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Tim Plains

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Flick get out of here' date=' Thunder is absolutely right.

Just leave, your a total ****, even Bobbo was better than you.

Go ruin another forum.[/quote']

Think I gave you plenty of chances & the advice below I had given you also is pretty much the way it is for all forums.


"Which means if your talking smack about us somewhere else we will hear about it & we will take the appropriate actions. Think of this as Alex’s house & he lets people come in as guest to join a party . If they are rude & disrespectful to others. You become a less desirable guest & maybe removed . If you go next door to Alex’s neighbours & are talking smack about his party , don’t expect a welcome back to the party."


:-k Apologies to you guys at Gibson & those who run this forum & it's members

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I usually visit this forum without logging in. I love to read about Gibson guitars and gear in general.

But now, I feel that I must speak up:


After reading this thread, I have now come to a simple conclusion: The internet can turn grown men into little girls.


You guys are ridiculous. I am much younger than all of you, and I have never spoke of people I barely knew in this manner. You are grow men, and you are bickering behind each others backs like a bunch of pre-pubescent girls.

A few of you keep saying that the people you bash are immature and idiotic , but take a look at yourselves; you are fighting over internet forums like it was a soap-opera.


You have a common interest, yes? Then converse about it! Isn't that what a forum is for?


My 0.2 cents

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I usually visit this forum without logging in. I love to read about Gibson guitars and gear in general.

But now' date=' I feel that I must speak up:


After reading this thread, I have now come to a simple conclusion: The internet can turn grown men into little girls.


You guys are ridiculous. I am much younger than all of you, and I have never spoke of people I barely knew in this manner. You are grow men, and you are bickering behind each others backs like a bunch of pre-pubescent girls.

A few of you keep saying that the people you bash are immature and idiotic , but take a look at yourselves; you are fighting over internet forums like it was a soap-opera.


You have a common interest, yes? Then converse about it! Isn't that what a forum is for?


My 0.2 cents[/quote']




*pitches new reality show idea to MTV based on rival guitar forums*


"It's like The Hills, 'cept they're retarded guitar snobs on the internet."

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My own thread?

Guys, I'm touched!


Rumors of my demise are premature....


Who decided I must have been banned over here at my home base?

Anybody who knows ANYTHING about me knows this is my virtual home.

Well, in the guitar world anyway - there's also politics, guns, airplanes and motorcycles....






Well ... What's goin on in here .... New member just sayin Hi guys !!! Internet is quite a small place .... Ehhhhhhh

Why yes' date=' it is....


Notice I removed all your extraneous bullsh!t so your post would be quoted normally.....




I am member here since last year & was a member at the old gibson forum as well.

Little may you know I may also have some Gibson affiliation as well

Ouch! This just took a scary turn....

I was a member in the old forum too, does that make us equals? :-)

You may also have some Gibson affiliation as well, but I'm betting you don't. Play your hand Big Shot.


disrespecting & disagreeing is two different things.You disrespected the forum ' date='it's members & it's mods[/quote']

What can you teach ANYBODY about respect, other than demonstrating the immense vacuum where it should be?

You guys are perfectly illustrating your lack of class or scruples by "dropping in" simply to fxck with people.


Ax to grind maybe?


If I jerk your pants down around your ankles and b!tch slap you in this forum, you'll have trouble deleting it.....



Notice the title of the thread was my username?

I can fathom no other reason for your little nuggets of wisdom or advice here, other than your Mod Squad trip still leaves you unsatisfied. What, exactly, does it TAKE to fill up such a pathetic little ego?


Yours truly,

T!T Man



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one thing i'll say....the guy certainly has an axe to grind. i don't understand why some people are like that. it's the same way here in Indiana. it is hard sometimes to meet people who don't tell you about Jesus or their guns in the first 5 minutes after saying "hello."

C'mon Fenn,

That's a little disingenuous.


I've NEVER mentioned my faith to anybody in the opening of a conversation.

Not even with my coworkers, though I've been witness to some pretty heated exchanges on nightshift.

Not my cup of tea, my wife is my only partner in such matters.

Trust me, I've had plenty of people open up with their Jesus card. I usually display no interest and they get the hint.

I'm NOT one of "those" people, I can count the people I've invited to my church on my fingers.



Same there.

Let me qualify that by pointing out I'm a gun dealer, with a business card always at the ready.

If a gun conversation is already in progress, sure I'll jump in.

Starting one?

No way, for many reasons.


I could explain more fully, but I doubt it means that much to you.


Be cool!

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He came back as T!@ Man.

Yeah' date=' T!T Man.


For one post and one PM only.


I logged off and never went back.


