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Nobody seems to get that - it's the very basis for my creation of the NeoConMan character.

It's sort of a spin on the old admonition you might hear from the tough guys who might kill you for nothing -

Don't start no trouble and there won't be no trouble...



Dave, this seems strange to me...that you feel the need to crate a "character." Can't you just be Dave? Have how is Dave different from Neo?

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The house is burning' date=' the fire department shows up, there's bol316 reeking of gasoline saying "What...?"


Excellent demonstration for the masses.


As stated above;

[b']Don't start no trouble and there won't be no trouble...[/b]

:- I actually liked your metaphor there. Pretty darn good comeback. In most instances, all I did was respond to things you started (that part was discussed earlier). But I won't even pretend to be anywhere near perfect. I can admit I could have handled things much better with a few people on here (including you). Now, can (and will you) say that as well? O:) O:) O:) O:)
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how is Dave different from Neo?

Simply a matter of extremes.

I've often made comments about me wearing my NCM leotard and cape when my Clark Kent everyday persona falls short.


Would you like for me to post the story how this NeoConMan thing came to be?

I would be more than happy to post it in a new thread for worldwide amusement, entertainment, and even information.

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Now' date=' can (and will you) say that as well? [/quote']

As I stated before, I'll shake anybody's hand with an assurance they will stop their sh!t.

I'll extend that consideration to anybody who makes an honest effort.


And I'll pop 'em in the nose in the blink of an eye if they forget their commitment.

It's a two way street, sometimes I think I'm the only person within miles who gets that....

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As I stated before' date=' I'll shake anybody's hand with an assurance they will stop their sh!t.

I'll extend that consideration to anybody who makes an honest effort.


And I'll pop 'em in the nose in the blink of an eye if they forget their commitment.

It's a two way street, sometimes I think I'm the only person within miles who gets that....

[/quote'] All about them stopping their "****". I see. Then you will monitor them and let them know when they start with their "****. Catching my drift here? O:) O:) . Spit it out, I know you can do it. It only hurts the first few times

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Neo and KSG are really the only ones I feel comfortable getting Salty with. I can usually find common ground with KSG by the end of the discussion and with NEO I can just see the smile as we spar. This isn't an excuse, but I come from a "School" of Armchair Pundits that can have a political argument filled with insults and derision.


It's like Paint Ball. Sometimes you get bruised, and tempers can flare, but at the end of the game you should be drinking on the same tab.


Religion, on the other hand, is not a game and can get very personal. I'd like to apologize to any religious folks I may have gone to far with. As long as you're not calling me Immoral or Heretical, I won't attack anyone's system of belief.

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Looks like another Mexican Standoff...


First Measure seems to get it.....




I know you Liberals are dying to hear me declare my guilt and shame for my actions - not gonna happen.

You want me to play nice?

Then do the same.


You want to go back to virtual fireworks complete with venom, vitriol and idealoguing?

Fine with me - that's my A - Game.


Jekyll or Hyde, the choice is yours....


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Looks like another Mexican Standoff...


First Measure seems to get it.....




I know you Liberals are dying to hear me declare my guilt and shame for my actions - not gonna happen.

You want me to play nice?

Then do the same.


You want to go back to virtual fireworks complete with venom' date=' vitriol and idealoguing?

Fine with me - that's my[b'] A - Game[/b].


Jekyll or Hyde, the choice is yours....


Still with the "you liberals". Always political with you eh? O:) O:) . Ha ha oh well I tried. No apology needed Neo.
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