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So what's this all about???


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I personally think they are going to introduce their new guitar instruction videos "Gibson Learn and Master Guitar". This is a reshooting of the 20 DVD training videos that have done pretty well for Legacy Learning. These DVDs cover a HUGH amount of guitar tuition at a pretty leisurely pace (Steve is a pretty good teacher). The new ones are almost exactly word for word remakes of the originals but are shot in High Definition and all the guitars used are now from Gibson. Just my opinion.......

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If that comes with a case o' Budweiser and a firearm, then ok by me. And some beef. Gotta have beef. I'm really craving BBQ right now. Really badly.


OOO that sounds good, but for the price of whatever piece of over hyped technological junk it is I would choose a decent Melody maker and 100 cases a beer and 2 sides a beef 2 hogs and a bunch of egg laying chickens

for the breakfast time.


Heck they will probably put some type phone / wireless ipad in the dam thing.


Morons trying to re-invent the wheel.

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My serious guess is a lighted fret board for finger placement with a guitar hero type interface




I really wish they would come out with some amps.


Neither of which would change music forever.


It must be mind-boggling!


That's got to be why they're hyping it with giveaways...

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Gibson should just dial all the BS back and concentrate on consistant quality in their proven lines first and foremost. Then maybe signature crap, and lastly the new robot electronical field which is so fast paced that by the time you get one it is obsolete and they are not supporting it. I do not want or need a bunch of electronics embedded in my guitar. The guitar is what it is. Where are all the revolutionary Roland synth guitars in todays music ?


Where are all the Gibson RD Artist with the Moog circuitry that still works ?


Why are stripped out robots and the robot parts more prevalent on e-bay than any working robot Gibson guitar ?


Why is a guitar built by Gibson in 1959 the holy grail of electrics ?

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In related news, direct from CNN.....Fender has a trade show, the police show up and tell everyone, " Move along now, nothing to see here! "[flapper][thumbup] :unsure: [scared][cool]


Fred might disagree......




New Blacktop Jazzmaster. One single coil and a humbucker. Best of both worlds???? B)

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The big announcement? The new Linsey Lohan Les Paul!!! It lets you make the same mistakes over and over, it's chambered body descretely holds a fifth of booze, hollow knobs are perfect to hold powder of your choice, comes in T.V. yellow ( cause it will never be featured in a movie ), and come with twelve authentic Gibson ' Get out of jail certificates. ' [thumbup][flapper] :unsure: And, the tuners double as handcuff keys!!![scared][drool]:-({|=[lol]

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For Zenken and by default, 'Fred'. Because this is a Gibson forum I took the liberty to jibe Fenders a bit; strictly in fun and or jest. I do own a Fender Tele, two identical white strats and a very nice sunburst strat with tex-mex pick-ups, and I love them all. Forgive my humor. Much regards; and that Jaguar does look really nice and smartly designed. A real P-90 on a Fender, bet it sound good.[thumbup]

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I'd like to watch the announcement on my computer at work. Anyone know of a site or organization that are going to cover the press conference?


Apple has said they would change things forever with products and have; yet again, chrysler said the same thing with K cars.


I bet it is a new guitar with serious bells and whistles including a lot of computer electronics - perhaps an over air internet hookup allowing downloading of self playing tabs or something? [confused]

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