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I had a teacher call me a jagoff because I didn't sign up for AP.


Can I do the work? Yeah. Should I have signed up for AP? Yeah, but that's my decision not his. I didn't care, but was slightly appalled that he would do that. I mean, you would think he would have better common sense than that. Kid needs thicker skin, people are too sensitive nowadays.

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I used to make all my teachers insane because i'd skip one day, be suspended for 3,(this was wayyyyy before the outrage of "in school suspension") come back on test day, and make an A+ on the test.

At that time my functional I.Q. was 148 (2 points shy of functional genius)

I never carried a book, never did homework or projects, was a constant disruption, and some years was absent as many as 70 school days.

My report cards for most of my classes were normally F,F,F A+(semester test) D- semester grade.(still a passing grade.)

When I DID attend, I spent my time pointing out the teachers mistakes, or hyjacking the class and teaching it myself.

NEVER TRUST MALE TEACHERS UNDER 50...........most of these at my school eventually lost their jobs for sex with students.


BTW defence, is spelled with an s........ defense

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I had a teacher call me a jagoff because I didn't sign up for AP.


What is AP?




BTW defence' date=' is spelled with an s........ defense [/quote']

Not outside of the USA.

Those nutty Brits and Aussies....




....hyjacking the class....

No matter what English-speaking nation you're in' date=' it's spelled with an "i" instead of a "y"...



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What is AP?





Not outside of the USA.

Those nutty Brits and Aussies....





No matter what English-speaking nation you're in' date=' it's spelled with an "i" instead of a "y"...




ohhhhh my bad! you just LOVE picking me apart still huh? cool!


I lost that 148 I.Q. towards the last of my school years..........traded it in for substance abuse

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Picking you apart - still?





Nothing personal' date=' just sayin'....





I would have made that same observation without even looking at the name on the post.




yeah yeah, I know.........cute Hydro Shocks btw.........shame they're so small......:-k

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Those aren't Hydra-Shoks in my avatar pic.

Looks like my favorite, Cor-Bon.

Hydra-Shok is my second choice though - good stuff for off-the-shelf ammo.



Not trying to pick you apart, just letting you know....






Federal Hydra-Shok has a pin inside the hollow point to help initiate controlled but complete expansion.






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For once I don't agree the teacher should have loser written on his last paycheck. Teachers and others that teach our children are not paid to be cool or popular, he's a paid professional that is supposed to be teaching children not only facts but how to act as a professional in a modern society. Adults that try to be hip and cool and try so hard to part of the gang should be warned, educated then fired if they don't learn. If he kept it up with a child of mine he'd get asked nicely then warned then he'd lose teeth.

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Had this same conversation w/the missus the other night and I totally agree with that teacher yet on the other hand feel sorry that he has to resort to this sort of stuff to make the kids wake up and pay attention.

Many moons ago when I was driving my teachers insane,they would just cane me/make me stand on top of my desk in the classsroom and recite wrong pronunciations 'til they were right/lock me in a dark storage room/humiliate me etc. etc. UNTIL...I was moulded into a deserving student-person. I learnt right from wrong. I didn't dare answer back,be a smart mouth without suffering those consequences that would have you hoping for tomorrow.

RESPECT! That's where it's at. Pure & simple.

None of this taking knives and guns to school and whatever you wanna insert. Life has taken a BIG turn for the worse due to all this political correctness crap. Makes me sick.

I tell my boys to question everything if they have done wrong. BUT,if they are "in the wrong",they will then have me to worry about. So far,they've done me proud.


Society these daze...

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Wow Neo.......not only are my eyes getting worse than I thought, i've also been out of the business too long, I also missed the lack of a crimp mark.

All the Police in this area used to use Hydras.........and back when even the Cops had to bring in a request from their supervisor, and sign for hi-cap service mags, I was the only guy within 25 miles that could get those mags.


My apologies to the Britons for "cracking" on your spelling.


If that teacher had left that on MY paper i'd have turned it back on them somehow.......perhaps burning LOSER onto the hood of their car or some such..................

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Neo- AP is advanced placement. "smart classes" It's a joke. All they, or honors classes for that purpose, do is teach kids how to cheat. With the workload they put on kids, you have to be highly motivated, or like most high school students are, lazy. Laziness turns into cheating.


