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Stuff you never understood

Silenced Fred

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The really odd thing about country - and I've played a bit of it for money - is that it seems to me to be more artist dependent than any other factor.


E.g., Here's Willy Nelson singing Irving Berlin stuff.


A lot of country has used what otherwise would definitely be considered Jazz progressions.


Listen to a pedal steel some time and figure the chords. Ain't I-IV-V, strait out, for sure.


I may be wrong on this, but I think "country" is a combination of artist-dependent music (the artist identifies as "country") and a type of music that generally might be hummed by someone rather easily and quickly.


I think that's true from the era of the Carter Family, though a time when it was in a direct crossover with pop complete to violins in the background, not fiddles, and now into an era where it's about a third rock, a third blues and a third some traditional "country" instrumental sound.



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I'll never understand how political content will get zapped in a split m@ther-fxcking second unless you're just posting sh!t about Bush/Republicans/Christians/Conservatives and generally spouting sh!t to the world.


Oh' date=' and how George Bush Junior got re-elected. no sense at all... [/quote']

From a foreign country to boot....


I seem to recall Rule #18 getting tossed about quite a bit here.

In case you don't remember which is which, here's a quick reminder.


18. No Racial, Religious, or Political post will be allowed on the forums.


Mention Obama/Democrats/healthcare in a thread without sufficient prayers and praise and SLAM!





So, Duane, what's the deal, eh?


We gonna call a spade a spade, or will the Guitar Forum Double Standard be kept alive and well?

Trust me, I can post me sum political content if we're gonna allow it....



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I don't get most of those things either [cool]


One more thing: as far as I know' date=' the Gibson Custom Shop doesn't really make "Custom" guitars, just versions of models with different features.


Do they make one offs like other guitar companies? Where you get to pick the specs?[/quote']

Exactly, how come someone can't order a G-1275 Double Neck with an EB-0 Bass neck instead of the Twelve. Or a Les Paul with a 25.5 inch Scale, I'd save up for one of those.

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I never understood how others outside our country feel compelled to comment on it. Like they have a better insight into what we should be doing from a distance.


Then always save face by saying it was all in fun and how we can't take a joke.


Ahh us humorless Americans if we would just love everyone that hates us then everything would be utopic.


I'm sure your country has a multitude of issues that frankly I wouldn't think about digging you about. Then again if your country is the size of vermont what issues could there be?


Merry Christmas

I'm done


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I never understood how others outside our country feel compelled to comment on it. Like they have a better insight into what we should be doing from a distance.


Then always save face by saying it was all in fun and how we can't take a joke.


Ahh us humorless Americans if we would just love everyone that hates us then everything would be utopic.


I'm sure your country has a multitude of issues that frankly I wouldn't think about digging you about. Then again if your country is the size of vermont what issues could there be?


Merry Christmas

I'm done




Hey Cookie,


perhaps I should let this pass, perhaps I should not. Perhaps americans should always bear in mind that everything that goes on in their country politicaly, has an immediate effect on almost every other country of this planet. Fyi, the USA has interfered in numerous ways in the political affairs of both my country and the country I currently live in, since the end of WW II. Of course it was a joke and of course I still cannot understand how that re-election happened.


My countries combined are smaller than Oregon most probably but have huge issues, unfortunately. And finally, it's not americans that we hate! For heaven's sake, we grow up on american culture since we are toddlers! It's Bush and their foreign policy that we come to dislike (the least...).


Merry Christmas to you and your family mate. Wishing you the very best of holidays!

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I never understood how others outside our country feel compelled to comment on it. Like they have a better insight into what we should be doing from a distance.


Then always save face by saying it was all in fun and how we can't take a joke.


Ahh us humorless Americans if we would just love everyone that hates us then everything would be utopic.


I'm sure your country has a multitude of issues that frankly I wouldn't think about digging you about. Then again if your country is the size of vermont what issues could there be?


Merry Christmas

I'm done




For Chrissakes mate. Stop being such a big bloody sook!


Fu*k,you blokes come across as a bunch of whining school girls sometimes.


Oh poor humourless me,boo fuc*ing hoo. Sheesh,let it go.

Don't take it to heart mate. Hector made a call.Simple.


Now take a deep breath and go and have a nice cup of hot chocolate.With a marshmallow in it.

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Hey Cookie' date='


perhaps I should let this pass, perhaps I should not. Perhaps americans should always bear in mind that everything that goes on in their country politicaly, has an immediate effect on almost every other country of this planet. Fyi, the USA has interfered in numerous ways in the political affairs of both my country and the country I currently live in, since the end of WW II. Of course it was a joke and of course I still cannot understand how that re-election happened.


My countries combined are smaller than Oregon most probably but have huge issues, unfortunately. And finally, it's not americans that we hate! For heaven's sake, we grow up on american culture since we are toddlers! It's Bush and their foreign policy that we come to dislike (the least...).


Merry Christmas to you and your family mate. Wishing you the very best of holidays![/quote']


Comment or let it pass makes no difference to me. Since you are non specific as to where you live I can't make comments on your countries policies and political faux pas. Not that I would but what ya fail to realize that when you rip my president Dem or Rep as our elected official you rip me as well. I think interfered is your key word there and hopefully in the future we let you figure it out for yourselves.




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Exactly' date=' how come someone can't order a G-1275 Double Neck with an EB-0 Bass neck instead of the Twelve. Or a Les Paul with a 25.5 inch Scale, I'd save up for one of those.[/quote']


I mean it would only be minor variations on what they already make. If I could get a 335 with a stripped neck, Gloss Black finish on the body [thumbup]


It wouldn't be too much work (I think) offering different finishes and choices of necks, or pickups and the like, but they would make a lot more people happy. I mean, PRS does it, and I think they are doing pretty well....

