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What guitar tone or effect can you NOT stand?


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Someone said it above but i am too lazy to check who...


I think most/all effects have their place...but a lot of people either overuse them or use them to an extreme that is just too much.


I have 1 effects pedal...an Electric Mistress...i use it occasionally, mostly on a clean setting but other than that, its just my amp and my guitar!

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I think most effects have their place. Frankly, in my own playing I don't ever feel tempted to use much in the way of effects, unless I'm doing something trippy/ambient/noisy. When I record with my band I run through a Roland Micro Cube. While I like a good amount of distortion (and unfortunately, on that amp you need to turn the treble all the way up to get any of the models to really distort decently) for both rhythm and lead stuff (I play industrial metal--what can I say?) I don't use effects very often. I keep a pretty dry sound. Occasionally, if I want an effected lead tone (maybe like early Saint Vitus) I'll use a narrow phaser and a touch of reverb. When I do shreddy stuff I like to use the very subtlest touch of chorus and a touch of digital delay. Unfortunately, the Micro Cube is a pretty mid-heavy amp, and I'm really feeling a more scooped sound for this current band. I think that I'm going to need a pedal to help me out with that kind of distortion before long. If I'm using a pedal I'm gonna go back to my Marshall MG10KK--it has a better clean channel than the Micro Cube.


I happen to like scooped-mids and aggressive metal distortion. In fact, I'm probably a little too fond of distortion.


Sounds like you want a big muff of some type.




I can't tell if I overuse effects or not...

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Sounds like you want a big muff of some type.




I can't tell if I overuse effects or not...


My ex had a big muff, if you know what I am sayin (ROFL)


I agree with Shred on the Line6 stuff, after owning a POD I must say I really didnt enjoy any of there built in effects that werent modeled after a real life stompbox. There was one in mine that was called the POD Racer or something and in the Line6 manual it said if you could play it right it would sound like the pod racers from Star Wars I and well WTF does that have to do with guitar!!

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I'm with Evol, I don't care for chorus, but I don't hate it.


What really pissed me off was I was at a show once and there's this guitarist. During the whole show, he used

high gain, a phaser, and digital delay. It pissed me off to no end. Really, you need a delay and a phaser for the whole show? They covered the Immigrant Song, and guess what, still super high gain, delay and a phaser.

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I'm with Evol, I don't care for chorus, but I don't hate it.


What really pissed me off was I was at a show once and there's this guitarist. During the whole show, he used

high gain, a phaser, and digital delay. It pissed me off to no end. Really, you need a delay and a phaser for the whole show? They covered the Immigrant Song, and guess what, still super high gain, delay and a phaser.


For me, chorus has to be super overdone for it to be cool. I hate standard chorus


Your second point brigs up a complete other argument and something I loathe: when effects become the sound of the guitarist. Pedals are like spices, without the steak, it's just disgusting

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I'm with Evol, I don't care for chorus, but I don't hate it.


What really pissed me off was I was at a show once and there's this guitarist. During the whole show, he used

high gain, a phaser, and digital delay. It pissed me off to no end. Really, you need a delay and a phaser for the whole show? They covered the Immigrant Song, and guess what, still super high gain, delay and a phaser.


At the last show I went to one of the openers played with super high gain and a gnarly flanger or phaser seriously the whole time. And the flanger was SO HARSH at the top of the sweep it was killing my ears. It seriously gave me an intense headache that lasted for the rest of the show. I was just thinking dude how can you stand to listen to that it ****ing hurts!

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Fred I have to ask judging by the recordings I've sent you do you think I have steak? Be honest. I'm wondering if I need to cut down even though I really mostly just use fuzz.


It's all about balance. Most of the stuff with delays is pretty clean, and then the fuzz stuff is really cool. My thing that I hate is when someone has their delay, flanger, phaser and 5 distortions running. That's just overdone. That being said, if you don't have salt and pepper, it gets bland. Whatever your salt and pepper is, use it.


That being said, I don't think I can judge anyone's tone. Some people think my tone is boring, but it's all about nuances

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Word. I'm not gonna lie though most of the recordings I've sent you use like 3-4 pedals at once haha.


I think the gain on your Sunn is like the coolest sounding amp distortion ever. Definately not boring.


I mean you like effects, but it's not overused. Some people have those processed sounds that are just ridiculous. That's the one thing I love about the sound shank, it's very organic, and touch sensitive, I am mainly using it as an added boost/added gain to my channel, but if I pick lightly, it can be pretty clean


Thanks, the Sunn is a beast and it drives me wild.

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I think that effects and tones are a healthy part of a guitarist diet but, just like food, too much of anything isnt good. I feel there can be some nice innovation with pedals and effects. I just recently started using the effects on my line 6 amp (dont judge. It was a gift and its all I have, and I like it.) and they add something. Now granted, I dont want notes going everywhere, but a little echo or extra punch is fun.

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I'm looking at running a Boss ML-2 and boosting it with an OD-3 or BD-2 for leads. Boss is cheap and they get that good "buzz-saw/hornet's nest" sort of tone. It'll do because it's so damn cheap and, frankly, it's better than what I'm working with now. I know, I know, Boss is the worst etc., but I've tried them out at stores a few times and, frankly, I don't get all the hate. I can get a pretty usable Rammstein/Oomph! tone using the ML-2 alone, which is basically what I need for my band right now. Eventually I'll invest in more expensive and higher quality pedals, but for the time being I need a cheap rig that sounds decent and gets me the gain I need. I'm also going to try and get a cheap wah--probably an Ibanez Weeping Demon--for my leads. Also I'm trying to buy these used. I'm trying to get off as cheaply as I possibly can. The Boss OD-3, at least, is definitely going to end up a part of my rig, since if all goes as planned this week I've got a pretty good deal on it, and there's basically no reason for me not to buy it.

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