a.m., and there are about 20 young men/women in there, after club type crowd.


I get coffee and notice how quiet it is. I look around, and SWEAR TO GOD.......


Nearly everybody in there was texting. No conversation.




It struck me very weird, like a "Twilight Zone" weird. Even couples sitting together WERE NOT TALKING.



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Even couples sitting together WERE NOT TALKING.

I see this all the time lately.

That, and little movie players for the little kiddies to keep them quiet at the table...


Our oldest is 19, I don't see him much since he's off doing his own thing now.

I tried to explain to him that the cell phone comes across as disrespectful to others at the very least.

Irritating is more like it - even if nobody comes right out and tells you so.


I told him the story about a guy that got his *** kicked in a Scottsdale nightclub for screwing around with his camera phone with his buddies. They were in the bathroom and having too much fun with the camera feature.

Seems a few other patrons saw no humor in it - words were exchanged, one thing led to another, he was left bleeding.


Justice, served ice cold....


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I see this all the time lately.


I told him the story about a guy that got his *** kicked in a Scottsdale nightclub for screwing around with his camera phone with his buddies.


And that's another thing. All of the idiots wanting to constantly show me porn on their little 2 inch screen. Sheeze.


It is getting really stupid to me. I don't get it.

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Well I get kids on their phones texting away all the time in my class. Sometimes they are on the internet too with their laptops. Mind you, these are seniors in college! Yeah, these are the future engineers that will be building our satellites, cars, roads, bridges, airplanes, etc. Well, maybe not because I'm failing a bunch this year, so they won't be graduating!


I guess that all sense of respect is gone. I try to treat all people with respect. I never answer my phone (cell or office) when I'm talking with a student. I try to answer every email as promptly as I can. But some of them (ok, a lot of them) have no sense of respect. This got so bad that we finally had to develop a code of conduct for the students to follow.

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I think it electronic technological advancement in general, not only cell phones that get people to behave this way.Look at all the crap that occurs on a computer everyday.All the spam,all the nonsense joke emails,sex offenses,etc.We all did fine before that too,now we send emails to the point where the us postal service is hurting for funds.

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Most areas of my workplace make cellphone use impossible.

I was in the bathroom - alone' date=' I thought - and I hear a voice from one of the sh!tter stalls.


Conversation seemed casual enough, what is the importance? It can't wait [i']that[/i] long?


I go down in the concrete bowels of the nuke facility - 50 feet underground - and there are young Rad Protection guys still using their phone constantly.

No signal at all, they are playing games and looking at pics for hours on end - where no cameras are allowed....


Sooner or later the sh!t's gonna hit the fan on that one.




Apparently, the boys at the nuke facility (ICBMs or Power plant?) don't read the news papers vis. Abu Grabe.


2x on the "Morons"

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I hate cell phones. One of our waiters had a constant need to text and be texted. I refer to it in the past tense' date=' because the phone went into the garbage disposal after three tables complained about him checking his phone while they were asking questions. His parents came in with a bill, saying I owed him 200-some dollars. I pointed out the clearly printed guidelines that everyone signs when they work in my kitchen.


Rule #3 - Any cell phones being used in kitchen or dining areas will be confiscated and quite possibly destroyed.


I feel that if someone needs to contact me, they can call me at home. If it's an emergency, they can call me at work. So score one for the folks who feel the same.[/quote']


Something Mom and Dad shoulda done years ago.




You got my business. I'll take fries with that.

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i dont own a cell phone, i am the only person i know who doesent own a cell phone, i do wish i had a cell phone, but i am glad i dont


with that said, i really think my generation is going to be the first generation that doesent know how to talk to people, everything is by text, IM, or email, but face to face conversation is going to end up being a thing of the past....

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A. When we were on road trips/vacation, we never allowed our kids to listen to music, other than what was being played by the dashboard radio. Everyone got one hour to listen to whatever they wished or offer up a recorded song for all to listen to. Not surprisingly, our kids got to know each other and us!


My in-laws were foster parents and adopted some very young children. They drove a full size conversion van to hold them all. 5, I think. When they bought their last one it come with a TV and VHS or DVD player... don't remember which. They insisted it be removed before they took delivery. The dealer removed it and ordered a custom made panel to close up the hole in the roof liner.


Kids that over communicate on electronic devices do and will have troubles with relationships when they get older.



B. Children do not realize, when you use a cell phone to communicate or computer.... THERE IS NO PRIVACY ---- Seriously. Kids from when I was a kid to kids now extol the virtues of and demand PRIVACY. Put it on a 'puter and all privacy is gone.


B.1 Once parents realize this. They can monitor their messaging, actions and movement and keep tabs on the little shavers.