My God, how hard is it to set up a user account on a forum?

I wouldn't have bothered, I felt especially frisky in this case....




Jomo, I had no bone to pick with you.

I simply had no chance to follow up on it.


There was more going on than was shown in the forum, the Mod Squad moved fast in this instance.


I had a legitimate beef, and was trying to point that out.

When everybody started piling on taking shots, I started firing back.

I had no doubt all my posts would disappear - at a minimum - and I was curious what all would be deleted.

Funny what was allowed to stand, being considered appropriate....


The cat thing was a good example, and I never fully explained what happened on my end.

The Mods were not only unwilling to consider they might have missed something, they defended it.

That's when I posted [b']"MODERATORS FAIL MISERABLY!!!!!"[/b] and that seemed to make them angry.

Go figure.



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neo, i think you misunderstood my intent on that post and/or i wasnt clear enough.


i would not lump you in with the groups of bible beaters or gun toting maniacs. but i think you are somewhat similar to some of those types, in that your political stances easily make their way into these threads. it is true, that you are not always the person who starts said threads, but you dont hesitate to escalate them either. i dont always agree with what you post and the same goes with those who are your polar opposite. but except for a few instances, i dont take the bait.

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Thanks Fenn!


We've talked about this before, that's why I was a little surprised.


I am indeed an open book, I have no shame in my agenda of refusing to cower to political correctness.

This nation is suffering too much because of it, and I'll eagerly join the fray when a skirmish is at hand.


I stand for nothing more than what our Founding Fathers did.

I have trouble believing this nation would have ever been founded or protected over the centuries with this "new" way of thinking in everybody's heads. Could you see Hollywood celebrities or most of our current politicians going ashore from the Mayflower to eke out an existence and deal with the Indians at Plymouth Rock?

Think they would have lasted that first winter?

Valley Forge?



I could really lay it on heavy here, but, well, you know.....



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all im going to say is that i always followed the rules, pushed on some boundries perhaps, but always treated my fellow forum members with respect and dignity, even when they didnt deserve it



look who was the latest to get banned over @ GT


if you guys dont like me, say it to me bluntly, and move on


that goes for any mods, members, staff, drummer, guitarist, sound-tech, sound-man, collector, presidential canidate, or anyone else



but you better have a reason other then becuase i talk too much...................

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Whoa! A lot has happened here...


First of all... NeoConMan, I completely understand your position on a great many things. Like you, I don't go out looking to start a political discussion and/or argument. Quite the opposite in fact. BUT... Every now and again, I end up grabbing a chair at our local tavern, right next to some uninformed, uneducated, or otherwise clueless individual, who just won't shut up, despite all my efforts to sound uninterested. You see, this moron has an opinion, a lesson to teach, and that's where the fun begins. These guys usually end up hitting every raw nerve in me. My wife, and some times, even the bartender will say; "Ken, don't go there", and I want you to know that I really try, but I can only take so much of it. After spewing a continuous steaming pile of crap for 30 minutes or more, they make the fatal mistake of turning to me and asking; "What do you think, pal"? To which, I typically reply; "Don't ask the question, if you don't want the answer". Of course, they insist on it, and then a 20 minute verbal lashing ensues.


Forum Rivalries? I'm not sure who said it, but I agree that it's ridiculous. People are going to frequent internet forums where they feel comfortable and that's all there is to that. My forum, as well as the one I had before that, were NOT commercial entities. The LPC is private site, made up of roughly 40 friends. While new members are welcomed, our intent is NOT to increase membership. Besides, the site is completely open to public view, so there's no reason to register unless you wanted to post something. There are NO moderators at the LPC, let alone a super-mod.gif, whatever that is! We don't need 'em!


At any rate, I usually don't get involved in these "Net Ninja" type arguments and I'm truly sorry that I said anything in this thread. In fact, a few minutes after I made the post about FLICK, I rethought and deleted it. A few minutes too late as it turned out. Oh well...



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.... After spewing a continuous steaming pile of crap for 30 minutes or more' date=' they make the fatal mistake of turning to me and asking; "What do you think, pal"? To which, I typically reply; "Don't ask the question, if you don't want the answer". Of course, they insist on it, and then a 20 minute verbal lashing ensues. [/quote']

Kenny, at least you get it....


Ya know, my website has a pretty good narrative on exactly this subject.


www.neoconman.com The journey of a Modern Day Political Genghis Khan


After you scroll down past the bright colors with all the bumper sticker sloganeering to drive away away Liberals....




All I ask is that somebody wanting to "teach me a lesson" SHOULD DO THEIR HOMEWORK FIRST!


Might save their pride...

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