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Tube Overdrive / Tube Distiortion


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Why do some makers name their pedals "tube overdrive" or "tube distortion" when there are no tubes in them?


While we are at that, why do some call their delay units "analog delay" when everything in the circuit responds to digital modeling and stuff like that?


And of course... why doesn't gibson create a whole new classification/body style group name "chambered" to labbel their guitars instead of just offering them as solid body, hollow and semihollow?

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I think it's really lame... people that trust what a brand is selling get ripped off for trusting that brand.


Lots of guys trust what brands say because, you know, if it was on guitar magazine's add it must be true! same goes for any item sold by a huge retailer... they wouldn't sell something that is not what the maker says it is, would they? [cool]

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Why do some makers name their pedals "tube overdrive" or "tube distortion" when there are no tubes in them?


While we are at that' date=' why do some call their delay units "analog delay" when everything in the circuit responds to digital modeling and stuff like that?


And of course... why doesn't gibson create a whole new classification/body style group name "chambered" to labbel their guitars instead of just offering them as solid body, hollow and semihollow?






Because it is false advertising, to get people to buy their product, its all a gimmick.


False advertising is a bad word choice, how about selective truths? [-(

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Well, here's my two bits.


The problem is one guitar makers and others have had for years. For example, in Gibson acoustics, what's "jumbo?" The Gibbie website even took this on and noted that terms changed.


What, for example, is an "acoustic amp?" We all kinda know what's intended, but...


I do agree that a chambered vs. solid LP, for example, should be so labeled. Heck, I've gotta admit that as a non LP type guy, I don't know which model would be which.


But again, I think that the guitar "business" always has had more than a bit of a problem in defining body shapes and construction techniques. Then when solid state came into amplification - I couldn't have bought a solid state amp in the era when I started playing, 'cuz they didn't exist - there arose even greater problems with terminology. Like my old Deluxe Reverb's 22 watts (as I recall, I may be wrong off the top of my head) was louder than a lotta 100-watt solid state jobbies.


So... I think for the foreseeable future those of us who do care, have to do a lot more checking into the build of stuff and, too, I guess the bottom line is still trying something to see if we like it.


But then, it's not that much different with other "products" either. I think language - and not just "English" - is undergoing a lot of stress nowadays. Where once few people were concerned about spelling and considered meaning vital, we've gone to considering spelling vital and meanings as ephemeral.



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Jocko nailed one kinda weakness to this forum...


Yeah, I thought the guy ecstatic with his Epi got treated poorly, and very unkindly.


I'd far prefer an Epi to a lotta other brands, and the Gibson backing of the product is a major reason.


It's kinda like some have said nasty things about an even less expensive line run out by Gibson. I'd prefer seeing some kid buy one of them than a lot of other "Walmart" brands. But then, that's just my opinion and I'm the last to claim perfection on anything with the "Gibson" name on it in one way or another.


Kindness to somebody here because they want to know more about guitars, and Gibson brands, is more important to me than whether we get into an argument over politics. Guitar playing can cover over a lot of political differences if it's really important to us.


And it is to me, in spite of some pretty strong political opinions. Pete Seeger and I don't seem to agree on a lotta politics, but I'll tell you, he likely was a major factor in how I learned how to play guitar and banjo, and politics had not a darned thing to do with it. I doubt seriously he'd be insulted by a political libertarian/conservative praising his pickin' and pickin' style teaching stuff from the '60s.



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As to the "proud Epi owner," this forum should have welcomed him, as warmly as any Gibson

owner...IMHO. This Epi (and other brand) bashing, is childish...and counter productive. Now, that "Epi"

owner, may never buy another "Gibson Family" product, based on what he encounted here. Who

could blame him. Gibson owns Epiphone, backs Epiphone, and...so what, if they're made in Asia,

they're damn fine guitars, especially for the price point. He probably purchased the best guitar he could,

within his his budget, and one has to remember, that not all people can afford Gibson's, or just don't want

to pay that kind of money, for a "guitar."


There's nothing wrong, with being proud of our Gibson's...as long as we don't make other's feel "inferior,"

just because they can't afford, or choose not to spend that kind of money, on their guitars. Besides, "Variety

IS the spice of life!"



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Why do some makers name their pedals "tube overdrive" or "tube distortion" when there are no tubes in them?


While we are at that' date=' why do some call their delay units "analog delay" when everything in the circuit responds to digital modeling and stuff like that?


And of course... why doesn't gibson create a whole new classification/body style group name "chambered" to labbel their guitars instead of just offering them as solid body, hollow and semihollow?






I couldnt agree with you more Thunder. Theres alot of smoke & mirrors in the guitar world.

As far as Gibson is concerned, I dont know why they are still allowed to classify USA's as "Solid body"

Dont lawyers look into these things?


I bought my first Lester in 1991. I had no idea it wasnt solid. I just assumed.

A fool such as I !

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As to the "proud Epi owner' date='" this forum should have welcomed him, as warmly as any Gibson

owner...IMHO. This Epi (and other brand) bashing, is childish...and counter productive. Now, that "Epi"

owner, may never buy another "Gibson Family" product, based on what he encounted here. Who

could blame him. Gibson owns Epiphone, backs Epiphone, and...so what, if they're made in Asia,

they're damn fine guitars, especially for the price point. He probably purchased the best guitar he could,

within his his budget, and one has to remember, that not all people can afford Gibson's, or just don't want

to pay that kind of money, for a "guitar."


There's nothing wrong, with being proud of our Gibson's...as long as we don't make other's feel "inferior,"

just because they can't afford, or choose not to spend that kind of money, on their guitars. Besides, "Variety

IS the spice of life!"








