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Buckethead les paul


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A guitarist shouldn't just be judged on technical ability (buckethead is good at fast stuff) but their song writing, phrasing and class.


Izzy Stradlin and Buckethead were both in GnR, but who wrote appetite, izzy.

Although buckethead plays faster he can't write a riff like my michelle.


Also buckethead looks a tad strange:-"

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  • 2 months later...
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Buckethead is an amazing guitarist. For all of you that judge Buckethead soley from when he was in GnR you are all f**cking retarded. Buckethead can do more on a guitar than anyone I've ever seen! And trust me I know what's out there, like I know, and to this day not one person has amazed me more than buckethead. slapping, shredding, finger nubbing, killswitching, pitch shifting, acoustic, and have you ever seen this man play the bass? Stop bashing this guy, i can't stand it, some of you are just STILL pissed SLash is gone! Wah, WAh, wah!


3 things I have to say to you bashers


1. Buckethead deserves a signature model more than anyone, and guess what, ITS COMING SO EAT IT!!!!!




2. Buckethead dominated on Chinese Democracy, and if you can't accept that your nothing but a piece of PCP banana bread!!




Axl loves buckethead, yes he said some lies about him when they worked together, axl says he would love to tour with buckethead again and loved working with him! buckethead left GnR ONLY because they couldn't finish an album and bad tours, THATS IT! Axl blamed him for missed shows that were Nvr true!!


3. Buckethead rocks for life, stop being so ignorant!!


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His Les paul is crazy' date=' the pup selector is moved to the bottom and it has a seperate kill switch, 24 frets.

I can't see Gibson doing that, and is he even in GnR anymore?[/quote']


No. the new guy is DJ Ashba.. his paul is.... it has a fiberglass skull with sinew stitching all over it is aweomes,

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everyone can play a guitar, but it might not sound good.


i like Green Day, meybe someone else like AC/DC, musical taste.

someone like flame tops, someone like 1 color tops, Color taste.

someone like 50s neck, someone like 60s neck, neck taste.

someone like solos with soul, someone likes hearthless shredding that break strings.


everything can be played with soul, everything can NOT be played with soul.

he likes to wear a KCF bucket and mask, you like to have your hair dyed in black.


"everyone is unqie, like the 100 billion people before you"


Rest in Peace tread.

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Wow. A lot of Buckethead bashing going on here. Clearly this is an issue of personal preferences rather than talent or ability. I saw him in a bar in Omaha for $10 a few years back, and went in without a background on his music or history. I enjoyed the show and liked the music (not enough to buy any CDs). I have never been a huge fan of shredders, but I find him more entertaining than Satch or Vai. Yes, he uses many effects, but his sound is based around good LP tone, and understands how to get the sounds he wants from his rig. I understand he has worked with many musicians that I like (i.e. System of a Down and Primus), and even released an all acoustic album.

Yes, he a freak, but professional musicians are usually pretty weird folks. I applaud his personal success, and hope he continues to make music. As far as a sig guitar, I would never buy one, but would not boycott Gibson if they released one. At least he actually plays a LP on a regular basis, as apposed to all the sig models from artists like Jeff Beck, who have not touched a Les Paul in decades.

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1. Buckethead deserves a signature model more than anyone' date=' and guess what, ITS COMING SO EAT IT!!!!!






I was thinking the same thing. That guitar seems to be an all new design and looks very new. I think it just might be his signature model.


Bring it on!

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man! this is a big thread! and about something that is (in my opinion) so stupid, buckethead doesn't deserve his own LP. although he does have skill he really isn't that famous of a musician, it would be like giving the jonas brothers there own LP because every kid under the age of 13 watches disney channel and thinks they are awesome guitar gods. if they were to give bucket head a LP just because he has skills why dont they give me a signature les paul while they're at it???


i believe a few months back they gave away a epiphone les paul signed by the jonas brothers

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  • 4 months later...

Okay, I have some things to say. First of all, this will probably be my only post here, I joined the site because I wanted tell you some things.

Stop judging things by the way they look. Does Buckethead's bucket play guitar? Does his obsession with chickens change the way he play? The fact that his face is hidden behind a mask, makes him a worse player? No. It pisses me off that most of you guys, probably mainstream *****es, say that he isn't a conventional guitar player and because of that he doesn't deserve respect. So what if he's not? As far as I'm concerned this is a GOOD thing. He's not your generic guitar player, he's something better. He isn't popular, but who cares? That guy is one of the best players around. He sells his cds online, that's why you can't find them in most of your stores, not because he's a bad player.

