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The Fender Bug...


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I'm still waiting for the uncontrollable urge to run out and buy a Strat or a Tele but it just isn't happening....:D I am very GAS prone and with all the people talking them up here all the time I keep thinking to myself I know its gonna hit me any day now. I have even dared to pick up a Strat while in various music stores and nothing happens. I have never even picked up a Tele, they just don't have any appeal to me at all ( Sorry Calman and Thunder ). Funny thing is Hendrix is my all time favorite guitar god, yes even more than Jimmy Page...:D I'm not saying it will never happen, but it hasen't happened yet. Just sayin'....

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put yourself out of your misery and go by that strat! i promise you...you won't look back!, sometimes when i pick up my strat i end up playing that thing for months and the gibbos just hang there anxiously waiting for me to put her down :D , i don't realy compare les pauls to strats because they have there own personality....dave BUY ONE NOW! :D

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I never thought that we should start a ''Fenders just don't cut it for me'' thread in a Gibby forum, but I guess we must!



Well Dave, you are not alone on this planet! I have picked up Strats and Teles in music stores and never understood why everybody raves about them. Actually, they are not bad guitars at all. And I can certainly understand why everyone ends up playing those and we see them on hands of musicians in every single music genre: because they are really versatile and you can play pretty much anything on them (with the assistance of some pedals as well). But the ''love'' thing? Nope, I don't get it either.



I tend to prefer Teles a little bit more over Strats, I find that they have a more strong ''character / personality''. But I just can't fall in love with them. They're not bad to have, for variety purposes. But that's all for me...




PS: In Europe, you need EUR 1,000.00 (more or less) to buy either a Les Paul Studio Faded or an American Strat. Since we'are talking about the same price range I can compare them and, against to common belief in this forum, I find the Strat to be overpriced. The Studio would slap a Strat all over the place, any given day...[biggrin]

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Dave, I just bought a Nashville Tele, its blond w/ a rosewood fretboard, I cannot put it down,


Its so different and fun, the sound I can get out of it, is amazing.


Hey I never thought I would buy one but I keep hearing alot of good stuff and it all true.

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Not to worry, Dave, it is what it is. Once in awhile I see a strat or tele that knocks me out. It's always been a case of it belonging to someone else already. It's NEVER been a case of finding one that speaks to me and is available for purchase. Same thing with Harleys. It used to bug me. Then I realized I was just vibrating to someone else's rhythms instead of my own.


I'm a happy, lucky man with what I have. If it should ever happen that I encounter the Fender (or HD) of my fantasies, it'll be in my garage/shop/man-cave/nursery/bike-barn/music-room the next day.

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I have a Stratocaster and while I do not think it is the best guitar in the world it does serve me well for certain songs and styles. It is sucha nice and comfortable guitar to play.


For instance Blues shuffles on a Gibson LP have too much stiffness for my liking due to the scale, maybe that's why the Gibson Blueshawk has a 25.5" scale.

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I donl't know Thunder, Teles are not for everybody. I have picked up and played a few traditional and while I do like their sounds the guitar overall is not for me.


I would like to play a thinline with split coil pickups (whatever they are called).

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put yourself out of your misery and go by that strat! i promise you...you won't look back!' date=' sometimes when i pick up my strat i end up playing that thing for months and the gibbos just hang there anxiously waiting for me to put her down [blush'] , i don't realy compare les pauls to strats because they have there own personality....dave BUY ONE NOW! [biggrin]


+1 on this. I love mine but it's wrong to compare it with a Les Paul or, in my case, a 335.


For me, it does not matter what level of strat I play i.e. Squire, Mex or US. The quality is very good and even on a basic Squire you get that great single coil wood tone - I always think glockenspeil when I hear it - woody! Especially the inbetween tones, which I love.


I bought a Highway 1 a few years ago (the 1st series) which is the base US made (well, assembled at least) model. It uses alot of the components found on a Mex built guitar and is fantastic VFM. The current American Standards are magnificent.


The other piont to note is that the range of strats is huge - you can get a massive spectrum of specification as stock to choose from.


And what is cooler than a white strat with white guard and a maple board - OK don't reply!


Enough of this free Fender advert. Despite all this, I would not be without my Gibsons and they would be first out of the burning house.


Get yourself one. I'm sure you will grow to love it.

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I'm still waiting for the uncontrollable urge to run out and buy a Strat or a Tele but it just isn't happening....:-({|= I am very GAS prone and with all the people talking them up here all the time I keep thinking to myself I know its gonna hit me any day now. I have even dared to pick up a Strat while in various music stores and nothing happens. I have never even picked up a Tele' date=' they just don't have any appeal to me at all ( Sorry Calman and Thunder ). Funny thing is Hendrix is my all time favorite guitar god, yes even more than Jimmy Page...#-o I'm not saying it will never happen, but it hasen't happened yet. Just sayin'....[/quote']


If 'it' aint happenin' with a Fender, 'it' ain't happenin'. Move on.

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I always loved the sound of a Strat but never owned one until around five years ago. Even then, I didn't really have the urge to buy one but my local store was running their clearance sale so I figured I'd go and, if I saw a Strat that looked decent and the price was right (was looking for a MIM for really cheap) then I would go for it. As luck would have it, I walked right in and up to a nice looking Strat for $800 which turned out to be a 57 RI. I strummed it a few times and figured "Why not?" - much to the dismay of the guy who was standing right next to me and waiting for me to put it down.


So, here I am now and I love that damned Strat; it's really one of my favorites and gets more play than my LP. So, while I spent more than I planned too (and even bought a MIM Strat and the following year's sale), it turned out to be worth every penny.


What am I saying? I don't know... except that maybe you haven't picked up The One that speaks to you. Sometimes a guitar - any brand or model - has it and sometimes it doesn't.

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I'm GASing for a tele too but there's really only 1 that I want. An early 90s Tele Plus. I love strats. There have only been 2 that knocked my socks off while playing and that's why I bought them. Every piece of wood is different.


Dave, it sounds like you have been suffering. I think you need to end the pain and get a Fender. Either one is fine. Have you been a good boy?

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