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As mentioned before' date=' ''Intolerance''.



Oh, and absense of humor... [/quote']

That sounds awfully judgmental, intolerant, and arrogant coming from somebody NOT living in the United States.

For YOU to set the rules for what constitutes "humor" in the wake of that sort of insult demonstrates clearly that

you have no clue what the Big Picture is in this nation and the path to Socialist Hell we're on now.


Making light of it is one thing - when that fails the prudent thing would be to back off and move along.

Your "humor" failed, especially considering Rule 18.

You OBVIOUSLY missed the broader point of my post where that was mentioned.

Yet still you insist that somehow you are right?


For perspective, answer only this one question for me - do you make over $50,000 a year?

Yes, it matters.




Next leg of the Obama Worldwide Apology Tour should be after the New Year, maybe you can attend one of

his Propaganda Rallies and join in on the "Let's Neuter America Like Europe" discussions, eh?





Let's hearken back to those thrilling days of yesteryear when Al Gore was running for President;

Are you fxcking KIDDING?

THAT IDIOT in the White House?

He's proven solidly what sort of "statesman" he is once he found a crowd of people to believe his stupidity.

The ones stupid enough to believe him have made him immensely wealthy because polar bears are dying?

Turns out the bears are doing just fine despite Al's film footage - but hey, he won an Oscar!!!


Four years later, we could have chosen John 'Lurch' Kerry.

Oh yeah, a gold-digging, military-hating, pseudo-intellectual vet.

From a long line of fine public 'servants' in Taxachussetts like Bawney Fwank and the entire Kennedy clan.


If Bush really was as stupid as some want to believe (He was my Governor in Texas before) He was still my choice.


Need I say more?


I will anyway.


The King Of Pomp?

Watching the 2008 election night media frenzy (with the media itself on camera) continue to expand and

morph into some sort of Twilight Zone episode including a cast of millions, I'm surprised at just how many

people of this nation were in a state of near hysteria.

Breathless, tearful declarations and heart-wrenching testimonials from people of all walks of life - well, mostly

Hollywood morons and "news" reporters - are hailing the election of Barack Obama as if it's the Beatles on Ed

Sullivan all over again.

Folks, this ain't 1964. This isn't Elvis.


Then I had an epiphany;

Anybody old enough to remember the early eighties, and Michael Jackson on the new MTV, can testify how

The Gloved One was in every speaker in America with Billy Jean. A couple years later he released his Thriller

album and the World's Superstar was then subsequently crowned as the "King Of Pop."


Michael Jackson was inescapable, playing on every radio and TV station, in every elevator and doctor's office,

making white suburban kids act like fools while they struggled to develop some rhythm and a sense of soul to

get all the moves down.

No matter what Jackson did, people swooned and fainted in his aura.

No matter how far out, freaky, tasteless, tactless, or simply stupid his actions were, millions across the nation

and around the world were smitten to the extent they no longer cared what anybody thought of them.


His spending habits are legendary, and he endeavored to create his very own Utopian world and make himself

the center of it all. Money meant nothing to him, because more would always come tomorrow.

Failing to acknowledge and validate the SuperStardom of Michael Jackson was considered terminally uncool....


I look at the world of 2008 and the people from all races and walks of life making complete and utter fools of

themselves and think; Neverland Ranch comes to D.C.


My God, I think we've just elected Michael Jackson.


Get mad.

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Okay, fine.

I'm not angry, just calling 'em like I see 'em.




Funny how quick people are to point out those who would disagree with them are 'angry' or such.

Seems like a diversionary tactic for school children or oh-so-politically-correct adults to try to minimize the

position of others by insinuating that their 'anger' and other 'issues' make them unreasonable.


My position is the same as always;

Disagree with me all you want, now prove me wrong.


We'll see who gets angry.


I can predict the outcome of that one every time.



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See my reference to 'anger' in my previous post.


I guess you're one of them too?




Oh, who cares?


I'm THRILLED that Rule 18 will no longer burden my Freedom of Expression!!!



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Well yes, I must be one of them....if you think so, then it is certainly truth.


Now back to the original topic of the thread....


I don't understand the YouTube obsession....why are people uploading videos of them doing/saying nothing? And asking for ratings?! Why do people care how many views they get on their pointless videos?

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Just sayin'




Posters can edit themselves to remain within the boundaries of the agreed-upon rules....

Or get their d!ck slapped into the dirt.


Wait' date=' maybe that just depends on whose side you're talking sh!t about, eh?



I can't believe 60 million people in the United States voted for Hope & Change without knowing the cost.

I [b']hope[/b] they can dig some change out of their sofa cushions to pay their fxcking taxes....

Here we go with "Gibson has a liberal lean" again. Sigh. Despite the fact that they allow a person with a POLITICAL nickname to post here (thus littering his POLITICAL name all over the boards), he insists theres some how a liberal lean on the forum [cursing] . Dude let it go. Come on here and just post about something that follows the rules like most do. If you see ANY political post just point it out for deletion. If you RESPOND to it then you are equally as guilty as they are.


I am not saying you are wrong to point out an "out-of-bounds" post, just saying you are "out-of-bounds" if you respond to it in a "political" manner. Also, please get ever the "Gibson liberal lean" stuff man, no one is buying it.

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Jeez Neo' date=' a little defensive there aren't we? Stop being so delicate, I wasn't talking about you.....I wasn't even a part of your "discussion"...so its not all about you. Well, to you it is...but not to me. [/quote']

[biggrin] The world is out to get me!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!

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Well, at least I'm sure YOU are Bol....




Haven't seen you here in months but you always manage to jump right in the middle of any sh!t-stirring, eh?


More than just a coincidence - just sayin'....





"Welcome to the jungle Baby...."

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