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Post count??


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I scrolled to the last page of the Lounge threads. The oldest one was last posted on Sep 23 2008 02:31 AM. Farther back than that the last poster is listed as Guest___*, with only the thread title in tact. The posts are gone.



Wow [confused]


I think I just gazed upon the end of the internet. [scared]


It's lonely out there. [crying]

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I scrolled to the last page of the Lounge threads. The oldest one was last posted on Sep 23 2008 02:31 AM. Farther back than that the last poster is listed as Guest___*, with only the thread title in tact. The posts are gone.



Wow [confused]


I think I just gazed upon the end of the internet. [scared]


It's lonely out there. [crying]


I'll bet you don't know who that member is, and why the posts are gone..............................

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Guest FarnsBarns

It's of no concern to me but I have noticed that every time one edits a post it increases the count in the "todays top posters" thing on the home page. Since I edit most posts once or twice just to correct typos etc, mine is usually 2-3 times higher than the actual number of posts I've made.

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Don't think i lost any recently but i don't really keep count - but there's been a few major crashes one where we lost all the post's and everybody had to sign up again and start over and another where a year or so of posts vanished. I don't even like to think about what my post count would be if I hadn't started over a couple of times.


That's why we oldtimers don't sweat the small crashes we know what a real Gibson forum crash looks like [unsure]

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As of yesterday Sept 2008 was the oldest threads still viable. There are a hand full with only the topic lines in tact. I suspect this is the stage before finally being relegated to area 51.


I suspect that as they fall off the far end, we lose post counts.


For me I like the post counts because I can determine if a poster is a newbie or not. Sometimes in the conversation that is relavant. I don't get all puffed up by a high count. Probably means I need a life.... or I need to practice more.

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