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Don't be swayed by anyone' date=' including us as to what kind of guitar for whatever kind of music. You can play what you like on just about ANYTHING, the end result will come from you. I've heard people play pretty kool Blues stuff on a frikkin' mandolin, so, again, any guitar will do any kind of music. You could give Duane Allman an LP100, and he'd still sound the same as he would with a '59 (Les Paul), if he were still alive. Be your own judge.[/quote']


Can we make an exception for this atrocity?



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Great advice here. I have nothing much to add but emphasis: Set up is paramount! Make sure it's good. For the music the original poster mentions, you are looking good w/ a Sherri or Dot. Just starting out, I wouldn't even consider any mods-wait till you have a true basis of comparison. But a well set up Sherri or Dot will sound good, and not hold you back. My first 2 guitars were absolute crap. It made me think all guitars must be buzzy and staticky-noisy-'cos I didn't know anything. A buddy of mine with a big brother who also played sold me my 3rd guitar-a well set up perfectly working ovation viper (slab body electric-I remember it fondly)...I never looked back. I might not have stuck with it if that viper didn't come along......the Sears POS and the Hondo LP that preceded it were so hard to play-very discouraging. You'll stand a better chance of sticking with it if your guitar is working like it should.

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Some answers:

The Dot is a much better guitar than the Dot Studio. Well worth the price difference.


The dot will never be obselete. It can always be upgraded to professional standards.


You hear that stuff about 'heavy guage strings = great tone'. As a Texan, I'm sure you're familiar with the tone generated by Mr. B.F. Gibbons. But did you know that he gets that tone from a set of 8-38s? The lightest guitar strings you can buy. I rest my case.


Instead of taking lessons, may I suggest 'Instructional DVDs'. You work at your own pace & can 'rewind anytime'. Try www.licklibrary.com for a comprehensive list of great instructional dvds at all skill levels.


Thats all.

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Go to Medical School! Become a Lawyer! Or...better yet, become a Congress person...then "we'll pay you," to do nothing all day, and take

care of all your expenses, and retirement, in the process. You'll then have all the time and money, to buy whatever guitar you fancy, and practice as much

as you want. You could even "hob-nob" with "Rock Stars," and get playing tips, from them! LOL!


(I'm Sorry, I aologize...the "world" is driving me "nuts" today...more so, than usual, I guess?) #-o=D>8-[



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Welcome Applesauced. Lots of good advice here, and definitely check out the link Willy provided, even more good info. I've had a Dot for a little over a year, and love it. As CB mentioned, it has a fatter neck, and I prefer a slimmer neck, but it doesn't bother me. You can get great sounds out of this thing, and it'll do blues, rock, jazz and more. As for something you can keep for a long time, this fits the bill. In addition to being a good quality affordable guitar, it's one you'll enjoy for a long time just because of it's range. I recently changed the pup's, wiring, switches, etc. because I plan on keeping this baby, but the stock Dot for someone at your level will be just fine for quite a while.


As has been suggested, go try a bunch of guitars. Personal "feel" is important, and you'll learn a lot as well. Whatever you get, post pic's!!!! Good luck.


As for instructions/lessons, there are a ton of good (and free) sites on the internet, including several of the manufacturers sites. Arlen Roth has lessons on Gibby's site as an example. And don't forget Youtube.

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I was looking on craigslist in my area and I found a guy who is selling an Epiphone Dot and a Peavey 15w practice amp and I was curious what kind of offer I should make him for both. I was thinking about $400 but I don't know if thats accurate. Also, I was going to be a lawyer then some stupid aptitude test said I would suck at it, and theres no chance I would be any sort of politician and as for a doctor, well just no thanks. Was gonna shoot this dude an email tonight, lemme know what you guys think

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Here's my Twocents.gif


I've been trying on and off for 40 years to learn, just picked it up again a couple months ago.


My advice is, don't buy just any piece of crap guitar, the Dot's nice, so is the Sheraton II (heavy and big bodied though, another reason I'm looking for a WildKat).


For years I had cheap guitars (acoustic, even harder to learn on a crappy acoustic) , totally frustrating to learn on, don't be afraid to spend a little money on the guitar (a nice guitar will bring back most of what you paid if you decide to quit) and makes the learning much easier.


I wish I had something halfway decent when I was young and able, now I'm 52 and the learning ain't so easy (arthritis setting in etc.....) but I'm still ahead of where I was when I was young.


Good luck and don't forget pics are required when you finally buy something.

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I was looking on craigslist in my area and I found a guy who is selling an Epiphone Dot and a Peavey 15w practice amp and I was curious what kind of offer I should make him for both. I was thinking about $400 but I don't know if thats accurate. Also, I was going to be a lawyer then some stupid aptitude test said I would suck at it, and theres no chance I would be any sort of politician and as for a doctor, well just no thanks. Was gonna shoot this dude an email tonight, lemme know what you guys think[/quote


That should be ok. FYI you can get the Epi dot jumpstart pack at Mus Frind for about the same.

