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Whatever Happened To.......


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Those weird statue things on Broadway in Nashville of the cowboys that were built with old tube amp parts?


There were ceremic tube sockets and pots, ect and they just hung out there in the rain ?



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How can the guy who wrote some of the greatest songs ever have written this drivel? [blink]


Because the BBC banned HI HI HI and Give Ireland Back To The Irish so he recorded a nursery rhyme.


Good Idea? Probably not but I'm sure stoned they laughed their arses off.

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Because the BBC banned HI HI HI and Give Ireland Back To The Irish so he recorded a nursery rhyme.


Good Idea? Probably not but I'm sure stoned they laughed their arses off.



Ok' date=' fair enough, but then how do you explain Silly Love Songs, Ebony and Ivory and Say Say Say? [blink

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Ok' date=' fair enough, but then how do you explain Silly Love Songs, Ebony and Ivory and Say Say Say? [cool']


He loved his wife and loved writing stupid songs about it. It makes us all do funny things and his medium just happens to be music.


Ok fair enough it's not rock n roll but it is POP, it sold millions and he felt it was a good comeback to the critics who blasted him for the love songs. It also gave us another great Macca bass line.


Ebony and Ivory/ great sentiment, wrong avenue but it did spawn the great send up by Eddie Murphy and Joe Piscopo


And Say Say Say just sucks! Too much weed and Mr. Jackson was turning Paulies talents to mush.


He would sink lower still with his next album Press To Play........ rubbish.

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