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Roller coaster week


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Started off the week wearing a Holter monitor on my heart. Felt dumb walking around with cables sticking out from between my shirt buttons and a box in my shirt pocket. Made sleeping a challenge too. Not to mention the sponge baths. Wednesday they took it off and an hour later I took one of my cats, 11 year old Spooky, to the vet and found out he had Chronic Renal Failure. The next 24 hours I agonized about doing the Right Thing.




Thursday afternoon he went back to the vet and the Right Thing was done.


Friday a guy gave me a 4 foot by 6 foot wide metal cabinet stuffed full of Sams Photofacts from 1962 to 1971, thousands of schematics, which will be dumped on ebay and is free money regardless of how little it brings. In the process of loading all this crap in a vicious snowstorm I screwed my back up. It takes me several minutes to stand up now...yay! Good times.


Friday was my Golden Retriever's 14th birthday, and yes, we had cake (call me weird).




Then Friday night I missed a refinished early 50s Gibson LG-1 that sold on ebay for $338 but a few minutes later I sold an old set of Fender tuners on ebay for $117.


I've had quite enough of the ups and downs of this past week. I'd buy a lottery ticket but I'd probably smash into the gas pumps as I left.

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I'm so sorry about Spooky. I have a 17-year old with advanced renal failure. Last December I took her into the vet when she stopped eating. That's when I found out. They got her fixed up and all I wanted was for her to see one more summer. She did. It cost me $2700.00. Before you say 'lucky you got that kind of money', I'll tell you that I don't have that kind of money. I'm still paying for it. But Mini saw another summer. She's still hanging in there but I know it's inevitable.


I've had a sh** week too. I'm glad you got some good in with the bad. I've spent the last month being jerked around by car dealerships. I spent tonight (earlier) in tears over it. Don't feel bad about the doggy party. I've had birthday parties for pets before. I've stuck candles in cans of tuna and sung Happy Birthday to cats. Every morning I sing 'How Much Is That Birdy In The Window' to a wild pigeon named Peggy. I'm okay with being weird, it's interesting.


Hang in there, Scott. We love ya.

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The whole Spooky thing is rough but we all knew it had to be done. The hard part is separating our selfishness to keep a pet around when they are clearly suffering from doing the right thing for them. There's never a universal answer. In '88 I had a big black Lab/Golden/Newoundland mix with bone cancer. I had one of his front legs amputated and he made it through the operation fine, then died the next day, possibly from a blood clot or something.... who knows.... and what difference would it make? A few years later I had a 14 year old Golden/Collie mix that I thought sure needed to be put down. She seemed to have just 'snapped' and lost all motor function, was confused, stumbled and tripped all over. Turns out she had a stroke. We put her on some weird bovine extract pill at $30 a month. She recovered about 80% of her motor function and we had her another year before nature took over. Tough call. Never black and white.


I think what eases the blow is the fact that all of my pets are spoiled rotten. Not much time elapses between episodes of them getting the snot squeezed out of them by someone. Over the years I've felt a lot worse losing a pet when I wished I had spent more time with them. Not much danger of that happening at this stage in my life; they run the house. Buddy weighs about 80 lbs and my wife weighs about 95, so it's a pretty even match as to who is going to be on the couch cushion next to me.


Mick, they take that heart monitor and upload the info from it onto a computer and analyze it that way. Same idea as what you mentioned, just lower tech. In '83 a Dr called it Wolfe Parkinson White Syndrome, then another Dr called it Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrulation in '92. I was on Beta Blockers (Atenolol) until a couple years ago when I finally figured out there were emotional side effects to the Atenolol; not pretty. They switched me to Toprol, which isn't really a beta blocker, it just slows the heart down. I asked my Dr if she'd find me something else, something that kept the wiring in my heart in check but didn't make me want to walk in front of a bus. She insisted I wear the monitor so we can fgure out once and for all wtf my heart issue is. Like she said, all we have to go on are old ekg's from a quarter century ago and they've advanced that technology a lot.


And Karen, I also have 'outside' pets; chickadees, mourning doves, and blue jays. I go through about 20 lbs of sunflower seed and wild bird food a week. I'm about ready to claim them on my taxes.

