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Ghost Stories.


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One of the guy's I work with swears his house is haunted. He has seen the ghosts himself along with members of his family. One halloween three or four years ago one of the local radio stations was doing a haunted house broadcast and spent the night in his house. They didn't see the ghosts but heard them. However I still think there is not enough information to prove or disprove them. [-X

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There is, or was, definitely a ghost in our house. My wife even did enough neighborhood research to find out who he is, name and everything, Charles Fieker, he was the previous owner of the house and died here. From the best we could determine he was a German immigrant scientist. Our neighbor says he was a very nice man but kind of quiet and kept mostly to himself, was never married, and shared this house with his brother. My wife and I have both seen him (at different times), and there have been many "occurances" around the house of strange, interesting and funny things happening.


One thing for sure, he likes pretty women, and has been known to do things for my wife. One afternoon when she had just retuned from the grocery store (and I was half asleep on the couch), the doorbell rang. I figured it was her standing at the front door with her hands full of groceries, so I jumped up to get the door. Opening it expecting her to be standing there, but she was just starting towards the door from her car. Another time she had come down the basement stairs with an armload of stuff to put in the storage room, and as she approached the storeroom door it "magically" swung open for her. I guess Mr. Fieker thought she needed a little help. He never does anything for me like cut the grass or paint the house.


One night we had just gone to bed when the bathroom faucet turned on, not just a little, and not just hot OR cold, but about halfway of BOTH hot and cold. I guess he wanted to wash his hands in some nice warm water. We also figure that the St. Louis Cardinals were not his favorite baseball team. We have a few of those stupid bobblehead figurines from the Cardinals on a shelf in the living room. One night we were in the kitchen with some friends when we heard something hit the floor. I went in to see what had happened and I found the bobblehead of Hall Of Fame base stealer Lou Brock lying on the floor with both his legs broken. Now I know things fall of shelves all the time, but this bobblehead was on the back of the shelf BEHIND two others.


We haven't seen or heard from Mr. Fieker in a while, he may have moved on. We kind of miss him.

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Coast to Coast with George Noory Every Night


While I don't necessarily believe in ghost and the paranormal, I do love exploring the ideas and the stories about them. I occasionally listen to Coast to Coast, as well as watch some of the shows such as the one Homz watched.


I consider this kind of thing my guilty pleasure. It sure is fun to watch and listen and read about. Besides, who knows, it could be real . . .

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I apologise for going off topic here;


I currently have my trusty Cannon D400...Great camera' date=' but you cant beat real film, real photography.[/quote']


It's very rare that I find myself disagreeing with you, flight, but having been a professional photographer for over twenty years I would state categorically that digital beats film hands-down. Going back to film would be a retrograde step. Digital- and film-cameras are equally capable of real photography; just different mechanics to achieve the same end.


Can you think of any aspect where digital is at a disadvantage ecxepting, possibly, the fun to be had in the darkroom?


Good story, BTW!

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I'm a ghost. every time I come to this forum. I float in and float out most of the time without ya'll even noticing most of the time. Ya'll have this ping-pong click goin on. But I must say I'm happy just watching ya'll. YOUR FUNNY.8-[

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A ghost story:


The Ghostly Brigade



The Annual Devil’s Bend Halloween Festival was one party Hollis Hathaway didn’t intend to miss. The dark clouds had threatened rain all afternoon, so he climbed over the fence and took the shortcut across Thomason’s field hoping to beat the storm and not miss the fun. He could just hear his grandmother’s voice: “Don’t go near the graveyard in John Thomason’s field on Halloween! There’s things there not meant for man to see!”

“Granny was always full of old wives tales, though.” he muttered beneath his breath, and hurried on. Despite the pre-storm breeze, he could see the mist beginning to rise from the small creek that ran past the graveyard. He felt a shiver run down his back, but he shrugged it off and continued on. He didn’t want to get caught out in this field in the fog. One missed step and he could turn an ankle or worse, and that would sure put a damper on work for a few days. Hollis was paying so much attention to the ground that he failed to notice the mist starting to swirl and take form. It wasn’t until he looked up to get his bearings that he saw them. The long column of bedraggled soldiers, heads down, trudging along the creek toward the little wrought iron gate that guarded the entrance to the old cemetery. As he watched, Hollis could see the apparitions with surprising clarity. There was a soldier cradling his left arm in his right, the makeshift sling tied around his neck smudged with the grime of many days hard march. There were officers with their scabbards jostling at their sides, and the standard bearer, his Confederate flag hanging limply despite the breeze. Mesmerized, he watched the ghostly parade pass, one by one, each one vanishing as they reached the gate. As the last soldier disappeared, Hollis blinked, shook his head and ran the rest of the way to the town hall.

“ Why Hollis! You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” someone exclaimed as he burst into the hall.

“A whole brigade of them! Out by the old Confederate cemetery!” Hollis said breathlessly. The room was abuzz with excitement until Miss Martha, the town’s oldest citizen and venerable historian cleared her throat and the room quieted.

“‘Twas the ghost company you seen.” she said. “Confederate soldiers captured south of Atlanta and forced to march to the prison camp here. Records show they all died of influenza on the way, but my grandpappy was there. He said them soldiers arrived on October 31st only to find the camp was already full from a skirmish outside of Franklin. So they marched ‘em out to the field where the cemetery is, had ‘em dig their own graves, and shot ‘em dead right there on the spot. Now, on Halloween night, if the moon ain’t out and the mist rises, you can see them soldiers marching out to the cemetery, trying to tell their side of the story, I reckon.”




Y'all have a great day!

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I believe spirits live amongst us.


I believe we don't understand it all.


I believe that most of those who say they can wave a modified multitester in the air, and take readings that prove ghosts are there are mostly charlitans.



I don't believe those who say they have taken pictures of ghosts are all that reliable. Picture taking of ghosts can be flawed and maniupulated. Lord knows I took a picture of my nephew at his confirmation. On the film, there is a light like fire entering his mouth.... The Holy Spirit?????. Naw. Just a slow shutter speed coupled with a wall sconce and a fidgity 13 year old.


I don't belive spirits can hurt us.... unless we 'let' them.

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The site Step Ok is sure to attract the attention of people interested in photography with its two new softwares, Turbo Photo and Recompsit. You can download them for a reasonable price from the site and use them to get great pictures as in Turbo Photo, full control of exposure, color, quality and the problem oriented user interface improves the digital photo, and Recomposit is a photo masking and compositing tool which precisely isolates the image object from its background and merges it with others.

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The site Step Ok is sure to attract the attention of people interested in photography with its two new softwares' date=' Turbo Photo and Recompsit. You can download them for a reasonable price from the site and use them to get great pictures as in Turbo Photo, full control of exposure, color, quality and the problem oriented user interface improves the digital photo, and Recomposit is a photo masking and compositing tool which precisely isolates the image object from its background and merges it with others.[/quote']


wtf !?!? =P~

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