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just had a major row with the wife...

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Even extends so far as the grandmother! Very wise words Duane.


when in a relationship, and this is how I've never ended one angrily, I never say anything that could be construed as mean, in an argument. Generally I let her get it all out, I have to listen, and then we have a proper discussion out of it (I'm very mellow until a certain point, and that point is hard to get to). Never say something that you might regret in the heat of an argument, it's like poking an already angry bear.

Now THAT'S being a man!

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Fighting is okay, even healthy, as long as you fight fair. Never argue about things that are irrelevent to the immediate point. Never make your wife feel inadequate.


I'm with milod on the kids things. Not knowing (you, your wife, or) your kids, I wouldn't know the approach to take with them, other than keeping them away from sugar.

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Stand by your wife man......


You've gotta teach young boys to respect females, and that comes from you the father.


Duane about said all there is to say on the matter, in my personal experience I had to make my son understand that if his mom was upset about his actions then I would be even more upset. When I got upset he got his tail spanked. Worked for us.

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Steve, I say this as a friend. However, if I was your wife I would be pretty upset that you aired our problems in a guitar forum. You should be having this conversation with her. When your boy sees you disrespecting his mother, HE WILL do the same and he already has.

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Kids, like most of us, take the path of least resistance. As he gets older, he will learn that an occasional 'NO' means you care more than a 'yes' does. Hang in there, trust your gut. It's a big job raising a future man.

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Do the same thing my parents did when I stepped out of line...take turns beating your kid. I know all this crap nowdays about it being illegal for you to discipline your children, but you know what 90% of todays stupid punk *** children are a result of there parents not being allowed to give them a swift slap upside the head now and then. Yeah it's not really PC but it makes your kid stop and think, and really drives home the fact that they screwed up.

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My 2 cents.

1. Get counseling.

2. Sounds like you're wife may be trying to be a "friend" to the boy....you can not be a effective parent and be a friend at the same time....You two have to be on the same page..a team...other wise he will play you two against each other...

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