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Ruh Roh!


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Don't sweat it, after all the preps they took me in a room gave me a pill and the nurse dimmed the lights and said the doctor would be in shortly. The next thing I remember is the nurse shaking me and I asked if we were ready to start and she no, you are all done. I was clean as a whistle and my wife took me to Texas Roadhouse on the way home I ate a HUGE ribeye, salad and about a dozen rolls, it took me about 3 days to start exhausting again. So enjoy the Roadhouse afterwards, best steak in this part of the country.

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Don't forget TWANG - post the vid on YouTube and link to it here.....



Sorta gives a new meaning to the phrase "you tube", no?


Seriously though, hats off to Nelson, for being man enough to put aside petty squabbles and actually give kind words in this thread. It is nice to see the decent human side of you once in a while... I knew you had it in you, LOL!


Twang, my dad had that same procedure done a few days ago, he said he slept through the whole thing, and he has had no complaints of discomfort afterward... Hope yours goes just as easy. You have my best wishes...

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i've gone through that... actually, i did that in elementary school. i have crohn's disease (so they had to cut me open after the colonoscopy and take out 1/2' of intestines...)


and i did it again on the same day george w bush had one :P (just to make sure i wasn't about to relapse i guess...)

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I've been there done that too. The stressing over the prep was a lot worse than the actual prep. The procedure itself was a breeze.


The best part is that as soon as you're done' date=' go get a huge double cheeseburger or big sloppy pizza. Yeah baby!!![/quote']

actually, i diddn't get to eat after mine :P (not that i really was that hungry after the nasty salty tasting laxative stuff)


but after the surgery i had (sometime after the colonoscopy confirmed my crohn's disease) (and recovery...) i ate sauerbraten! ... very good, and pricey... but hey, i hadn't eaten for a week or so... (couldn't... not after they took out some intestines...)

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Not to worry TWANG. This is really the worst part, I promise. Tomorrow, you'll get out of your street clothes and slip into that hospital gown. They'll wheel you into the room. You'll go to sleep for a little while and voila! You'll be putting your clothes back on before you know it.


BTW, they'll inflate your bowels a bit with air so as to make things a little more visible and maneuverable. That "air" will be making its exit for the first few minutes after you come to. That's one of the few socially acceptable occasions where you can fart to your hearts content, so savor the moment.

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BTW' date=' they'll inflate your bowels a bit with air so as to make things a little more visible and maneuverable. That "air" will be making its exit for the first few minutes after you come to. That's one of the few socially acceptable occasions where you can fart to your hearts content, so savor the moment. [/quote']

Yeah, what he said LOL! My nurse explained the same thing to me when I came to and then looked at me with this mischievious grin and said "So go ahead and let 'er rip!"

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I'm back.

Totally out all through it

Dr. Dosch and all the nurses, techs, were first rate.

Personable, relaxed, even joked about 'house' a bit.


Never felt a thing.

woke up wondefully stoned.

still hard to type.


removed a couple of polyps, have to wait for lab test, but that'r pretty common and so little I'm sure that if it's anything

serious we're on top of it.


Gonna read a few posts then go lay on the bed and listen to Hendrix.


thanks again all.. I appreciate the kind words the jokes.. et al!


You're a good bunch.



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removed a couple of polyps' date='[/i']


Y'know T, I've heard about America's health care and I'd go to the john and check that they haven't removed the wrong polyps..... just in case.... ](*,) ](*,)


if you catch my drift....:-({|=

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and had my three hour nap.

still a little fuzzy headed to tell the truth.


but I feel fine.

never felt a thing.


took out a couple of polyps. be a few days before they analyze them.

but polyps are pretty common so I'm not sweating it.


worst part was just that watery experience.

that and my kid walking by the bathroom laughing.


All I gotta do now is try to wake the heck up!



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In spite of everything else between us here where it's all actually meaningless' date=' I wish the best for you in your health. and all of the good luck....and don't get too aroused by it where afterward you find yourself in a seedy part of town with a hose and a flashlight looking for a lady of service with a really open mind...Just kidding, Twang...get well soon and get back here so that I have someone to argue with...Best of luck





Well, Mr. Nelson, that was refreshing. I'm glad that you mentioned the part about our disagreements on this board being meaningless. It shows that you actually do have a heart (grin). I knew that you did.



Good luck with the procedure. I've been expecting my doctor to prescribe it. All my friends have had it. I've been praying for the external MRI scan that is almost as good as the probe camera to become the standard. One day it will, but I doubt it will happen before my turn. It's a shame that we can't buy replacement parts for our bodies yet. Stem cell research will eventually fix that, too. We old guys were just born 50 years too early.

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Glad to hear your little adventure went ok Twang...now if you hear some ticking don't worry, the DR. just lost his watch up there...lol Next will be the finger wave...last one I had was a bit uncomfy...he 1st put his left hand on my left shoulder...no wait....he put his right hand on my right shoulder.....HEY!!!! wait a minute!!! he had both hands on both shoulder...that no good SOB!! That wasn't his finger after all!!!


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We old guys were just born 50 years too early.


Nah...we got to live through the 60's. If you were really there, that was more than a couple of lifetimes and some of us are still coherent enough (surprisingly) to remember. Or are those still "flashbacks"?? Anyway.....

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Glad to hear your little adventure went ok Twang...now if you hear some ticking don't worry' date=' the DR. just lost his watch up there...lol Next will be the finger wave...last one I had was a bit uncomfy...he 1st put his left hand on my left shoulder...no wait....he put his right hand on my right shoulder.....HEY!!!! wait a minute!!! he had both hands on both shoulder...that no good SOB!! That wasn't his finger after all!!!





Brings a new meaning to "Capt n' & Too Kneel" ?? (Wrong spelling I know..)

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Capt. Years ago I had a cyst removed from a finger.

driving home a guy cut me off.. so I showed him my giant bandage.

guess which finger?


He realized I'd caught up to him not for road rage but just for that, and we went driving down the highway together laughing.


three cheers on the stem cell mention. Far too many find it impossible to get on the organ donor list of recipients, and far too few are willing

to give up their used parts!


test results should be tomorrow or day after, but I feel pretty confident I'm... good to go?


I'll let you all get back to guitars now!


thanks again



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