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Any golfers among us?


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I've played every other year for the past 25 years with clubs I inheritied because I'm a lefty. Righty on the guitar though.

Started enjoying the game last fall and a couple of times this spring and my wife bought me my first set of new clubs last night for my upcoming birthday. (Much less expensive than guitars too).

Get to try them on Thursday. Taylormade irons with hybrid 3 and 4 irons. Looking forward to it. First time out this year was ugly. Shot 130. As an excuse, we had to walk the course because it was too soft for carts. Snow wasn't long gone and the course is all hills. Next time out shot 110. Better next time I hope. Doesn't really matter though. We go to smack some balls and partake in a few wobbly pops along the way.



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I just noticed the previous thread on Tiger Woods.

I'm guessing golf is not high on the priority list for guitar players.

Surprises me a little.

Dedication, precision, manual dexterity and practice seem to me to be a very common link between playing guitar and golfing.

Not to say I'm particularly gifted at either, but I sure do enjoy them.



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I played a lot of golf when I was younger. My folks got the "family pass" at the local short 9 hole course when I was in my teens. It sure was a lot of fun; I also played on the high school golf team. I loved it when I told my Algebra teacher that I wouldn't be able to make the afternoon class due to a golf meet! [confused] I worked at the course as well; it was fun driving the green Cushman trike around. Although I did hit a tree going up a cart path in the woods to one of the tees. I was racing the bosses son, the front wheel hit a rock and I failed to negotiate the turn. Reverse never did work after that. I also put one in one of the water by one of the fairways. I had it in neutral and it took off down the slope as I was running to pick-up the ball markers before the gang mower came by. They didn't fire me after either incident![biggrin]


The reason I like to play is that it helps you get your mind off of whatever else is going on in your life. I've taught some of my friends how to play; now they're "hooked". I like to work on the fluid swing as I play; the best round I had with my friends was when we had a few beers before we even started. I'm a better golfer than a guitar player; but they're both challenging and a lot of fun.


Don't worry about the scores you shoot. Unless you get out every other day or so, there's no reason to get upset with yourself. As you know, sometimes you get paired-up or play with someone who goes ballistic when they have a bad shot. I've played with some guys that go ballistic when they have a bad shot; it's not pretty.


If you want to be a good/better golfer, work on your hand and forearm strength. Also, let the club do the work. A lot of golfers think that because the green is so far away, you have to swing harder. Easier said than done, but the clubs already have the built-in loft. One final thing; if you're trying to sweep or scoop the ball off the ground with an iron, you're doing it wrong. You need hit down and through; don't worry about the divet. Just replace it...

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I know what you mean about the ballistic responses to a bad shot.

I stopped playing with my brother for that reason. That was quite a while ago when he was a club golfer and pretty good. Now he plays for fun and its all grins.

Golf should be an escape from the everyday stresses. Much like playing the guitar. Get pissed off and the fun goes away. A little frustration now and again is acceptable.

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I've been banned from golf...I used the ball washers for another purpose...wish people would put signs on those...less confusion..just sayin [confused]



Man you are tough. Those ball washers are like guillotines (not sure if I spelled that right) but you get the idea...

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Drunk-off-my-*** college boy miniature golf is as close as I ever got.


Big time fun though, until we were escorted off-site.

At least they were cool enough to not call the cops.




Went back during the week - no children there - they were much more forgiving of our antics.



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My Grandfather put the love of golf into my head at a young age. I still remember when he made me my first set of clubs (He used to work at a local posh course, people with money throw away good clubs when they're mad, wrap them around trees and he took a course on how to make them, so he made me sets to fit my height as I grew up.)


I still remember when I was younger in their backyard I decided to try hitting real golfballs instead of the plastic hollow practice ones, and the first one I hit when straight through the cab of his truck. I went inside all upset and he was just proud that I was able to hit it the way I did. (I know he was still pissed but he'd never let me know that.)


Golf is one of the best ways to enjoy a walk through beautiful mother nature, I bought a new waterproof camera just to put in the golfbag to take photos of vistas, sunrises, animals, whatnot.