Great post (as always).



My thread actually goes somewhere else... Im not against epis and don't think it's wrong of people who buys them to come here... they are after all guitars licensed by gibson and part of the gibson family of brands.


My thread was actually about brands/makers not being direct and telling people up front what they are getting.


I posted it after a guy told me he opened his behringer (plastic) tube overdrive pedal and didn't find a tube in there.


Todd's comment about them being made to overdrive tubes is something us guitar geeks would know, but not the average joe that goes to a guitar store for his first pedal ... he sees "TUBE" and thinks it's going to open heaven's gates (tonally speaking) to him and his squier-roland cube rig for only 20 bucks.


It's all a lie, and makers know it.

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Because TG, every single product on this planet, in every manufacturing process, before reaches the end user, is approved, financed and named by MARKETEERS. Not the people who design the product, not those who build it and not those who will actually use it. But by people who have been ''educated' to SELL products. And they use ''smoked and mirrors'' as Deep Blue mentioned, in order to accomplish their target.


Lesson of the day: Before making any major purchasing decision INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY. If nothing else, we got the net nowadays! And forums like this one...

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As to the "proud Epi owner' date='" this forum should have welcomed him, as warmly as any Gibson

owner...IMHO. This Epi (and other brand) bashing, is childish...and counter productive. Now, that "Epi"

owner, may never buy another "Gibson Family" product, based on what he encounted here. Who

could blame him. Gibson owns Epiphone, backs Epiphone, and...so what, if they're made in Asia,

they're damn fine guitars, especially for the price point. He probably purchased the best guitar he could,

within his his budget, and one has to remember, that not all people can afford Gibson's, or just don't want

to pay that kind of money, for a "guitar."


There's nothing wrong, with being proud of our Gibson's...as long as we don't make other's feel "inferior,"

just because they can't afford, or choose not to spend that kind of money, on their guitars. Besides, "Variety

IS the spice of life!"







You, my friend, are a man of many words. All you said is true, I don't get the whole Epi hate, but I also never got into rivalries...


I really like the Epi Sheraton, but I want a 335 [biggrin] Why? The name recognition? No I couldn't care less, for me, I want American Made, I have had too many problems with foreign made guitars (wiring, construction, etc)


Am I going to have to wait longer to get it? Yes, but to me, it is worth it. Epiphone makes great guitars and meets a price point.

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You' date=' my friend, are a man of many words. All you said is true, I don't get the whole Epi hate, but I also never got into rivalries...


I really like the Epi Sheraton, but I want a 335 [biggrin Why? The name recognition? No I couldn't care less, for me, I want American Made, I have had too many problems with foreign made guitars (wiring, construction, etc)


Am I going to have to wait longer to get it? Yes, but to me, it is worth it. Epiphone makes great guitars and meets a price point.


I understand, Fred...truly. But, in my experience, with my own "Epiphones" both domestic (Vintage) and

Asian made, I have never encounted a construction problem. I have encounted the electronics problems,

from time to time. BUT, I've had bad switches and pots, poor soldering, and even dead pickups, on

Gibson's, too. I toss it all off, to "Mass produced" whether or not it's in the USA or Asia. Don't get me wrong,

I love my Gibsons, but I've had (small) problems, with them, as much as any other guitars I own. Ironically,

the fret work, on ALL my "cheaper Asian Epi's," is much nicer, overall, than several of my much more expensive

Gibsons, which required work, that the Epi's didn't. Was I just Lucky? Maybe...but, it was certainly noticed!



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I was wondering if the mods were going to say something to the respected

forum regulars (thats a joke in it's self) but I never saw a word said. I have

felt bad for a lot of people who come in and post for the first time and get

treated poorly.



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I understand' date=' Fred...truly. But, in my experience, with my own "Epiphones" both domestic (Vintage) and

Asian made, I have never encounted a construction problem. I have encounted the electronics problems,

from time to time. BUT, I've had bad switches and pots, poor soldering, and even dead pickups, on

Gibson's, too. I toss it all off, to "Mass produced" whether or not it's in the USA or Asia. Don't get me wrong,

I love my Gibsons, but I've had (small) problems, with them, as much as any other guitars I own. Ironically,

the fret work, on ALL my "cheaper Asian Epi's," is much nicer, overall, than several of my much more expensive

Gibsons, which required work, that the Epi's didn't. Was I just Lucky? Maybe...but, it was certainly noticed!





I have never seen a construction problem with an Epiphone, I meant nothing against them but some *cough* Squier *cough* brands that shall not be named [cool] I have experienced construction problems with. Such as necks being extremely fluky, and stuff like that.

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Why do some makers name their pedals "tube overdrive" or "tube distortion" when there are no tubes in them?


While we are at that' date=' why do some call their delay units "analog delay" when everything in the circuit responds to digital modeling and stuff like that?


And of course... why doesn't gibson create a whole new classification/body style group name "chambered" to labbel their guitars instead of just offering them as solid body, hollow and semihollow?






3 word story............To sell product!!


everyone wants "that tube tone".......so thats what they promise.

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I was wondering if the mods were going to say something to the respected

forum regulars (thats a joke in it's self) but I never saw a word said. I have

felt bad for a lot of people who come in and post for the first time and get

treated poorly.





For a minute there I thought you were talking about me... but


a) I don't get no respect so...




[biggrin] I didn't pile on him like some did.


I also own an epi and have owned more than 12 of them in the past. Great guitars.








(the picture above is to be taken as a tribute to one of the funniest men to ever walk the earth, not as disrespectful or anything like it).

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