He can play fast, but that doesn't make him the guitar god. What makes him the guitar god is the effort he puts in every cd he records, even if the cd sucks you can tell that he had fun making it. I feel sad for him, because the reason he uses the bucket and mask (he said it himself) is that he wanted that people only judged him by his music not by his looks and instead, you jerks pay attention to the bucket and mask, and forget to listen to the music.


Want my opinion on the guitarists most of you like? I don't care, I'll say it anyway.


I don't like Page, Hendrix or Slash. In fact, they're boring. And yes, even hendrix. I don't like people that just shred, and I don't like people that are just looks and talk.


And to all of you, sweeties, that think that he only shreds. Two words for you: ELECTRIC TEARS.

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I am so happy we live in a world where I am free to choose who I enjoy listening too, and I am free to express my hatred for the music performed by buckethead, and I am blessed with eyes good enough to witness the pathetic joke that is the KFC bucket and the mask, and can afford guitars that dont look like a childs plaything............


aint the USA great!

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Okay' date=' I have some things to say. First of all, this will probably be my only post here, I joined the site because I wanted tell you some things.

Stop judging things by the way they look. Does Buckethead's bucket play guitar? Does his obsession with chickens change the way he play? The fact that his face is hidden behind a mask, makes him a worse player? No. It pisses me off that most of you guys, probably mainstream *****es, say that he isn't a conventional guitar player and because of that he doesn't deserve respect. So what if he's not? As far as I'm concerned this is a GOOD thing. He's not your generic guitar player, he's something better. He isn't popular, but who cares? That guy is one of the best players around. He sells his cds online, that's why you can't find them in most of your stores, not because he's a bad player.

He can play fast, but that doesn't make him the guitar god. What makes him the guitar god is the effort he puts in every cd he records, even if the cd sucks you can tell that he had fun making it. I feel sad for him, because the reason he uses the bucket and mask (he said it himself) is that he wanted that people only judged him by his music not by his looks and instead, you jerks pay attention to the bucket and mask, and forget to listen to the music.


Want my opinion on the guitarists most of you like? I don't care, I'll say it anyway.


I don't like Page, Hendrix or Slash. In fact, they're boring. And yes, even hendrix. I don't like people that just shred, and I don't like people that are just looks and talk.


And to all of you, sweeties, that think that he only shreds. Two words for you: ELECTRIC TEARS. [/quote']



dude, you signed up here to post a rant about buckethead's lack of popularity? pull your nose out of the guy's butt....

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Looks like someone got pissed that Bucket was getting too much praise, so they unlocked the haters thread. Notice how the positive threads were moved, funny that. Why am I not surprised.


Guess what? Bucket's getting a signature guitar from Gibson. Deal with it.


dude' date=' you signed up here to post a rant about buckethead's lack of popularity? pull your nose out of the guy's butt....[/quote']


It's called defending what he believes in. Nothing wrong with that.

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My one and only post about Buckethead...


Can't care for his music. Seems like Black Metal and Techno-pop had a child. But that's okay, nothing wrong with that if you like it. I remember my parents hated some of the music I listened to. I do think the guy might be trying to spread himself too thin and should probably concentrate on one or two styles of music, master those and really put his heart, soul and time into creating the best of the genre, instead of the multitude of releases. Obvious the guy has learned his skills and has developed a knowledge of the fretboard and can play scales in his sleep.


Dude does have some freakishly large hands/long fingers, doesn't he?


I suppose some of the criticisms I'm hearing of Buckethead are deja-vu to the same things I heard of Randy Rhodes when Blizzard of Oz came out, or Kiss.


Talented? Yep. Skillful? Absolutely. Musical? For me, no, but it's not for me to decide...


Does he deserve his own signature LP? I have no idea. That's for Gibson to decide, I'm not a shareholder. If new players want to have a guitar like his and play the way he does, Gibson will probably make money on it. Regardless of what any of us want Gibson to be, they are a For-Profit company. Not a non-profit. They should do whatever they think is in the company's best interest.

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Lame' date=' Weird, funny stuff guys... all this talk about who and who doesn't do things to get noticed...



Want LAME.... no attention getters in this crowd





The guitar is nice though....





Gotta love the boots!


Lame? I think not!!

The reason I play guitar as a matter of fact.

If you recall...Posters used to be a big thing!!! Had my share of em.

The 70's were a magical time for hard rock and Kiss was leading the way. Rock on!!

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