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Favorite on-line music instrument retailer?


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I see that Instrument Pro didn't get any votes. Out of all the online instruments retailers I have dealt with, they are the only one to ever give me grief. I ordered an item they never sent. Every time I inquired about my order they said it was shipped and would give me a bogus shipping code. It took me about a month to get my money back. I will never do business with them again.

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soooo THATS who sold my personal info to the telemarket partnership last month.

I had it narrowed down to Sweets or MF.......

Methinks it's time to fire off a few questions about info-sharing w/3rd parties and probably shutting down my account.


It was a real PITA. We'd just gotten new cards, as our old ones had finally reached their expiration dates. We'd gone through all the folks that we've set up for CC billing (the kid's WoW accounts, Newegg, etc.) and had to go through it all over again.


When the CC company called to tell us they were re-issuing due to our info being compromised, we asked who. Of course, regulations and fear of litigation prevented them from being able to name a specific company, but they COULD read us a list of names of all the companies that had had their info compromised.


The only company on that list we'd done business with was Sweetwater.


I don't care how cool the guy is who calls my house, or how good their deal is, or how neat their "you're buying this actual guitar" pictures in the gallery are.... if they won't protect my personal data, they won't get my business.


I'm actually kind of surprised at how little that seems to mean to folks.... but to each his/her own, I reckon!



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All kidding aside, I think you'll have occasional good times and bad times in just about any interface with any corporate entity. Even any given individual will have a bad day and a great day. Worse... I just spent nearly an hour trying to get a human being other than an overworked operator to answer the phone at a major Arizona newspaper. It never happened, either.


The better sales person will do better long-run, but may be getting pressure for "more right now" for whatever reason. I think that's unfair but then again I get grouchy about certain sorts of corporate practices.


I also think the better sales people should probably have an email or phone extension hot line to customers who'd like to work with one person on certain days of the week - and have a computer set up so "regulars" might get a special "hi" on email or phone voice mail.


When I was doing sales - and teaching it - I always stressed relationship and truly caring about a customer's needs. Short run you may not get a given sale; long run it makes for more sales more consistently because you've got a good rep. The problem with some of the bigger outfits tends to be that there's so much of a revolving door, and that corporate policies seem inclined toward interchangeable puppets, that some good salesmanship/customer service practices never get implemented.



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I'd never dealt with GC until about 3 weeks ago. I stopped by the local GC, wanted to buy a koa Uke - I had the printouts form the MF web site, at a $50 savings (20% off the GC price). The sales rep said that they'd match the price, of course! Then told me that it is the same company. No problem. I took my time and played two instruments over and over - same company, same model number - very different instruments - bridge, saddle, nut, headstock not even close to identical - one had the brand on the headstock, the other didn't - and totally different tone. Sales guy kept trying to get me to buy the one with a little more bass, but I decided on the other.


Tag said that it came with a case, but he couldn't find the case. Took my name and number, promised he'd call as soon as they got a case in.


Again, that was three weeks ago. I'm still waiting for a call. If that's representative of the customer service at GC, I don't have to visit them again - in person, or on line.


OR any of their other stores/subsidiaries.


I tried two of my local independent shops, and each has ordered me a uke on spec - one shop has a sign posted that they will beat ANY legitimate price, local or mail order.

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For everyone who thinks sweetwater compromised their CC... They Didn't. I have made thousands of dollars in purchases over the years from them and I have NEVER had 1 issue with them. Now, They very well could sell their client database.. dam near every company in the world does this, If you use a CC, the information as far as spending habits is shared with marketers. But, as far as making your card at risk, Didn't happen.

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The problem with biiiggg corporations is that some folks who work for them at some times are as good and honest and hardworking folks as you'll ever meet. Some are trying hard but just ain't gonna make it. Some are playing the angles. Maybe I've lucked out; I've had some who sold me more stuff I pretty much wanted/needed anyway but would have put off with some sales folks because they made that extra effort.


So if you go into a GC, I'll wager some stores with some sales people are very good and others far less than good by any measure. I've had good luck generally with MF. This last order got messed up a bit by a new guy, but the customer service guy seems to have things working to clean it up. I'm not in a rush and I once was "the new guy" myself.


I've never been in a GC store. Too far away. Yeah, they're huge, but like any retail chain, I'll wager some are good some ain't. I hate to say this, but I don't particularly trust any store sales person who sez X will happen. He/she ain't got the torque to make it happen for sure. When I was a teen I sold men's/teen clothes in a big store. I started slowly, then actually built a clientele, largely parents who knew I wouldn't BS them. Some fast talkers would have bigger days - I had bigger weeks. For one thing, I never promised what I didn't have in hand.


I don't know about Sweetwater CC files being compromised or not. But given how many places have been, I'm not sure I'd be surprised. I think it's kinda the price we pay for modern society and speed and such.


Don't get me wrong about MF etc; I'm not particularly a fan of big corporations. I've got big reservations about various shipping and storage of wooden musical instruments. But I haven't felt cheated nearly as much as at some local stores in various parts of the country over the past 20 years.



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I like American Musical Supply. Mainly because they have CBI cables. I try to buy things made in the states as often as possible. Also, I've got a few pedals from American Musical Supply, and they are often a little less $$ than other companies.

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For everyone who thinks sweetwater compromised their CC... They Didn't. I have made thousands of dollars in purchases over the years from them and I have NEVER had 1 issue with them. Now, They very well could sell their client database.. dam near every company in the world does this, If you use a CC, the information as far as spending habits is shared with marketers. But, as far as making your card at risk, Didn't happen.



You're wrong. They did. I'm not sure what part of "ONLY store on the list we did business with" that was not clear, but apparently you missed that part.


See.... it's real difficult for a store that you've never done business with to get... and therefore compromise... your CC info.


Pretty simple, really.



We track who we do business with, keep all our receipts and verify all charges every month.







It really was that easy. Kind of narrows it down substantially when there is only one to choose from....



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