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Why so many dumb jackass trolls lately?

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It would be so nice if the moderators would just punch 'em out. Ring 'em up. Send them off the pitch. Tell them to go home. Bench them. Handcuff them. Audit them. Give them a colonoscopy. Walk over hot coals. Put fish hooks in their skin. Give 'em a double technical. Send them to the showers.



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It would be so nice if the moderators would just punch 'em out. Ring 'em up. Send them off the pitch. Tell them to go home. Bench them. Handcuff them. Audit them. Give them a colonoscopy. Walk over hot coals. Put fish hooks in their skin. Give 'em a double technical. Send them to the showers.




It´s a back lash of the Swine Flew

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ya it is is a side effect of the drug the doctors recommend. the side effects are drowsiness, enlarged body parts, shortness of breath, and the strange urg to go onto forums and troll them. also you should not operate machinery with in 48 hours of taking the drug and if you experience an erection lasting longer then 4 hours you should go see the doctor.

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We all like to fight



It doesnt matter who starts a fight, until one person backs down then nobody is going to stop, Thats there mentality.

No one wants to be proved wrong.

Allways have to get the last word in.


I wonder if everyone in this fourm were put into a room and started to talk about this topic face to face. would there answer be diffrent in tone? words? syntax?

Would we act more civil?

Or would we act like a bunch of fifth graders?


*The same words I put on this fourm is a direct reflection of me as a person in real life.


But we are behind this screen.

We can say whatever we want, and not have to worry about the other person.



It's a game we are sucked into, its so addicting. Posting something that you know will get some hits.

We have the players who:






We all take one side or another if we choose to play this game.

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You mean like yourself. I would strongly suggest you change that signature bar as it does directly go against the TOC of this website and there are some younger adults and some adult who would be offended by your obvious attempt as trying to be offensive.



Is this better mr guitarest? Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I am not here to offend anyone or hurt their feelings. I'm just here out of boredom and because I want to help anyone that needs guidance.

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If you need a link for a picture

Right mouse click the picture

look at the properties of the picture

At the top the adress is shown.

copy the address, then you can paste it anywhere you want or open it in a new window.



heres the link for the troll by the way.

Hope iv'e been usefull.





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Personally I do not see much difference between trolls and the folks that constantly post political and religious threads. I have no use for either.


Like some say when others complain about useless threads... it is the loungue, you can talk about anything you want as long as it abides by the forum rules.

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It would be so nice if the moderators would just punch 'em out. Ring 'em up. Send them off the pitch. Tell them to go home. Bench them. Handcuff them. Audit them. Give them a colonoscopy. Walk over hot coals. Put fish hooks in their skin. Give 'em a double technical. Send them to the showers.





I know this may sound easier than it really is to do,but if you can hold back from replying to post from such a person,he/she will probably not be mentally stimulated enough to continue the trolling.

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I know this may sound easier than it really is to do' date='but if you can hold back from replying to post from such a person,he/she will probably not be mentally stimulated enough to continue the trolling.[/quote']



Good Point.

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