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Help with G.A.S


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Hey I need some words of advice to get over my gear buying addiction.


I've wheeled and deal and accquired 3 new guitars since december and sold two. I have a standard tele with hipshot b-bender, a Squier JV strat, a epiphone elitist byrdland, and have a Ricky 620 on layaway. I've got a list in my head of what i'm going to buy next.


I have a Fender showman i was going to get rid of but decided id keep. I'll have to pull a couple power tubes and run it at50 watts for a couple reasons.


I"m debating selling my telecaster to get a small practice amp voxac15 or something.


What should I do? WIll my collection be sufficient for tone if i get rid of my tele?



crazyness ahhhh! :P

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Hey I need some words of advice to get over my gear buying addiction.

You and me both, buddy.


"I've wheeled and deal and acquired 3 new guitars since..."

"I've got a list in my head of what i'm going to buy next."

"I'm debating selling my...to get a..."

"What should I do? "


You sound exactly like me. [lol]

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You and me both, buddy.


"I've wheeled and deal and acquired 3 new guitars since..."

"I've got a list in my head of what i'm going to buy next."

"I'm debating selling my...to get a..."

"What should I do? "


You sound exactly like me. [lol]



  • Stop visiting forums; they cause more GAS than anything.
  • Find a wife that will monitor your credit card spending. Most do. In fact with online banking I'm sure some of us have been read the riot act before we got home with our new purchases...;)
  • Actually play the guitar instead of looking for gear that will supposedly help your tone. At some point, it becomes a mental illness.

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GAS is virtually incurable. I've found even after you get something you've been gassing for, almost immediately you start gassing for something else. When it comes to selling a piece of gear in order to buy another bit of gear (guitar, amp, or pedal, etc) just be sure you're not selling something that you'll end up buying back later. Most guitarists suffer from GAS it's just that some people have fatter wallets and bank accounts than others.

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GOOD LUCK! I had the major GAS just last monday. Switched to an American Standard Jazz Bass. Tomorrow I'm Switching out a Marshall MB4210 for an Ampeg BA-115HP. "There Ain't No Cure For The Summer Time Blues", or GAS either!

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Hey I need some words of advice to get over my gear buying addiction.


I've wheeled and deal and accquired 3 new guitars since december and sold two. I have a standard tele with hipshot b-bender, a Squier JV strat, a epiphone elitist byrdland, and have a Ricky 620 on layaway. I've got a list in my head of what i'm going to buy next.


I have a Fender showman i was going to get rid of but decided id keep. I'll have to pull a couple power tubes and run it at50 watts for a couple reasons.


I"m debating selling my telecaster to get a small practice amp voxac15 or something.


What should I do? WIll my collection be sufficient for tone if i get rid of my tele?



crazyness ahhhh! :P


i don't think there is a cure... [blink]

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I started to think I had a problem when my pedal collection started pushing 100.




After pondering the fact that I only used about 10 of these I came up with a plan. I would put most of them on Ebay and use the proceeds to buy one killer high end guitar that I wouldn't normally buy.


That's how I ended up with this bad boy.





I really enjoyed this process and I think I'm now going to sell a few of my guitars that never get played and buy a nice 12 string.

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I wish I could claim I ain't swapped off guitars since 1963. Some since then I miss, some I don't, many I don't even remember.


But there's little question in my mind that as long as you play guitar you're almost certainly gonna have GAS. Period.


I'd like to think that you get a little more practical the older you get, since I've been getting older for longer than most. But... that doesn't mean a loss of GAS. If I had the cash, I'd...




For whatcha got now, I'd keep the Tele, dump the Strat for a 335 or Epi Dot. Then consider a decent A-E. But then I don't care for Tele necks regardless of sound, and the Strat never did anything for me in terms of tone or neck. Then there's a mandatory 12, either AE or with a mag pickup which to me is preferable to a solidbody or "semi" 12 like the Rick. (Mine has the mag.) Don't forget the potential of an AE nylon string, either, preferably with a neck you can do a little classical on. And...


We all have our wish list and yours is just as good for you as mine for me.



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Alright don't get me wanting a 335 now. The Byrdland is going to have to cover my Gibson hole. No way am i getting rid of the JV strat, listen to Rubber Soul, a lot of strats on that album.


I'm thinking the Rick 620 will fit in well cause ei'm a bit of a hack in there rythym/lead kinda guy. Listening to paul weller on his ricks makes me think it might be a good fit for me.


Bravo Milod; Well stated.

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Cash ain't in all that good supply here, but... that Epi Dot is a pretty decent box. Ain't a 335, but... then get a decent A-E. Or, go playing in guitar stores and you'd be surprised how some very inexpensive flattop 12s can play decently, then add a soundhole mag pickup. <grin> Some can sound pretty "rick-like" that way.


I know. I be bad. <grin>




<bigger grin>


Told yuh that gray hair doesn't end GAS.



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