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Cheap Trick dodges a bullet


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Cheak Trick had just finished their 5th song and a freak storm blew in Sunday evening.

In a matter of seconds the main stage (where they were playing) came crashing down. The storm was very localized in that there were two giant screens on either side of the stage that remained intact. No twisters apparently. Just huge wind. We had a large tree come down at home too.

Only 3 or 4 injured and sent to hospital and released the next day.

Another sad part of the story that I read this morning is that apparently some rare and vintage guitars may have been casualties. A roadie was seen pulling one guitar out of the debris and speculation is that there were more guitars still in there. The drum kit was still erect.

There are some pictures on their website http://www.cheaptrick.com/.

Bummer of a way to end the festival.



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I don't understand why people crap on Cheap Trick. They have done something right. I saw them open for KISS in the late seventies and here they still are. My brother won back stage passes and got a tour jacket and boy was I one envious 16 year old.



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Glad they are all right. Are the guitars going to be okay, little Tommy?


I hope Rick can get the money together to build his guitar museum soon. I can't wait!


Think of it, a Car museum and a Guitar museum less than a half hour apart!

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I posted this story on Face Book yesterday and got a bunch of "Too bad they didn't die" and "Finally a Cheap Trick show that wasn't boring! comments.


Haters gonna hate I guess.


Clearly the person that said they were boring has never been to one of their live shows.

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Their early ad campaign was on the very edge of magazine pages, Hit Parader, Creem, Circus, stuff like that. MAY have even been Guitar Player, but I don't think so. "We're going to play a Cheap Trick on you" was all it would say, and there'd be Bun or Rick or maybe two of them if they could fit it on the very edge of the page. Can't find it on the intarwebz, so if any of you magazine Kollektor FreeKz got one, scan it up please.



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