For whatever reason, my morals won't let me do that. I have cheated on a test once in my life, and I felt terrible. Hell, in my one class, he supported 'group tests' which was a buncha kids together, and he gave us a computer! He couldn't teach, and felt this would improve grades.


Not trying to be a d¡ck, but I'm a pretty smart kid, like really smart. I never do my homework though, so that brings my grade down, but I ace my tests and usually do perfect on most papers or projects. Teachers hate me for it, all my teachers for parent teacher conferences would say "Nathan is really smart. I can't get him to do homework though" then they would show my grades, and my mom would just say "Seems like he's doing fine" [blink]


7th grade, we had to do a science fair project, I acted real stupid, pissed my parents off and they said I was completely on my own for it. Put it off until the day before, made a presentation on how a pendulum works, and ended up getting nominated for going down to state. I respectfully turned it down, but that has pretty much been how it is for me.


I started taking 'regular' non AP or honors classes, and most of the time I am bored out of my mind, but when I do have a question on something, I can usually get a decent answer, instead of in the AP or honors when they tell you that you should already know it. If I already knew it, I wouldn't be in your class #-o


PS- CorBon is the way to go. Put them up against others in a gelatin test. If you aren't impressed already, put some leather or denim in front of it. You will never want to carry anything else given the chance. I know a 'bit' about the firearms industry [biggrin]

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I didn't allow my Sons to call each other names when they were growing up, whether in play or in anger. I don't think it's a good habit to acquire.


I wouldn't allow someone to have charge of my children if their standards are radically different from mine. And I sure as heck wouldn't allow them to "educate" my children if they believe name-calling is a positive form of encouragement. When a teacher puts him/herself on the same level as his students, respect goes out the window.


I've taken my Sons out of school because a teacher told me they "weren't so special". There's more to the story than that but that was the proverbial straw. I took 'em out of that school, bought a house in another school district and moved, and reported the problem to the State School Board. A "house cleaning" ensued...apparently mine wasn't the only problem. Good teachers are something to be respected, admired and helped in any way possible. Poor teachers should be eliminated from the pool.

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Neo- AP is advanced placement. "smart classes" It's a joke. All they' date=' or honors classes for that purpose, do is teach kids how to cheat. With the workload they put on kids, you have to be highly motivated, or like most high school students are, lazy. Laziness turns into cheating.


For whatever reason, my morals won't let me do that. I have cheated on a test once in my life, and I felt terrible. Hell, in my one class, he supported 'group tests' which was a buncha kids together, and he gave us a computer! He couldn't teach, and felt this would improve grades.


Not trying to be a d¡ck, but [b']I'm a pretty smart kid, like really smart. I never do my homework though[/b], so that brings my grade down, but I ace my tests and usually do perfect on most papers or projects. Teachers hate me for it, all my teachers for parent teacher conferences would say "Nathan is really smart. I can't get him to do homework though" then they would show my grades, and my mom would just say "Seems like he's doing fine" [blink]


7th grade, we had to do a science fair project, I acted real stupid, pissed my parents off and they said I was completely on my own for it. Put it off until the day before, made a presentation on how a pendulum works, and ended up getting nominated for going down to state. I respectfully turned it down, but that has pretty much been how it is for me.


I started taking 'regular' non AP or honors classes, and most of the time I am bored out of my mind, but when I do have a question on something, I can usually get a decent answer, instead of in the AP or honors when they tell you that you should already know it. If I already knew it, I wouldn't be in your class #-o


PS- CorBon is the way to go. Put them up against others in a gelatin test. If you aren't impressed already, put some leather or denim in front of it. You will never want to carry anything else given the chance. I know a 'bit' about the firearms industry [lol]


Contradictory statement? maybe a pretty smart kid, but a really smart kid would do their homework! :-

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Let see here. The girl has been bring home scores of 20% and the only thing

the parent see's is the loser part. It wouldn't be there if the parent had stepped

in and said what are these low scores about and had the kid do some work and

done better. There would have been no reason for the teacher to put loser on

the test and the student would be better of because of the better scores. The loser

here is the parent not doing her job.



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