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Your type of chick!


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Well, my wife doesn't fit into any of those categories....i dunno what you could categorize her into....i mean, at work, she's a corporate chick (but way laid back) and at home, you wouldn't know she worked at a big company...


She's just hot, smart and funny. If she was missing just one of those things, she wouldn't be my wife....any one.

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the 40's are in the lead...there's definitely a love for vintage models in this forum!!!


Before you shoot me my wife is one of them, and she rocks! There she is at an ACDC gig...(too many drinks i'm affraid)



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Well' date=' I voted "Cowgirl," which wouldn't surprise anybody who has any personal knowledge of me at all.


But "Cowgirl" seems to me to fit our two ladies that made comment on this thread, whether or not they've ever seen a bovine at less than 10 meters or touched a horse. (I know Karen can saddle and bridle her own.)


A "Cowgirl" knows how nature works, both human and otherwise; she knows how to work and how to have fun and she may flirt or not, but knows most of all how to be a friend and neighbor. She's tougher than nails and softer than her silk scarf - but then again, most folks don't realize how strong silk really is.


More, a "Cowgirl" knows that freedom is absolutely necessary for a free spirit - her own or those around her. She's her own person but she probably can be that "naughty 40 or 50+" when she wants to be - the cowboys get to so why not the cowgirls too?


Finally, a "Cowgirl" knows how to cowboy up when she gets tossed by a pony or a rough spot in urban life.


Nathan, "Cowgirl" is a metaphor, as is typical in "cowboy songs," for just about what you say you'd like to run across in terms of feminine company. Who am I to argue against the idea?






If I would have thought a little more I would have probably voted "Cowgirl" (there's a nice George Strait tune about them too - but I'm at work so youTube is blocked) but I went "40 and naughty" which is a bit closer to the present GF. Working well so far - since she initially appeared to be the "... cute as a button..." type (adjusted for age of course!). BTW I took the category as "40+ ..."

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Cowgirl. Strait had one song and so have others.


Ian Tyson wrote "Barrel Racing Angel" about a girl who's "Like ice, she's like fire." Read that as you will, too. <grin>


Dead serious, I think "cowboy songs" both traditional and current, tend to be among the more metaphorical. Check the lyric of "the old double diamond." Since so few people think of metaphor nowadays Chris Ledoux explained that "cowboy up" is appropriate for somebody in a suit and wingtips who seldom smell green mud, let alone walk in it. "Get me to the rodeo" doesn't have to be a literal rodeo, but easily might be figurative."


And so on...


BTW, I really shouldn't do this. It might bother some of the city folk, but here's a Chris Ledoux lyric that may 'splain some of the girls Nathan figures are wigglin' away sometimes. <chortle>


Well she rolls her own cigarettes with the work of just on hand

She acts mean and she cusses I know she wish she were a man

She got her teeth knocked out by a bucking horse

And when I told her that It made her look tough

She just grinned and said I like it that way

And then she loaded up her lip with snuff

She's my snoose queen she's my Copenhagen angel

She's my Beech Nut bunny she's my Red Fox brush hog


She can ride a bareback horse and she can really hook into a bull

She never misses her saddle bronc out and she rides it like a spurrin' fool

She team ropes with the best of them ties a calf in 9.3

She'll dogs steers just for fun and make a fool out of you and me

She's my snoose queen...


Oh well a buckle polisher she's dang sure not

She wins her own in all the tough spots

Chasing cowboys just ain't her style. It's winnin' the prize money that makes her smile

She's got a plug in both her cheeks she's got Copenhagen in her lip

She's got a roll-your-own stuck between her teeth and I've never even seen her spit

She's my snoose queen...


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Ian Tyson on the subject...



Or... this girl was a pretty darned good rider at one time. Saddled her own, too.





- same girl. Played a decent 12-string, started on a little gibbie acoustic. Awful young though. I don't think she's much past mid 50s rite now. <grin>



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Awwwww c'mon.


From my perspective a 40-year-old female is still just a young girl...




I've always heard the rule of thumb is take 1/2 your age round up to the nearest whole year and then add another 7 years. That doesn't quite put me out of a 40 year old but I'm close. And dem00n won't make the grade for a 40 year old for a another 10 years!

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gotta friend in another high plains town who loves to go to the hs basketball games - especially the girls games. Dirty old man? Well, maybe, but he sez there are more grandmas going to watch the girls than the boys' games - and he's out "granny prowlin'."


By that time, some 10 years ago, he'd already lost two wives to illness....



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