As for meeting women, yes, other golfers, but if you've never been to a decent course and met the beer girls who drive the golf carts around then you don't know they definately hire on a curve, and those curves sell a lot of beer.


It's also pretty physically demanding, so if you want to do a full 18 you better be prepared for how stiff you'll feel the next day.


I play golf as well as I play guitar, i.e I have a set of clubs just like I have a guitar, but if I started out being really good at them they wouldn't be any fun to learn on.

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My step-daughter worked as a beer fairy at a local course a couple years ago. Admittedly, she is quite attractive and the tips she made were outrageous. More than once getting a 50 tip up front with the understanding that whenever this guy wanted a beverage, she would be there. He also tipped when he got his fresh beer. The guy was showing off a little flashing cash but whatever, my daughter made lots of money at that course but never dated anyone there. Guys hitting on her was not the biggest problem, Canada geese were. Nasty buggers and you're not allowed to smack them out of the way.



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I meant no implication to what the beer girls did, they sold beer and looked pretty, or looked pretty and sold beer, I don't really remember the order, what I did mean is that like most resturants they hire attractive people to sell more whatever they're selling, and typically if you played it up you make awesome tips.


I had a friend work as a waitress at the clubhouse, she was a young 20 something blonde and paid for a year of school from a summer of tips.

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Yup. Been playing many years. I've played on three continents and remember each round very well. Grew up on the east end of Long Island, NY where there are many beautiful courses. Rock Hill, Pine Hills and The Westhampton Country Club, to name a few. A brilliant sport that really takes patience and skill. Plus you can drink beers and puff discretely. Lots of people joke about how "boring" or how "it's, a nice walk ruined" and all that but I disagree wholeheartedly. It's really quite a Zen experience that I find refreshes my soul. Sounds like you've got a fine set-o-clubs there, dleth. Enjoy!


P.S. Most people that can't stand golf probably suck at it.

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I meant no implication to what the beer girls did' date=' they sold beer and looked pretty, or looked pretty and sold beer, I don't really remember the order, what I did mean is that like most resturants they hire attractive people to sell more whatever they're selling, and typically if you played it up you make awesome tips.


I had a friend work as a waitress at the clubhouse, she was a young 20 something blonde and paid for a year of school from a summer of tips. [/quote']


If you were concerned about any offense by implying anything, don't be. I don't take offense to much unless it is shoved in my face. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion or comments. I take great pleasure in knowing I'm usually right anyway (joke).


Beer fairy is a great way to make some good cash in the summer. And you get to spend your summer outside. I make reference to summer only because living around the Ontario/Quebec border, the golf season is relatively short.

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Another kinda funny twist is that it was my wife's ex-husband that got me into playing golf and taking up guitar again after many years.

I'm actually playing with him tomorrow and probably jamming with him on the weekend at his cottage. Strange how things work. He's probably one of my closest friends now. It probably helps that he and my wife split long before I met her.

Hell of a good guy. Just didn't work for them. Bonus for me. He even donated a small electric piano to my man cave.

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I've been an avid golfer for some time now. Started out when I was in high school and I'm turning 47 Sunday.

Used to coach golf at the high school level.

While I don't golf as much as I used to, I do enjoy the sport. It's a personal challenge as well a competitive sport.

I'll be playing in Palm Desert at the end of the month. Looking forward to it.

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living around the Ontario/Quebec border' date=' the golf season is relatively short.




Us Ontarians usually like to sit on the border of Ontario/Quebec and wack balls at the french...just sayin [lol]


Kidding [lol]

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I use to play ALOT too, I love being out in the woods on a beautiful course, away from the hustle of every day life, I live in Central Florida and there are ALOT of courses here, but its an EXPENSIVE hobby, I use to shoot consistently in the low 80's, but I had to practice and play alot to stay at that level, it can be an addiction though,, have fun and enjoy !!

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I don't take offense to much unless it is shoved in my face.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion or comments.

I take great pleasure in knowing I'm usually right anyway (joke).

Thank God there are still a few more people out there who can honestly say that - and still joke about it.

Good on ya!



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