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f#ck texting

i use my phone to TALK to someone

i don't have internet, a camera, or any other bullsh1t on my phone

i never talk while driving (don't feel like wrapping myself around a pole) and i talk maybe 5 minutes a day on that cursed thing


cell phones=the devil

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I like to eavesdrop on phone conversations. When you hear only one side sometimes it can be quite amusing. People tend to talk about some personal things they wouldn't ever think of sharing with the public. I think they envision a phone booth around them when they are on their cells. My favorite was the time as this woman approached me she was saying into her phone: "I just took all of our cash out of the bank." That almost seemed like an invitation.

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I have a camera that takes darn good photos... actually superior to the carp photos to that taken by the "Swiss Army" phones.


I have a 'puter at home.


I actually READ maps (a dying art). That and paper maps are more accurate... and work when the power goes out.


I have a cellular phone. Pre-paid. It makes and receives phone calls and not much else. My kids say I can text with it but I haven't gotten around to setting the texting up. Yeah? No kidding.. I purchase 60 minutes to use over 90 days for $19.99. I have to make up excuses to use the minutes. I currently have 87 minutes and it needs to be re-newed in about 3 weeks. Costs me $7.00/ month

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Something Mom and Dad shoulda done years ago.


=D> :o =D>


You got my business. I'll take fries with that.


Sorry brother, we don't do fries.


And as somebody mentioned earlier, the internet is becoming a major problem too. When I was in my last year of college, we had a research paper due. Out of 23 students, I was one of 2 who used physical sources (books, journals, etc.) for references. 21 people failed a major paper because all of their sources came from a google search. And these are ENGLISH majors we're talking about here! You'd think they'd like to read. At least that professor cracked down. In my Milton class, I had to do a presentation with a girl who printed off SparkNotes the day before. She ended up getting a better grade on the presentation because she "seemed more familiar with the material." I don't know about any of you, but I don't think texting can replace a conversation any better than SparkNotes can substitute for sitting down and reading Paradise Lost.

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Try teaching a class while regulating on the students who constantly text away on the their cell phones. We confiscate them or attempt to. The ones we get go to the office where mom or dad has to pick it up. A week later they've got the damn thing back and doing it again. The students who refuse to turn it over end up in detention without a phone. I know one teacher who clips the wires to the ear pods when kids are listening to their Ipod instead of paying attention.

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Excellent! I find that confiscation and a little sleight of hand that leads someone to believe their property has been destroyed tends to make them think before they break the rules. I saw a video once where a student's phone rang in class, and the student answered it while the teacher was watching him. The teacher pulled it out of the kid's hand and smashed it on the floor, and about half the class applauded. I think that should be a teacher's right. Hell - if the guy ahead of me in the coffee line is talking to loud or too long, it should be a person's right to swipe their phone. I could rant all day about technology. Another thing that has to go - those cyborg earpieces that people wear all over the place. Maybe they're actually Cylons, I dunno. It just annoys me when I'm shopping and I hear "What? Shut the **** up, really!? Oh man..... WHAT!? HEY **** YOU!?" and see some dude grocery shopping and having a conversation with an invisible friend.

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Yeah, those ear pieces are 'conspicuous consumption'. I was at a coffee house enjoying a Jazz set and some nit-wit had one of these in his ear. It was dark and you could barely make it out if it weren't for the BLUE LIGHT that kept blinking...... :P


One way to get the attention of these I'm-talkin'-to-my-friend-and-you-have-to-listen-too hedonists is to pay close attention to the conversation and at an opportune moment, make a comment or offer your opinion about what is being discussed...That's it, just butt right into the conversation. It's usually responded to by, "Sorry ****, I gotta go" then he hangs up. >Mission Accomplished<. Sometimes you'll get a snide look or a , "That was rude." Your response,... "Right back at ya." #-o


Works every time.


Had some numbscull answer his cell while I was watching Gran-Torino. We were about 4 rows and 15 seats apart. After the third sentence, I shoulted, "GET OFF THE PHONE." >Mission Accomplished< I got some positive glances from folks near me. :P/

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Try teaching a class while regulating on the students who constantly text away on the their cell phones. We confiscate them or attempt to. The ones we get go to the office where mom or dad has to pick it up. A week later they've got the damn thing back and doing it again. The students who refuse to turn it over end up in detention without a phone. I know one teacher who clips the wires to the ear pods when kids are listening to their Ipod instead of paying attention.



Does the school administration not have the stones to ban cell phones or other electronic devices in the class room? They did when my kids were in school. Cell phone? Leave it OFF and in your locker until school is dismissed. If parets MUST contact a student, the school's secretary still has a phone on her desk.


Phone confiscation is well within the rights of the admin. Keep it until an investigation and appropriate parental conference can be completed. That ought to keep Junior incommunicado for a week or so. It'll get the others' attention you mean business.

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