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For my 1,000th post I'd like to say...


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I'm leaving! I'm kidding (he he he). You'd have to drag me away in chains before that happens. I just realized that I was at 999. It really seems like it was only yesterday since I joined.


In all seriousness, for my 1,000th post I'd like to thank everyone. I came here to learn (yes Ph.D.s can still learn). I do enjoy the vast knowledge base that this forum possesses in its members. I have certainly taken my beatings when I said something dumb (don't worry AXE®, there is enough ignorance in me that you'll get another crack at me), and even R9 gave me a hard time when I first joined for starting a thread that he already did (of course Are Nine would never scold me like R9 did!), but along the way I learned a lot from everyone. I also made some friends who allow me to express my views through PM about other subject matters that I don't talk about here (you know who you are and many thanks for the good times so far with many more to come!).


When I got my first Les Paul I was actually afraid to touch it. But after reading this forum, and then being an active participate, I gained enough confidence to thoroughly take apart my Lesters. Whether it be AXE®'s advice on using Naptha for a sticky neck (simply brilliant) or Are Nine's recent advice on FretDoctor, or the other countless useful information I received from everyone, I'm glad to be part of this family.


I look forward to many more discussions with you and to continue learning from the masters.


Thanks, John the Rocketman


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. - Dudley Field Malone

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R9 gave me a hard time when I first joined for starting a thread that he already did (of course Are Nine would never scold me like R9 did!)

Of course not. With the new name came a newer, politer me.

Back then, you were just a young pup still sucking on your mother's teet. Now, you're a forum veteran.

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The fact that you are still learning shows your Ph.D. is real, not just something paid for and pressed through a batch of educational bureaucrats. Real. I think that's about the highest compliment I can offer anyone holding such a degree.


But then too, hey, the day when I quit learning, I hope I'm rapidly planted. I'll add that learning isn't just about specifics, important as that is, but also in observing things from different perspectives, both physical and philosophical.



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the "word..."


Well, hang out with cattle ranchers and dairy farmers. <grin> You'll get tired of chuckling.


It's a bit different world.


For example, I was discussing computer solutions for some stuff with a lady who worked in PR at a Wyoming junior college and suggested there should be some sort of an AI solution.


She broke out laughing like crazy. It took me a cupla seconds to figure out why... then I started laughing too.


Her natural translation of AI as a good ranch girl was "artificial insemination," which is quite common for cattle herds in this region of the world.


My reference to "artificial intelligence" on the computer was completely overwhelmed by the word meanings common in the life she was brought into.


Life, folks, truly can be interesting and fun.

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