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5 months into President Obama’s first term, conservative voters and members of the RNC and Congress, seem yet to have gotten the message that their party is no longer in power. Despite a sound thrashing at the polls, conservatives continue to behave in a fashion that many believe led to their exile from power in the first place. In spite of President Obama’s overtures to bipartisanship (even though he wasn’t elected to be bi-partisan, he was elected the do the job), all he has received for his efforts are continued obstruction and derision from the right.


While a recession, not of President Obama’s making, rages through the U.S and around the world, rather than assist President Obama with thoughtful and creative ideas that would help remedy the issues, the conservatives busy themselves with a resolution to re-brand the left as “The Democrat Socialist Party” as well as continue to focus on cultural wedge issues that do nothing to solve the grave problems facing the U.S. and the world. Most on the left and many moderate conservatives, agree that this tack will very likely prolong and deepen the conservative’s irrelevance in the foreseeable future.


As an interesting side note, conservative denizens of the web site of a popular American brand of guitar, have been shown to be an illuminating microcosm of what seems to be at the root of conservatism falling out of favor. After an in depth examination of their posts, it’s a given that they exhibit rigidity of thought, an unwillingness to compromise, a tendency to try to shout down any opposing ideas, a “my way or the highway” stance on just about everything, as well as, an apparent lack of concern for the well being of their fellow Americans or anyone else with whom their ideology may differ.


When a left leaning independent was asked for his take on the circus the web site had become, he was heard to mutter something along the lines of, “boring”, ”what has this to do with guitars” and “PLEASE , FOR GOD’S SAKE, SHUT UP ALREADY”.


Nothing is expected to change anytime soon.


Your humble reporter

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...As an interesting side note' date=' conservative denizens of the web site of a popular American brand of guitar, have been shown to be an illuminating microcosm of what seems to be at the root of conservatism falling out of favor. After an in depth examination of their posts, it’s a given that they exhibit rigidity of thought, an unwillingness to compromise, a tendency to try to shout down any opposing ideas, a “my way or the highway” stance on just about everything, as well as, an apparent lack of concern for the well being of their fellow Americans or anyone else with whom their ideology may differ...[/quote']


You leftys are pretty freakin rigid too brother, if not, then the arguments wouldn't last so long or be so angry...People who live in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones...where did I hear that?:-

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As an interesting side note' date=' conservative denizens of the web site of a popular American brand of guitar, have been shown to be an illuminating microcosm of what seems to be at the root of conservatism falling out of favor. After an in depth examination of their posts, it’s a given that they exhibit rigidity of thought, an unwillingness to compromise, a tendency to try to shout down any opposing ideas, a “my way or the highway” stance on just about everything, as well as, an apparent lack of concern for the well being of their fellow Americans or anyone else with whom their ideology may differ.



Wow your heroic reporting from the trenches deserves a Peabody Award for the Excellence in Journalism. My only problem with your summation of how the war is actually going is so far from the truth that it leads me to wonder if you really did your homework or like most of the reporters from the liberal leaning New York Times, you've plagiarized your report or never even set foot in the trenches.


Far too many times, conservatives in the lounge are derided at every turn by your ilk. "Rigidity of thought," I THINK NOT.

Far too many times, a conservative voice "is" the voice of compromise.

Far too many times, "your" tendency to shout down anything that is pro-family or pro-life is mocked and ridiculed by the likes of you and your left leaning cabal.


Furthermore, your blindly written statement that conservatives "show a lack of concern for the well being of their fellow Americans," is quite frankly asinine. The entire waterboarding post supports this. Better to waterboard one terrorist and save thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of American and American allies lives. That includes you and your twisted, warped sense of what's really happening in the trenches.


A Great American once wrote: The lounge is a strange place, if you argue and get ugly AND your arguing for abortion or against God or for Gay marriage, that's acceptable. If you argue for God, against abortion, against gay marriage or against liberal policies, then you are a hater.


