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What causes binding to crack?


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It has happened on both my SG and my Guild S-100. Strangely enough, it has not happened on my Alvarez Yairi acoustic, which is somewhat older than both of my electrics. I am, of course, talking about the binding on the neck.


Any ideas?

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Brittle plastic binding cracking as the wood moves in response to environmental conditions (humidity/heat).


Speaking of neck binding, generally, but not always, it's the length of the fret tang. Some are cut back so that when humidity/heat shrink and expand the wood (the binding moves with it) the fret tangs don't crack the binding during a shrink phase.


The same action of the the wood contracting and expanding can crack body binding.


Guitars kept in climate controlled environments rarely have this problem.

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Brittle plastic binding cracking as the wood moves in response to environmental conditions (humidity/heat).


Speaking of neck binding, generally, but not always, it's the length of the fret tang. Some are cut back so that when humidity/heat shrink and expand the wood (the binding moves with it) the fret tangs don't crack the binding during a shrink phase.


The same action of the the wood contracting and expanding can crack body binding.


Guitars kept in climate controlled environments rarely have this problem.


Interesting. The guitar I have taken the least care of - my Alvarez Yairi - is the one that has not developed this problem. But my electrics - in their cases with a humidifier during the winter months - develop the problems.


Go figure.

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I would guess the woods in the acoustic were managed and dried/cured with much care, making them a bit more stable.


Electrics (excluding hollow bodies) are made of much thicker wood. And I'm not sure that wood for electrics is as carefully managed and dried/cured before production. You might remember there was a problem that was discussed on either the LP or SG subforums a year ago or so with drying/curing of the neck/fingerboard woods which lead to warranty replacements for the original owners.

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While binding can get old and brittle with age and crack, there are a few other things. Like stated above, the way the fret tang is cut can allow it to happen if the guitar dries out in winter months, the wood shrinks but the plastic binding doesn't. One other thing, the thickness and type of finish. A really thick poly finish will be better at keeping the wood's moisture content a little more stable, and acts like a hard shell. A really thin finish will be less resistant to movement, and nitro finishes actually get thinner with age! Above all else though would be the humidity.......don't let the guitar dry out, and especially keep the guitar protected from sudden temperature changes! :D Cracked binding doesn't really affect playability that much, unless it is coming unglued and sticking out. It also doesn't really detract from the value of a guitar so much either. That's some good news at least!

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I would guess the woods in the acoustic were managed and dried/cured with much care, making them a bit more stable.


Electrics (excluding hollow bodies) are made of much thicker wood. And I'm not sure that wood for electrics is as carefully managed and dried/cured before production. You might remember there was a problem that was discussed on either the LP or SG subforums a year ago or so with drying/curing of the neck/fingerboard woods which lead to warranty replacements for the original owners.


Thank you for the information.

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Chemistry too plays a part. Binding is generally some type of plastic. Age causes binding to crack, some earlier than others. Body chemistry might play a part too. Some people's body chemistry is more prone to affect plastics, even guitar finishes. This may be due to just plain individuality and/or the foods, drinks, and other chemicals we ingest and inhale.

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But remember, though the binding cracks, and the pages start to yellow, I'll be in love with You.


Well not YOU You, but, You. You know.


Sorry. I miss that guy.



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Do you keep the Alvarez Yari in the house?


Yeah. Since I bought it in '95, (it's a '92), I have literally done nothing to keep it from adverse weather conditions. I honestly think it's a extremely well-made guitar that has just withstood my abuse because of the great build quality. It sits out in the hot, humid summers of my house (no central A/C), and in the dry forced air heat during the long Cleveland winters. I do have a finish crack, but that's it. I will try to post some pics when I get home. If this sounds like a plug for Alvarez Yairi, I hope so: they make a very fine product.

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Does your Yairi have wood binding? Some models of the Yairi line do. Wood binding would shrink and expand at a rate more like the wooden guitar. Plastic---not so much.


Hmmm...I don't THINK so, but without the guitar in front of me, I can't say definitely. I will check when I get home.

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Yeah. Since I bought it in '95, (it's a '92), I have literally done nothing to keep it from adverse weather conditions. I honestly think it's a extremely well-made guitar that has just withstood my abuse because of the great build quality. It sits out in the hot, humid summers of my house (no central A/C), and in the dry forced air heat during the long Cleveland winters. I do have a finish crack, but that's it. I will try to post some pics when I get home. If this sounds like a plug for Alvarez Yairi, I hope so: they make a very fine product.

So if you think about it, the Alvarez stays in a pretty stable environment, but chances are you take the other two out to jams and on road trips or over to a friends house, in and out of different environments.

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Here's another thought on the neck binding. If your SG has the thinner neck as does my S100c, it may be working "up and down" more than you think and that might eventually crack the binding kinda like working any piece of plastic eventually will crack it.


The Alvarez may have a thicker neck that doesn't work as much.


Just a thought on that one...



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I think everyone covered the question well , so time for a derail I can't resist [biggrin]


Wise man said; Better to have Binding Crack than to have Crack that is Binding! [woot]



I kill me..... [lol]




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