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I'm very sorry for your loss.... and everyone knows what a pet lover I am.


You know we all have "those weeks" at times. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug.


I like to call them "Anti-Midas Days", (you know... when everything your touch turns to crap).


The unfortunate thing about pets is that they usually live out their life, and leave us before we're ready to let them go. I currently have nine Pugs who live with me, (and several more who are scattered throughout the state). Every one of them is super precious to me.


Also, I FINALLY got my mouth back in shape... I've had one problem after another since July....cracked tooth resulting in a root canal...that got botched and had to be redone.... before I could get the crown on that tooth, my one and only other crown broke....


I also got my annual physical, (is it called an "annual" physical because the Dr. has to check our prostate?). Both my parents died from cancer...my mother was diagnosed with cancer when she was exactly my age. My father was diagnosed with cancer at 73, but was told he'd had the tumor for about 20 years....so he was much younger than I am. So of course I am constantly on the lookout for that dreaded disease. I believe my heart won't kill me...but who knows.


Anyway, rest assured that you'll have better weeks.

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Sorry to hear about Smokey... It is a tough decision, either way you go.


Just be sure you don't plug that new FirstAct into the wrong box on your belt. [thumbup]


Then again... just for giggles, plug the FA into the heart box, play a few riffs, then see what kind of feedback you get from the lab. heh, heh. [cool]

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I was given a bunch of old electronic crap last week. A signal generator of some sort, a digital generator for working on old tvs (generates a grid pattern so the CRT can be adjusted), and some weird piece of military equipment called a wavemeter. Between that junk, the microwave, and the First Act I might have really freaked out the EKG.

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Has been a tough week for us also, but still sorry for the hardships your facing. I also have had a rough week when a good personal friend I have known for 15 years and worked with everyday lost his life in the line of duty last week he pulled over a vehicle for a traffic infraction and the vehicle passenger shot the officer in the face and close range and without any conflict. A high speed chase took place and with more than 50 other officers in a pursuit the vehicle was stopped and both suspects were taken into custody after a extended gun battle both suspects were hit several times but sadly the wounds were not life threatening.


Eric is survived by a ex-wife and two young children. He was a truly great guy funny and always willing to help with anything the world will be a darker place without him protecting our streets. The funeral and procession is tomorrow so hopefully the closure can start after that. The closure would be a tad easier if Arizona brought back hanging if there has ever been a case where death penalty is the answer this gets my vote.

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Has been a tough week for us also' date=' but still sorry for the hardships your facing. I also have had a rough week when a good personal friend I have known for 15 years and worked with everyday lost his life in the line of duty last week he pulled over a vehicle for a traffic infraction and the vehicle passenger shot the officer in the face and close range and without any conflict. A high speed chase took place and with more than 50 other officers in a pursuit the vehicle was stopped and both suspects were taken into custody after a extended gun battle both suspects were hit several times but sadly the wounds were not life threatening.


Eric is survived by a ex-wife and two young children. He was a truly great guy funny and always willing to help with anything the world will be a darker place without him protecting our streets. The funeral and procession is tomorrow so hopefully the closure can start after that. The closure would be a tad easier if Arizona brought back hanging if there has ever been a case where death penalty is the answer this gets my vote. [/quote']


Oh man... makes me sick to my stomach.......

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Has been a tough week for us also' date=' but still sorry for the hardships your facing. I also have had a rough week when a good personal friend I have known for 15 years and worked with everyday lost his life in the line of duty last week he pulled over a vehicle for a traffic infraction and the vehicle passenger shot the officer in the face and close range and without any conflict. A high speed chase took place and with more than 50 other officers in a pursuit the vehicle was stopped and both suspects were taken into custody after a extended gun battle both suspects were hit several times but sadly the wounds were not life threatening.


Eric is survived by a ex-wife and two young children. He was a truly great guy funny and always willing to help with anything the world will be a darker place without him protecting our streets. The funeral and procession is tomorrow so hopefully the closure can start after that. The closure would be a tad easier if Arizona brought back hanging if there has ever been a case where death penalty is the answer this gets my vote. [/quote']


Our condolences on your loss, Retro, and our respects to the Family and friends of your brother officer. May he rest in peace.

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