Tisk, Tisk.

Shame on you.

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Frankly, I'm not going to fret that Oblama is my president his arrogance will tarnish his star like all the rest before him. What's hard to stomach is the unmatched spending putting the future of this country (read your kids, grandkids, and mine) in a blackhole of debt they may never crawl out of. Of course if you are a leech living off the system your future is bright because you won't be paying it back anyway.


PS anyone notice that since the election not one word about bringing our troops home. Where's the outcry now? Anytime I asked someone why they were voting for B.O. the first answer came back "well I don't want 4 more yrs of Bush(who wasn't running anyway) and we gotta bring our troops home." Just saying.

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Isn't this special?





In spite of President Obama’s overtures to bipartisanship (even though he wasn’t elected to be bi-partisan' date=' he was elected the do the job), all he has received for his efforts are continued obstruction and derision from the right.[/quote'] Bipartisanship?

You mean continuing the policies of the previous administration once he was actually in office and faced with reality?

Funny how many of his bullsh!t capaign promises he has had to backpedal on now....


Just ask Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid what happens when you run on the populist wave needed for keeping power then acting on the harsh realities of the light of day. The idiot Left of San Francisco ran CINDY SHEEHAN in opposition to Pelosi to take her House seat in 2006 because she wasn't Liberal enough.



While a recession' date=' not of President Obama’s making,[/quote']Defeatocrats OWN this economy 100%.

Disagree all you want, you'll be not only wrong but foolish. I can roll the clock back to 2005 and walk you through it.

If it's to scary for you, I can spoon-feed you and hold your hand the whole time.



rather than assist President Obama with thoughtful and creative ideas that would help remedy the issues
"Thoughtful and creative" are code words for pie-in-the-sky and bullsh!t pipe dream.



the conservatives busy themselves with a resolution to re-brand the left as “The Democrat Socialist Party”
Oh no' date=' they did it to themselves.

Get mired in semantics if you want, but the truth is out there.

Tell me how we will pay off $11,000,000,000,000 in debt - 46 cents of every dollar the gov't spends is borrowed already.

[b']95% of Americans will get a tax break my ***.....[/b]



as well as continue to focus on cultural wedge issues that do nothing to solve the grave problems facing the U.S. and the world.
What's the last grave problem the Defeatocrats solved?

How many inept and impotent Defeatocrat administrations to you have to go back through before you can find one?

Good luck with that.



Most on the left and many moderate conservatives' date=' agree that this tack will very likely prolong and deepen the conservative’s irrelevance in the foreseeable future.[/quote']To borrow a Bush malapropism' date=' go ahead and "misunderestimate" me.






As an interesting side note' date=' conservative denizens of the web site of a popular American brand of guitar, have been shown to be an illuminating microcosm of what seems to be at the root of conservatism falling out of favor. After an in depth examination of their posts, it’s a given that they exhibit rigidity of thought, an unwillingness to compromise, a tendency to try to shout down any opposing ideas, a “my way or the highway” stance on just about everything, as well as, an apparent lack of concern for the well being of their fellow Americans or anyone else with whom their ideology may differ.[/quote']And here you are on said forum, stirring up sh!t and inviting dissent while making veiled and semi-witty attacks on people and ideologies. Your status as a hypocrite is duly noted and observed to be unwavering.

I applaud your convictions and respect your desire to "walk the walk"and maintain the illusion of intellectual superiority that Socialist-leaning Leftist Liberals so crave and cherish as their very essence of being....



When a left leaning independent was asked for his take on the circus the web site had become' date=' he was heard to mutter something along the lines of, “boring”, ”what has this to do with guitars” and “PLEASE , FOR GOD’S SAKE, SHUT UP ALREADY”.[/quote']Guess I missed that (if I cared to begin with) so can you cite the individual or provide proof?



Nothing is expected to change anytime soon.
If you want compromise' date=' then do it my way.




Your humble reporter
You're neither one.
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