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Epiphone SG VS Gibson SG


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Hey!... well... there's not too much to say... a gibson is a gibson men... You may not see the diference now... but in a few years, the price of the gibson would be ten times bigger, and the epi will be cheaper... Don't be so selfish, get the gibson...

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I thought that was the reason for the change to the full-face pg in '66 was because of the change over from short to long........but i'm definitely no expert, and have been wrong before.


And evidently my math sux too.....the SG is 2 yrs older than me, and i'm 47, not 37.......wishful thinking maybe? [biggrin]

I think the neck joint (where the body meets the neck) is the difference in the small guard SGs and the "batwing" SGs, I think the tenons are the same. I'm no expert either but that's my impression. But I know what you're saying, I prefer the stronger neck joint, too.

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I have always been a Gibson SG type. I am sure the epis are nice, but they just don't look the same as the Gibson SGs for some reason. The bodies dont look as nice to me.


I guess it just depends what you like. But if you are getting an epi now, but with the goal of a Gibson later, then just get the Gibson now. The time you have with it now will offset the cost. And, if you don't get it now, it's gonna cost a lot more later.

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I had 2 Iommi's epiphones at different times though, they sound better then most guitars I had. When I first got my first gibby SG Standard a few month ago at first i though it sounded similar to the Iommi, after adjusting the pup and the pole pieces it really sounds good. The notes are warm and zero buzz it just sounds better. The woods and the finish really help, and most of all the neck is awesome!! the strings line up perfect up and down the neck. I dont like my les paul neck as much anymore!

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i just bought a gibson sg the otherday and i previously has epiphone g400 or "sg" lol total garbage compared to gibson. i thought it wouldnt be that big but oh my god it just feels so different and i love it. the sound the feel the notes cannot stop playing

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I've owned both Epi and Gibson. You can find an exceptional Epi that may measure up to Gibby in workmanship and finish, but then there's the wood and electronics. You can't get away from the fact that Epi is Gibson's "B". For me, sometimes Epi is the right choice - when I'm looking for a guitar I can use at those "rough" type places and not worry about loss or breakage.

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consider if you're willing to pay a couple hundred more for a better sound (not a huge amount) and the Gibson logo. But gibsons also have better quality and a finish that makes it sound better. but see if you can hear the sound difference; usually it's just slight.

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If you are going to swap the electronics on any of them I'd go with the epi. Some people might not know this but the epi g400 is a really nice guitar, especially for the price. If you don't mind the brand/headstock and can't really see the difference between them both then go with the one that's cheaper. There are lots of guys who play epis and are happy with them. Just my opinion.

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