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Haiti cursed?

Andre S

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Earth is a living planet, it's in constant change. Some people can't deal with or understand that so they come up with fairy tales to explain it.

The disaster in Haiti is to a great degree the result of poor unregulated cinstruction. If the builings didn't collapse there would not be as much death and destruction. If Haiti is cursed it is because of poor management.

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Thanks G-pa ........there is no building code in Haiti ............and hey if you make a pact with the devil are'nt you suposed to be living large etc.

Fu_k Mr. Robertson and the non-existant evil forces he believes in. .........and I am right here in VA Beach not a few miles from his HQ and

Regent University where the main goal is to turn out lawyers to work toward turning the United States into a theocracy.

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Thanks G-pa ........there is no building code in Haiti ............and hey if you make a pact with the devil are'nt you suposed to be living large etc.

Fu_k Mr. Robertson and the non-existant evil forces he believes in. .........and I am right here in VA Beach not a few miles from his HQ and

Regent University where the main goal is to turn out lawyers to work toward turning the United States into a theocracy.


ROFLMAO!!! They'd better hurry up! beavisnbutthead.gifseesaw.gifyay2.gif

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Let me tell ya little story bout some TV..vangelist and how there divine ways intersected me and my heathen self.

So back when I was about 16 or so I got the mail and a package......I opened it up and it was a cheap metal sculpture of some dude with a sword

standing on another dude on a base of rock.........in the literature with this "thing" was the information that arelative of my Dad and mine's

had made us lifetime members in the PTL club and we could go to they're massive theme park and rejoice etc. So some unknown relative of mine had given these PTL people $2000 dollars to make us members...........

OK now I don't really understand the actual money swindle at first cause it is'nt my money....and I got this statue.....and a promise of a week or 2 at some theme park.


Cut to the chase....this was Jim and Tammy Baker's overselling scheme on a park yet to be built.........and jump forward many years I was a plantiff

in the class action against their illeagal oversale on a non-existant comodity................even though I did'nt pay them the iniial $2000 I was the one

any recourse would be sent to.


The case was won against the PTL club and I got a check for $2.17...............thats right ........to bad I don't belive in hell cause Jim and Tammy deserve

to burn in one. The relative of mine who spent her money was swindled by the snake oil salesmen of today.........***** shoulda sent me the money direct.

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There is nothing easier to sell then spiritual salvation, the fear of the unknown is a powerful incentive.

If God created man in his image, Man created religion in his image. You do not have to send money to anyone to save your soul. If you want a relationship with God you do not need a religion, you need faith.

When Jesus went to the temple he did so to scold those who preached there, he went to force the money changers from the temple. When Jesus delivered a sermon he did so where?

On Mounds, in gardens, while standing in a fishing boat with listeners congregated on shore, in the streets of the cities where the poor where gathered, and finally from a cross.

His message was simple, have faith, no religion required.

I'll get off my box now.

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Earth is a living planet' date=' it's in constant change. Some people can't deal with or understand that so they come up with fairy tales to explain it.

The disaster in Haiti is to a great degree the result of poor unregulated cinstruction. If the builings didn't collapse there would not be as much death and destruction. If Haiti is cursed it is because of poor management.[/quote']


:-({|= :-({|=

While i sympathise with death, destruction and tragedy i fully agree with you. this is an evolving planet and we Fecked the planet, now we are just reaping what we had sewn

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:-({|= :-({|=

While i sympathise with death' date=' destruction and tragedy i fully agree with you. this is an evolving planet and we Fecked the planet, now we are just reaping what we had sewn[/quote']



So the quakes are a result of our hedonism? That makes as much sense as a pact with the devil.

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After the jan 12th quake' date=' and 40 aftershocks, there was a6.0 quake in haiti again today! WTF? Also quakes in argentina and venezuela and california? [/quote']


Yup. Study up on plate tectonics. The land under which you stand is part of a giant tectonic plate. Call it a skin that covers the earth. Although it isn't a single monolithic skin. It is made up of many sections that butt up against each other. They are moving, albeit inches per year. Some more than others. Visualize it as a frozen lake with bunches of cracks making up segments fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle. The plate upon which most of Haiti rides is moving at a different rate than the one next to it. One plate gets ahead of another and causes tension where they meet. One of the two bends like a fishing pole. At some point the tension overpowers the friction which prevents them from moving together and in an instant the lagging plate catches up. This sudden movement of several inches to a foot is what causes the plates to shake.


Using the fishing pole as our model, stand a pole up in front of your face. Pull back on the tip of the pole, away from your face. This represents the built up tension. Now release it. O-O-W! [cool] . That simulates the violence of the earth quake.


Some earth quakes are one off events followed by mild tremors, some earthquakes come in swarms of multiple violent shakes interspersed with milder tremors until, eventually, it all settles down for a decade or century or two. Today is just Haiti's turn.


Some tectonic plates rub up against each other like two cars sideswiping each other in adjacent lanes. Some rear-end the one ahead of it. Some crash head-on. Haiti's like the San Andreas in California are sideswiping each other.


These plates are scattered all over the earth. They but up against each other like cars in a traffic jam. When one lurches forward the energy is transmitted to each adjoining plate, one after the other. Each plate absorbs and dissipates the energy as it shakes. So, the farther you get from the epicenter of the earth quake, the less each successive plate shakes. So it isn't surprising that a major movement in one part of the world coincides with other tremors or quakes in another part of the world, especially if the quakes are in the same hemisphere.


Your ability to feel the quake while you eat your morning bagel is affected by the make up of the bedrock below you as well as the subsoil and soil underneath you.

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Thanks G-pa ........there is no building code in Haiti ............


Trouble is the country is so poor they cannot afford to build with anything but un-reinforced concrete. That... and life isn't valued very highly in that part of the world.


and hey if you make a pact with the devil are'nt you suposed to be living large etc.


Rest assured, if a pact was made, those who made it and their political descendants are living the good life. Most of the people we are spoon fed by the talking heads??? Not so much. Another reason we shouldn't be sending cash. Send you cash to the state-side groups who are doing the helping. Just make sure they don't send cash. Just food, water and medicine.

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