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Funny sayings


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To an acquaintance who has, obviously, had a recent hair cut:


"Did you get your ears lowered?"



Curiously, this is a recent version of the social query. My dad's generation said, "Did you get your ears raised?"


That never seemed to make sense to me, as getting one's hair cut had the effect of raising the hair line around one's ears, giving the illusion that the ears were lowered.


However.. now that I think about it. Maybe my dad's generation was saying, "Did you get your ears RAZED?" Meaning having the hair around one's ears razor-ed off to give that fresh cut look as part of the tonsorial process. I think I just solved a two generation mystery. [woot]

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Sayings associated with passing gas.


"Who died"


"Who let out the rat"


"Did you hear the barking spider"


"Oops I think I heard a crotch cricket"


"Speak up lieutenant, we'll find you"


"Whisper sweet lips"


"My compliments to the chef"


"In some countries this is considered a compliment"


"Who cut the cheese?"


"Oh that sounded wet"


"Chief who?"

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Sayings associated with passing gas.


"Who died"


"Who let out the rat"


"Did you hear the barking spider"


"Oops I think I heard a crotch cricket"


"Speak up lieutenant, we'll find you"


"Whisper sweet lips"


"My compliments to the chef"


"In some countries this is considered a compliment"


"Who cut the cheese?"


"Oh that sounded wet"


"Chief who?"


Are farts supposed to come in lumps???

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Here are a couple of sayings used by Nashville publishers when they think a song lyric is great.

"It's stronger than a bear's breath" I've also heard

"stronger than a garlic milkshake"

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"he's more F***ED UP than Hogan's Goat".


Who is Hogan and why is his goat F***ED UP? But, I think that would be a cool band name if it isn't already taken B)


One definition:

Hogan's Goat


In 1855 a European goat farmer by the name of Hoek Hogan raised a particularly disgusting goat. This goat quickly became famous for being the most horrific smelling and ugly creature to wander the fields. It is legend that his scent could be detected from over a kilometer away (.6217 miles).


To compare something to hogan's goat is considered a great insult.

"Timmy hasn't bathed in a week. He smells like Hogan's goat"





Sayings associated with passing gas.


"Who died"


"Who let out the rat"


"Did you hear the barking spider"


"Oops I think I heard a crotch cricket"


"Speak up lieutenant, we'll find you"


"Whisper sweet lips"


"My compliments to the chef"


"In some countries this is considered a compliment"


"Who cut the cheese?"


"Oh that sounded wet"


"Chief who?"


Yesterday my daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. We were in the hospital room, I with new granddaughter in lap. The nurse came in. My daughter said to the nurse, "Guess what? I farted!" [blush] "That's a good thing," said the nurse as she made a note of it. I said,"Wow I didn't know we were announcing that. I'll remember it next time." [woot] At which point baby grand daughter #3 chimed in. =D>


Oh this one's a keeper. [wink]

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Describing someone who is not very good looking.


"Uglier than a sack of A$$holes"

"Uglier than a bucket of worms"

" Got beat by the ugly stick"

"Fell from the trop of the ugly tree and didn't miss a branch on the way down"

"Fugly" short for F*%kin' Ugly


Parental threat to getting a whooping'


" You're A$$ is grass and I'm the lawnmower"

" Beat you like a red headed step child"




"Colder than a well diggers's A$$"


Unit of measurement

" A "C" hair" - C being an unpopular term for a lady part

" A Red C Hair" and even finer unit of measurement



" A turd Siren"


Going to the bathroom to poop.

"Taking the Browns to the Super Bowl"

" Dropping the kids off at the pool"

" Do some low altitude bombing"

" Take a Dump"

"Pinch a loaf"

" Heave a Havana"

" Punch out a Dooky"

" Drop a Deuce"


That's all I got for now...

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He's as about as sharp as a marble!


She bangs like a belt fed mortar!


Built like a brick sh!t house!


She smels like a trawlermen's jumper!


He's about as much use as an ash tray on a motorbike!


Sweating like a blonde in a spelling test!


Shaking like a sh!tting dog!

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I thought about this thread today at the eye doctors office the doctor was trying to explain something to a new nurse she walked out and he just shook his head and said .



Sorry she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer! hell she's not even the sharpest spoon in the drawer.


I just chuckled and said well she probably has a good personality ? He just shook his head no and said nope stupid and mean but she has a real job skill since she just happens to be the youngest daughter of one of the primary doctors that own this clinic, so what she lacks in talent she makes up for in job security.

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