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Handguns Are Made For Killing!


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This is my weapon' date=' funny thing happened last night. My neighbor was throwing a party and one of the drunks got lost and opened my door instead of the door where there were party noises and music.


This was lying next to the door waiting for daddy to let him out, guess how long it took for ole-boy to close my door.........


Real "F-ing Quick"..




I had a pitbull but he was such a sweetheart that some guy broke in my backyard and stole him.

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JIDIMB' date=' what stopped you from joining?

A .50 is kinda like a Les Paul - how much do you wanna spend?


Bolt-action guns are $2k and up, the one like the M1982 (semi-auto) is around $8k.

Then there's the cost of care and feeding the beast....



Is he on the forum, or did he become a fan simply thru your tall tales of derring-do?

Give him my best!




He's on the forum. King Matthew is his nick. Yes, he is a conservative. We get along fine. Strangely he doesn't want to get naked with Shara Palin as I do. Maybe that's just a liberal thing. I think he is just to young for her. She's my age and damn she is hot.

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Yeah, that's a nice classic piece there, Mick!




What would be a reason for a .50 cal?
Because they don't make a .51 cal.

Because I can.

How fast will your car go?

How many square feet in your house?

How many bathrooms?


You get the idea....


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What would be a reason for a .50 cal? Other than target shooting can you use a weapon with such a large caliber round for hunting? I know in Ms you can't not enough hills and such. With something like that you can go after deer in North Dakota from Grand Forks in South Dakota


I don't know but i want one, I guess its the feeling of power.


It also comes from a piece of my shattered dream of becoming a sharp shooter for the Marine Corps.

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I have to agree. I see no other use for them' date=' there are better things to use if you go hunting, a handgun is useless for anything but killing people at close range.[/quote']




I know plenty of people that hunt with handguns with mounted scopes. I personally hit targets made for 25 yards all day with my .357 at 100 yards.


That old tired arguement is only used by people that would prefer all guns to be gone.

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I know plenty of people that hunt with handguns with mounted scopes. I personally hit targets made for 25 yards all day with my .357 at 100 yards.


That old tired arguement is only used by people that would prefer all guns to be gone.


I'm not sure if it is still legal in Indiana to hunt with a hand gun, but it was legal at one time to do so and I actually enjoyed not having to carry that heavy a$$ shotgun or muzzle loader around.

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I'm not sure if it is still legal in Indiana to hunt with a hand gun' date=' but it was legal at one time to do so and I actually enjoyed not having to carry that heavy a$$ shotgun or muzzle loader around. [/quote']


Yeah, not sure about Indiana. I know there are several places that still allow it...though you have to be using a large caliber.


OMG...don't get me started about lugging a muzzle loader around...gives one a whole new respect to our forefathers and how they had to survive with those beasts.

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Those are the worst photoshop jobs I have seen in a long time


What kind of crack are you on anyway? People use pistols for hunting boar all the time. Check out this site...they even have knife hunts (if you have the huevos for it). http://www.affordablehoghunts.com/gun_hunts.htm


And by the way...the guy I trained both our dogs with went hunting Russian Boar in Missouri with a pistol...so it isn't BS.

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Interesting...I haven't seen a Thompson Center pistol in quite a while...the bottom one looks like the Contender model.





I believe that is a contender. I got to hold one once, never got to take it to the range. I was my Friends Old Lady's Gun and they broke up before I had a chance to shoot it.


Single Shot .223 Pistol. I don't care what anyone says, I like .223's.

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The only gun I own now is a Colt .45acp Stainless steel.


I used to own a S&W .357 "L" frame that I always wanted to go boar hunting with but never got around to doing that. Oh well.


Perhaps one day I'll be able to buy one of my 3 desired guns - Thompson machine gun, M1-Garand, or a .454 Casull.

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Don't you miss voting in the Primaries? Assuming you used to belong to one party or another. I'd be an Independent but I like to Disagree with my own Party Members about Guns and Hunting and Knee-Jerk Environmental Policy.


I'm all for saving the environment' date=' Like Smart Logging and Hunting Restriction that Teddy Roosevelt started, but in these mountains we've protected the Coyotes to the point that they no longer fear humans and roam the streets, not to mention Bears Protected to the point of living in Campgrounds. Many of the fires we have in the San Bernardino Mountains wouldn't have gotten out of control if they hadn't regulated Wood Cutting out of the private citizens hands. 25 years ago, when Wood Cutting was a matter of getting a permit and trying to find enough dead wood to fill it (which was nearly impossible), the forest was Green and clear of burnable dead fuel. Shortly after they restricted it to commercial clearing only, the forests filled with dead wood and we have major fires.


Sorry, birdwalking off topic here......[/quote']


This kind of late and all but, yes I do miss voting in the primaries. Now I reregister every year for the party of the man or woman I do not want in office and vote for their same party opponents. You know, instead of McCain, I voted for say Romney or Huckabee or who ever.


In Mono County, the forrest service cuts the trees down and private citizens get to cut them up for wood and haul them away. I think it's like $20 a chord, but don't quote me one that.

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Guns. Cool!


I have a Remington 7400 B 30.06



Not my rifle, but a fairly good likeness of what mine looks like. (My wood is much darker)



and a Charles Daly Superior 12 ga,





both semi auto. I shoot through the door. Screw 'em.


(#6 shot Neo? not #00 or slugs?)



Thunder... follow Neo's lead and get a Mossburg pump. I'd go 12 gauge. For in home defense, it's pretty much "point and click".




So... You guys say a .357 for my first handgun? Glock Neo? I am just now starting to think about beginning to look into picking one up.



To shoot snakes. We live in the country, and while we don't have much, you never know when what we have will look like a small fortune in these economic times.


You know. To snakes.






(and no, I don't miss voting in the Primaries.)

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Thompson machine gun' date=' M1-Garand, or a .454 Casull.[/quote']

Casull is cool, but MAN what a beating you take! Brother in law has one, I don't even bother unless it has 45's in it.

I don't even shoot my own Desert Eagle....


The other two?

We got my father in law a Garand for Christmas last year, he's a 70 year old ex Marine - STILL hits a target!

My Dad loves 'em too.





I was fondling them at the NRA convention Saturday - after meeting Ted Nugent.

That and the H&K stuff like the MP-5.....

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