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Build them a Zvex Super Hard On clone?



I just got the parts for one today, populated the board, and I thought it would be cool to build a few and sell them.


Mine would be in a Hammond 1590a sized enclosure (about 3/4 size of an MXR pedal), have one input and one output, an LED, and a 9v dc jack (no batteries). I could make one that could take a 9v battery and/or 9v dc jack but it would have to be in a bigger enclosure. Like an MXR sized enclosure.


I'd sell it for like $55 including paypal fees and shipping in continental US. I already have a Zvex Super Hard On but I wanted to sell some clones to fund more DIY projects.


Just curious to see if there's any interest so I know whether to buy more parts for them or not. So if you would actually buy one please let me know!

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I'm thinking $55 including paypal fees and shipping to continental US.


You're in Canada though right? If you want one I'd totally ship it to Canada but I'd have to go to the post office to see how much it would cost to ship there. I'm guessing it would be like $5 or $10 more?


I've shipped pedals to Singapore and England and stuff and it was like $35 but I don't know about Canada.


Of course I'm just trying to see if anyone wants them right now I wouldn't expect any money till they're built and ready to ship.

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Oh yeah... I've also been thinking of building some Fuzz Face clones with some NOS AC128 transistors too. The transistors would be matched and tested to be in the proper gain rating. Some of the original Ge Fuzz Faces used NKT275 transistors but most used the AC128.


So if you want one of those.. Just ask. They would be a little more expensive though because the transistors are kinda expensive.


But please only ask if you for sure want one because I don't want to get stuck with a bunch of Fuzz Faces and SHOs


I'd love to build some for you guys.

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my little entrepreneur...


where did you get the enclosures btw?

Haha yes.


I haven't ordered them yet because I want to get them predrilled (cause I'm lazy like that). I just emailed mammoth about getting some drilled & powdercoated 1590a's. I'm gonna look at pedalpartsplus too.

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I haven't taken a money order before but I don't see why not.


I've decided against using 1590a enclosures. The guts I have will fit fine but it's impossible to buy a drilled and powdercoated 1590a. If I drill and finish it myself it will look pathetic so I'm just gonna put them in some powdercoated MXR sized enclosures. I'll buy the parts today.

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I haven't taken a money order before but I don't see why not.


I've decided against using 1590a enclosures. The guts I have will fit fine but it's impossible to buy a drilled and powdercoated 1590a. If I drill and finish it myself it will look pathetic so I'm just gonna put them in some powdercoated MXR sized enclosures. I'll buy the parts today.



i bought one of those "uni-bit" drill step drill bits, it was expensive but made drilling holes a cakewalk. (now i just need to keep working on my painting ability.)


i am REALLY looking forward to your progress on this. :) getting ready to build my next one too (an Easy Face).


have fun!!



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Hmmm.. I wouldn't mind a Fuzzface clone. Being such a big Eric Johnson fan, I wonder if it is possible to build a Tube Driver clone? The Cliffs of Dover tone literaly made me crap myself [biggrin]. That tone is so thick and dark. A 335 with a Tube Driver and an Echoplex pushing the front end of a Plexi is the only way to go my friend!!!!! And I have always wondered how hard it would be to build an A/DA Flanger clone. As Gearmanndude says, " I'll just stick to my fuzz pedals". And seeing as there are a million Phase 90 kits out there, I should build a Small Stone clone. Some of the milkiest phase ever put in a box. Ha, the simplest phasers always sound the best to me. ( the best phaser IMO is the Script Phase 90. Either that or the USA Small Stone ). Fred and Dub, check out the Malekko B:Assmaster octave fuzz. Its dirty, mean, and offensive! WARNING: NOT FOR THE ELDERLY AND WEAK!

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Thanks man. I'll start drilling on my own builds until I get good at it haha


I ordered the rest of the parts today. I got the "vintage orange sparkle", "deep blue sparkle", and "black sparkle" powdercoated 1590b sized enclosures from mammoth. So you can take your pick from those if you want dem00n.


SHO clones must be sparkley. When I get one wired up, I'll borrow a camera so I can take a decent gutshot.

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Hmmm.. I wouldn't mind a Fuzzface clone. Being such a big Eric Johnson fan, I wonder if it is possible to build a Tube Driver clone? The Cliffs of Dover tone literaly made me crap myself [biggrin]. That tone is so thick and dark. A 335 with a Tube Driver and an Echoplex pushing the front end of a Plexi is the only way to go my friend!!!!! And I have always wondered how hard it would be to build an A/DA Flanger clone. As Gearmanndude says, " I'll just stick to my fuzz pedals". And seeing as there are a million Phase 90 kits out there, I should build a Small Stone clone. Some of the milkiest phase ever put in a box. Ha, the simplest phasers always sound the best to me. ( the best phaser IMO is the Script Phase 90. Either that or the USA Small Stone ). Fred and Dub, check out the Malekko B:Assmaster octave fuzz. Its dirty, mean, and offensive! WARNING: NOT FOR THE ELDERLY AND WEAK!

I'll build you a nice Fuzz Face clone after these SHOs if you want. I dunno about the Tube Driver. I'd have to check them out but I really want to avoid Tube Screamers and Klon clones and whatnot for now.


I ain't buildin no flangers. But check out the BYOC Flanger. I guess I could build one of those but they're expensive.


I've checked out the b:assmaster before. I saw it in a magazine a couple years ago and checked it out. A shop near me had one.

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