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Epi players in the Military...(Past or Present)...How many of you are there?

charlie brown

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And, what's Your take, on this latest presidential candidate,

and now elected official? I ask this, because the military are

charged with the protection of these Great United States, or European Allies,

and are the ones called, when other's need help. It's easy

for us, to pontificate back here in our easy chairs, but I'd like

to know what our wonderful folks (and I mean that), in charge

of/and service to, our freedom and safety, have to say!


Edit: Not limited to US Military...but anyone that has been, or is in the Military.

I'm truly interested in your "take," or opinions. IF the moderators will allow

this thread??? LOL!



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I am retired US Navy enlisted. I have taken a deep breath, tried to open my mind, and am sitting back to see what my new administration will accomplish. Obama was not my choice for president (neither was McCain) but he is now president-elect for better or worse. Because of his background and past associations I am bracing myself for quite an increase in socialist policies in this country. I have no illusions that the lame duck administration had its share of socialist policies. I just hate to see more of my hard earned assets thrown down the black hole of our government's spending.


- Shaun

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I wasn't in the military, but I'll chime in here. I liked McCain much more BEFORE he felt he had to get the approval of the far right. I don't think he is, deep down, far right, but many conservatives felt that he was too moderate. And although I am a Democrat, I like Sarah Palin better than Hillary Clinton (I'm not saying that Sarah is more qualified, but simply more likable, even when she is trying her pitbull impression).

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I understand a small amount of Japanese and I have no special insite....Thank you for the complement.

You asked a question that moves to so many levels that the best I could do was relate a personal experience.

My apologies if it sounded vague.


Hey, no problem...I was just having a bit of fun, as I thought you were, too...so...no offense meant.

I understand that we can only GO forward, always...and, I plan on doing so, personally, as I always do.

But, I really am sincere, when asking about what our current and past military (forum) members, have to say.

I wasn't being flip, or trying to incite some arguments, either, I assure you.

Obama is the President elect! And, as President, he will (try to, anyway) implement policies, that will directly effect

the present course, and deployment of our military personel. And, as such...I'm curious as to what they, or

those of you that have served, think? I don't know, maybe we'll have to wait and see, what he actually does???! OR...maybe this is too "heavy" for a guitar forum?! ;>b

Anyway, "I" thought it might be interesting, to get their perspective, that's all...




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As I'm only 30, I'm definitely not retired military. But, I did my 4 year enlistment in the Army with pride and spent some time overseas... Europe, Korea, & The Persian Gulf to name a few. My father was also in the Army, so I spent my first 12 years growing up In Germany, before moving to Fort Bragg, North Carolina to finish out school.


I'm unhappy with Obama's stance on the war. I personally don't feel he is as well informed as he would like us to believe. His foreign policy issues (or lack thereof) scare the hell out of me. ME! I'm 30 years old, I've jumped out of planes, and I've looked people in the eye that hated me and wanted me out of their country or dead. (either would have sufficed) I'm not afraid of anything! Err... umm... so I thought. I pray that my reservations about Obama prove to be unfounded and way out in left field.


I'm unhappy with McCain's stance on the war. I personally feel he would be too weak and indecisive. He IS a true hero in my eyes. He has been through horrors that I've imagined, but could never truly fathom. But, I fear that those atrocities committed upon him have left him extremely biased and afraid to act in an aggressive manner. I want someone stronger than he.


I want our troops HOME. I think we need to protect OUR borders. And, I don't mean from illegal immigrants... not those borders... that's another topic. I personally feel insecure in my own country, were another superpower to decide to lay legitimate challenge to us with the majority of our forces committed halfway across the globe.


I certainly don't mean to be on a soap box, but I feel very strongly about this. I can cite specific examples/figures that make ME feel this way. I'm sure many of you may disagree. Maybe some of you feel I'm too young to be voicing an opinion on matters such as this among you older gentlemen, but I HAVE experienced a great deal. I ask that you please don't allow a lack of years skew your opinion of ME.


Whew... off my rant... sorry fellas.

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Thank goodness we don't live in a dictatorship government. He may set an agenda and attack certain issues but he still must seek and get support from alot of other people that thank God are not as liberal and socialist as he is. Barack may want to pull all our troops out of Iraq by next Monday but his military advisors will and congress will have huge influence on that policy. He is not king of America and folks do not jump when he snaps his fingers. He has one vote essentially. The only thing to change in Washington will be him. It'll be the same old crowd in Washington tha voted for the war still there voting the way they always did. Very little will change with respect to Iraq, Korea, Rusia, etc. Liberals can blame George all they want for this failed policy or that failed policy but it's still the liberal do nothing congress that votes for war, bail outs, immigraion policy, health care, etc. These things may be an idea started or [pushed by George or the republicans but Congress really holds the big hammer, and the final say so.


Despite going further left he will still need to operate within what th American people will allow him. Take too much money from folks and he runs the risk of another Boston tea party. Try to take my guns from me and you'll have another civil war on his hands. Forget about the rock throwers in Afganistan, he'll have to deal bubba and his 30:06.


