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Phant-o-matic: Headed to your Authorized Dealer Soon


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One of the reasons I like this forum so much is the lack of advertising.


This is a blatant advertisement.

And I hope we don't start seeing "first time posters" coming from out of the woodwork on a regular basis posting this kind of advertising from now on.


And I hope you read this "Epi_Insider".

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I just inquired, of my dealer, on this guitar! Looks "very interesting," to me!

I think it's supposed to be released, in the first week, in November...on the 4th, maybe?


Anyway, I look forward to seeing/trying one out, a possibly buying, too...if it's

as nice, as it looks.


As to the "blatant advertising" accusation...

For what it's worth, I saw ads, and information, on this model, already...

several weeks ago. And, even an e-mail, from Epiphone, previously. So...



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As to the "blatant advertising" accusation...

For what it's worth, I saw ads, and information, on this model, already...

several weeks ago. And, even an e-mail, from Epiphone, previously. So...


+1. So have I.


I see no problem with the post whatsoever. It's just a link to the Epi blog. If it's an advertisement for anything, then it's for....AN EPIPHONE! Last time I checked this was the Epiphone forum. I also don't understand what difference it makes whether it's a first time poster or not. [confused]

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I see no problem with the post whatsoever. It's just a link to the Epi blog. If it's an advertisement for anything, then it's for....AN EPIPHONE! Last time I checked this was the Epiphone forum. I also don't understand what difference it makes whether it's a first time poster or not.

Because that's the only reason he is posting- to advertise. I come here to get away from advertising.

If they want to advertise why can't they have an "advertisement section"? Then those that want to look at Epis new products can go there.

I don't like how they try to act like this is NOT an advertisement. It insults my intelligence (what little I have).


And Charlie, I too have already seen all this stuff. That is exactly why I don't want to have to see it here, and that's exactly the reason why I made my comment.


Hey guys, I'm not out to start some argument over whether it's right or not to make such a post. Of course they have the right.

And I have a right to say how I feel about it. If you like these posts, then fine. To each his own.

I just wanted to say how I felt about it. I guess next time I will keep my feelings to my self.

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Hey, at least we're discussing, the new guitar! That's always a good thing,

for Epiphone, and our collective "GAS!" [biggrin]


"Epi_Insider" may well indeed, be a "mole," or actual Epiphone Marketing person...

who cares? It's Epiphone's forum, and by nature, designed to "sell" Epi stuff, by

peaking one's interest, in their products...as well as discussing ways to make them

better, if need be. Heck, we start "GAS" attacks, on our own, all the time, by showing

off our HNGD threads, and/or guitars we already own. Epi's always been pretty "understanding"

when we show other brands, we like, as well. Besides, one doesn't have to respond, any

further, or indeed, at all, to any thread...if you don't want to.


I'm glad he/she did start the thread, whatever the reason. Always fun to "cuss and

discuss" new/interesting guitars/gear.




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I got no problem with this thread at all. In fact, I'd like to see more links to new gear from the insiders. My Sweetwater guy called today and I knew way more about what was coming from Epiphone than he did thanks to this forum. He was trying to get me to buy the new ES-355 that I expressed interest in a few months ago, but I told him I wanted an Ultra 339 which he did not know about (or the regular 339 and Dwight Trash for that matter). I ended up putting in an order for a VSB Ultra 339 - the first order at Sweetwater, but the ship date is unclear, December at the earliest, February at the latest.


It would be most helpful if Epiphone would:


A - Put the new stuff on the website

B - Tell us approximate ship dates

C - Tell us what dealers will have stock

D - If they can't do the above, then start a "heads up" subforum to tell us who's got what when, and how much.

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Heck, I would own one of these things RIGHT NOW if the release date didn't keep slipping.


Zzounds had an August date, that then became October 17 and now it's looking like early November. Epiphone have been doing heavy promotion the last few days and did a lot about them being at Epi headquarters for setups on Facebook today.