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Here's my Twocents.gif


I've been trying on and off for 40 years to learn' date=' just picked it up again a couple months ago.


My advice is, don't buy just any piece of crap guitar, the Dot's nice, so is the Sheraton II (heavy and big bodied though, another reason I'm looking for a WildKat).


For years I had cheap guitars (acoustic, even harder to learn on a crappy acoustic) , totally frustrating to learn on, don't be afraid to spend a little money on the guitar (a nice guitar will bring back most of what you paid if you decide to quit) and makes the learning much easier.


I wish I had something halfway decent when I was young and able, now I'm 52 and the learning ain't so easy (arthritis setting in etc.....) but I'm still ahead of where I was when I was young.


Good luck and don't forget pics are required when you finally buy something.[/quote']



BTW... NICE! ride.

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Yeah I saw that but if I'm not mistaken this one that I'm looking at on Craigslist isn't a studio and the one in the value pack is but I appreciate you trying to save me cash :-


BTW, Peavey are okay amps. I run my Epi Lp Stnrd through a Peavey Rage 258, and I am pleased with the sound that comes through it.

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I own a Marshall JCM and it kills, problem is the amp is too loud, to heavy to take it anywhere for a quick visit or just to jam along with a friend or something.


So I got a small Fender practice amp. Not that good, but it does the job.


I've looked at tons of the so-called "practice amps" and most will deliver enough volume to drive other household members insane. But aside of that, if you want tone, then Fender is not a bad choice.


The Roland Cube seems to be a popular choice too, very good reviews.


I had a small Peavey tube combo 15 years ago or so, can't remember the name of the damn thing, but it was real cool with some very nice tone. Built to last, you could sit on it, stand on it, kick it, and the thing was like nothing happened to it. Very cool.


Marshall offers nice solid state combos at a very good price, some 30W under 300 bucks, but the reviews don't seem to be all that good. They seem the kind of amp you have to run with a pedal. If you're going to use a good pedal anyways, then why not the Epiphone Valve Jr? You could use something like the Tube Screamer to drive the head without having to crank it up and then get a very nice tone for little money.

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Fender Blues Junior, Pro Junior, Super Champ, are all nice low wattage tube amps, with plenty of volume, should you need it. I have a little Marshall AVT-20, that's great, too. My ONLY complaint with it, is there's no channel switching via a foot pedel...just the button on the facing. That, and the difference in volume from "Clean" to Distortion is too much. But, if you use it clean, and use a pedal, for distortion, it's great! If you play "distorted" the most, anyway...then make your settings, punch the button, and GO!


Roland Cube amps are GREAT, too! Dynamic, with great tone and variety of sounds. Very portable, and reasonable in price, too! Never used Peavey, but a couple of fellows I "jam" with, do...and they're nice, as well. So, lots of Good/Great choices. Try 'em all!



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Well I would give you guys an update but the dude hasn't emailed me back. Hopefully I'll hear something in the next day or so. Also, I was really thinking I wanted a tube amp but from what I've seen they are a bit more than I'm willing to pay right now but I suppose I'll keep looking. I'm watching a live video of Jeff Buckley right now and its making me want a Tele all the sudden ](*,)

But not really.

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Well I would give you guys an update but the dude hasn't emailed me back. Hopefully I'll hear something in the next day or so. Also' date=' I was really thinking I wanted a tube amp but from what I've seen they are a bit more than I'm willing to pay right now but I suppose I'll keep looking. I'm watching a live video of Jeff Buckley right now and its making me want a Tele all the sudden :P

But not really.[/quote']


Teles are great to learn on: good sound, comfortable neck, fairly simple. One of the best beginner guitars along with the strat. As far as amps go the vox valvetronix is good but you could get a smaller wattage version of it to save some cash. Hope this helped.



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I think I read that BB King winds the entire guitar string on his guitars (that's a lot of wraps). Obviously' date=' he doesn't have much trouble with slippage.[/quote']


I've seen pics of that especially on the low E-string, looks untidy but B.B. stays in tune anyway so.....:P



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Ok, I already know the answer to this question, but I'm going to ask anyways. I was looking on the GC website and I found a used Sheri II in Cali for dirt cheap (relatively). There's no possible way I could make it out there to actually get my hands on it before I would buy it. What should I do? I talked a dude in the store and he said it was a pretty clean guitar, god I don't know what to do.

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Ok' date=' I already know the answer to this question, but I'm going to ask anyways. I was looking on the GC website and I found a used Sheri II in Cali for dirt cheap (relatively). There's no possible way I could make it out there to actually get my hands on it before I would buy it. What should I do? I talked a dude in the store and he said it was a pretty clean guitar, god I don't know what to do.[/quote']


First, ask what their "return" policy is, on used guitars...if the have one. Next, find out the serial number,

so you can see when/where it was made, which might help determine what he considers "clean" in relation

to it's age...and/or ask if it's a "B" stock or 2nd. Did he say it was all in great working order...any "if's and's or but's?

Just a few ideas...you may have already done all this?



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