I voted for McCain onl because Huckabee was not the GOP candidate. McCain is a great American, one which Barack could barley even cary his gym bag. Still barack deserves the right to to prove to us he is the real deal and come through with his promises. If he fails then expect Sarah to be President elect in 2012.......Mark my words.


1193rd Panel Bridge

12-C M203 gunner

E-4 1992-1998


Which brings me to another issue Barack harped on but most folks truley don't understand. Barack went on and on about how Bush gives millions in tax breaks to companies that send jobs over seas. What folks fail to remember and he purposely fails to mention is that sklick willie "how about another cigar" Clinton signed NAFTA into law. He started all this off shore manufacturing not George. The other part of this robin hood scam Barack has master mined is that it was us that demanded lower and lower priced goods. We demanded that companies find a way to provide goods at a price we would be willing to pay while at the same time keep the lights on paying the bills. That meas going over seas for next to nothing labor. We demanded companies go off shore taking American jobs with them so we could liv like Kings on a peasants wage. George is an easy target for all this and that makes me mad.

Sorry for my soap box, I could go on but I'm way off topic already and I'm sure there are folks that'l fire back....I got thick skin.

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USMC, 86-93, Combat Veteran


Obama scares me, all the way around. National security, socialized medicine, socialist economic policies, energy policies, personal beliefs (which will influence his decisions on policy), etc.


This may not be a dictatorship, but with a liberal majority in Congress, it won't be hard to push the agenda.

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Yep, I was in the Australian Army and did a tour of Vietnam in '69


Now a totally disabled war pensioner and have been for 10 years.


CB I suppose to some extent my involvement was also on behalf of America.



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Honestly, I'm worried about what obama will do to the military. I served for just under 10 years in the Air Force and in the intelligence field. I worked in the heart of the National Security Agency (NSA) when 911 happened - I was privy to intelligence reports that the general public will never and should never hear. There were times when my duty was to help compile briefings for the pentegon that some of the items would go on to brief the president.


I can tell you for a fact that when clinton down sized the military and dept' of defence that opened the door to allow 911 to happen. Now with obama, I thought I remember hearing him say he wants to cut back the military even more - I thought I heard a 40% reduction? Don't quote me on that, that's just what I thought I remember - I could be wrong about that one. I know politicians make promises they can't keep, but if he does we are in big big trouble.


Also, I believe that being in Iraq and Afganastan is the right thing to do and place to be. I have friends over there and yes I'm worried about them, but they are there for our freedom here.

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I appreciate all the commentary, so far...keep it coming. Though I never served in the Military myself (a medical condtion prevented that), I have been around it, all my life, in one form or another. Even had an Uncle that was Cheif of Chaplin's of the Army. Another uncle that was a Marine and Corps Drill Instructor. My Dad was in the Army Air Corps (WWII, before they called it the Air Force), so I'm somewhat familiar with the Military mindset. And, as previously stated, have immmense respect, for alll that do/did serve.


djrmusic777...I had heard exactly the same thing, about Obama's plans for military reductions, and pullouts. Then...recently, I read something else, that stated he was going to ADD personel, more training, etc., to "better prepare" those going into harms way. So...???

I don't know (maybe none of us do, at this point) what to believe. So, it's interesting, to hear other's points of view, feelings, fears, and optimism, too. Thanks (ALL) for the input!



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Retired MasterSargeant U.S. Army 76'-97'

I did 21 years in the military. I've done tours of duty in 6 countries. I've fought in 2 wars, and I have watched friends die. So let me say first that the war in Iraq is an unjust war. We, the people were lied to, and literally tricked by those in positions of power into pursuing this war. It was supposed to be about weapons of mass destruction. But, it turned into just another money making venture for **** Cheney, his Haliburton cronies, and those who profit off of wars, and the death of others. This war diverted our attention from what we started out to do in Afghanistan, and that was to get Osama bin Laden. Now in Iraq alone, more than 4,000 sons and daughters of America, won't be coming home alive. Thousands more are either physically or mentally handicapped. These are lives that are changed forever by what they experienced in Iraq. All in the pursuit of, and for the control of oil. It's one thing to fight and die for your country. But, its quite another to fight and die for a lie. And that's exactly what it was. A LIE. Now, there is a lot of talk about President-Elect Obama, and his socialistic views. But, I say give the man a chance. Unless you believe like John Mcain, that the "fundamentals of the economy are strong". Look, we've had 8 years of being lied to, exploited, manipulated, and generally short-changed by this administration. The average person in America today, is not better off than he was 4 years ago. The cost of living has increased every year, and yet the living wage has stayed the same. America doesn't have the respect in the world that it once had. We are still a world power, but not the world leader. I have seen a lot, and have traveled extensively, and being an American used to mean something in the worlds eyes. Now Prez Bush has made us a joke. A Laughing stock. I for one, am ready for a change.


Thank you, you've been a great audience.

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So let me say first that the war in Iraq is an unjust war. We, the people were lied to, and literally tricked by those in positions of power into pursuing this war. It was supposed to be about weapons of mass destruction. But, it turned into just another money making venture for **** Cheney, his Haliburton cronies, ...


+1 and very well said.

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