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2nd. Best Advice Ever Heard From A Guitar Mentor


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The Second Best Advice I Have Ever Heard From a Would-Be Guitar Mentor



I was standing in line behind a father and teen age son after a Danny Gatton concert

waiting to thank the star for the pleasure of seeing him in action. I heard the father

ask Gatton "what can my son do to learn to play like you" some one behind me

offered this sage advice "JUST GO HOME AND BURN IT"



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That's how I feel when I watch YouTube videos of Dave Rawlings, Norman Blake, Doc Watson, etc. [crying]


Some of the best advice I got (read) was from a guy named..... oh shoot, his name has temporarily escaped me.

Howard Emerson!!! He used to have some advice posted on his website about how to learn various skills. I used to always think that long hours and repetition was the only way, but Howard mentioned that form is really important. Slow it waaaaay down, and practice the technique you're trying to learn just a few times. Then put it away. Do that every day for short periods of time and let it 'gel'. Don't force it. This really works*.




* In another thread I said I had struggled to learn palm muting with the flat of my palm. All the practice in the world didn't help with that because it wasn't physically possible for me to do it that way. Once I found my own way to do it, this technique will work.

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My mentor taught me the same thing. His name is Clint Strong, the "best player you never heard in your life." (Clint if you're lurking, call me. I miss you.)


Anyway: Practice a difficult passage or lick you are struggling with no faster than you can play it 100% solid (no matter how painfully slow that is!) Repeat it slowly, but for no longer than ten minutes. Then put the guitar in the case and don't play the passage again until tomorrow.


Brian Adams

Reno, NV

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GG Girl:


THANK YOU for NOT saying that after hearing this sage advice' date=' that poor yout

went home and fell in the clutches of Esteban and/or as a result became a Viagra addict.









Shame on you!


There are worse things in life than falling into the clutches of Esteban and/or as a result becoming a Viagra addict!!


Unless of course the object of the Viagra was Esteban ( or vice versa)

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Sir Johnt:


As per your usual-what fascinating cerebral musings do emanate from that fertile brain of yours.

I never cease to be astounded.



Respectfully Observed,




P.S. I strongly suggest that you get a truly inspirational song entitled "There's a $5 fine for Whining" (ie .in your beer) by Chris LeDoux-as heard in a video on UTube. This should perk up your spirits and make life more bearable .



PPS. I am slowly recovering sob,sob from your not so veiled observation about my guitar hero


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Regardless of the physical skill' date=' creating the proper path slowly is the best way to achieve a technical skill. That's true of anything from dance to pickin'.


[u']Make haste slowly...[/u]


Another great signature line!

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Gee DAS44 your Aussie in your avitar looks identacle to mine. Great dogs' date=' mines a male. Sorry for off topic![/quote']

haha Mines a guy too, although I think he's gay.... they say its just a dominance thing but damn if you hump guy dogs you're gay in my book.


ANYWAYS, hes delightfully insane [biggrin]

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Yup, it's a great line.


I only steal from the best. In this case a guitar player who invented the armonica. Well, okay, it wasn't a guitar such as you and I might play, but still...




He wrote a bit, too, although I've a hunch he's far better known to folks in the U.S. than Canada ifn you look at some paper money.



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haha Mines a guy too' date=' although I think he's gay.... they say its just a dominance thing but damn if you hump guy dogs you're gay in my book.


ANYWAYS, hes delightfully insane :)[/quote']


Mine humps my French Bulldog, (Jake)



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I played on stages, in bars at the age of 12. By age 17 I was fronting a band in a biker bar three nights a week in Arizona, playing lead, singing, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes.


Blessed, and yet cursed, the next 35 years gigging clubs taught me to learn quickly, think on my feet and improvise.


It also gave me quite a taste for beer.


Drug free for 11 years, cigarette free for well over 2 years, and now alchohol free I think I'm gonna make it.





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An old man that used to "mentor" me and some friends when we were learning to play as kids would always say to us when we were getting a little frustrated "you can only be as good as you want to be". I never really understood what he was saying until years later. Practice, dedication, and playing with others is the way to get there. Just how far are you willing to go? It's all up to you!

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I played on stages' date=' in bars at the age of 12. By age 17 I was fronting a band in a biker bar three nights a week in Arizona, playing lead, singing, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes.


Blessed, and yet cursed, the next 35 years gigging clubs taught me to learn quickly, think on my feet and improvise.


It also gave me quite a taste for beer.


Drug free for 11 years, cigarette free for well over 2 years, and now alchohol free I think I'm gonna make it.






I don't think a lot of people realize what a rough life it is.... hang in there, buddy...we're confident you'll kick the habit.

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