I'm buying one no matter what as MCR are my favorite band. They are my wife's favorite band as well, so it provides for more permissive GAS than most guitars. But it's been a long journey.


All it will take to get me to buy one is "in stock". Heck, the thing is already a bestseller on guitarcenter.com, but I'm not pre-ordering one as I've seen too many folks buy a guitar and then wait month after month for it to ship.


So, I've already seen the ads, I'm just waiting for the guitar to actually be available!

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It would be most helpful if Epiphone would:


A - Put the new stuff on the website

B - Tell us approximate ship dates

C - Tell us what dealers will have stock

D - If they can't do the above, then start a "heads up" subforum to tell us who's got what when, and how much.


Agreed. It really would be great if they would do these things, or even some of them. It would help so much with the confusion about these upcoming models if we had access to info directly from the manufacturer and didn't have to just go by these estimated arrival dates that the different online stores put up or randomly finding info on the Epi Press site. It'd probably help them sell more guitars too...

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I'm suprised "Epi-Insider" hasn't checked out the new Ibanez Artcore line of semi-hollows !!!!!!! They're awesome !!!!! [flapper][crying] :unsure: [sneaky] ....


( Posted IN JEST ).....................


As Milod says, between us all, we do generate many many sales for Epi and Gibby........Nothing wrong with that.......


My gal and I the other day estimated how many sales I alone have fostered via my posts......It's amazing......


Heck, I keep a subtle link for "AtlasStands" in my sig................

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I don't have a problem with new product announcements on the forum at all--it is the Epiphone forum, after all! Hopefully at least some of the reviews posted are from actual users--the catchphrase of Packard automobiles used to be "Ask the man who owns one." If I see a product in an ad or a new product announcement, and I can't find one to try out (getting more common in this era of Internet retail), I'd just as soon read reviews from actual owners, but it takes salespeople to hip us to the new stuff in the first place. Sales and consumers--any company needs both.

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I'm all for Epi_Insider posting a new product every time one is due out... Gives us the perfect opportunity to discuss it. So long as it's not clogging up the forum with messages after we've already discussed it which would be a bit of overkill and as brad says, spam-like-advertising.

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I just wanted to say how I felt about it. I guess next time I will keep my feelings to my self.

Brad, your opinions are always welcome, whether anyone agrees with them or not.


It's one of the things that keeps this forum healthy and from turning into a collection of drooling fanboys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still patiently waiting.


Zzounds has now changed to December 22. American Musical Supply also shows December. Guitar Center changed from October 28 (today!) to November 4 today. That's the same date that Musician's Friend is showing (which makes sense, I wasn't sure why those two would have different dates previously).


I'm really hoping that November 4 date finally holds.

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Brad, I'm with a few of the others on this. The reason I spend time on this forum is that there are a lot of different opinions posted. I spent about a year perusing the Rickenbacker Forum, until I couldn't take the "conform or else" lock step attitude there. I, for one, will be the first to admit that my opinion doesn't always align with everybody else's. But I would find this place pretty boring if everybody worried about that (and it appears that some don't). Keep it up. Like Grandpa used to say, "if all the guys liked the same thing, they'd all be after your Grandma".

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Finally, after month's of waiting got word from Musican's Friend that these are in stock today. Order placed. Hopefully I'll have mine within the next few days!


Great. Got an email today saying that "this item is on backorder" - even though it shows "In stock and ready to ship" on both Musician's Friend and Guitar Center sites. I wrote Musician's Friend customer service asking why the item was on backorder and was told it will be in on November 11. We'll see, since the date has slipped several times - thus my reasoning for not ordering until it was "in stock."


I did suggest that perhaps they should change the "In Stock" listing on their site if this isn't true. They said they'd have their IT department look into it.

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MF is totally unreliable, regarding in-stock dates. I had one experience,

when I pre-ordered the P-93LE Riviera, when they were first coming out, where it

said on their website, it was back ordered, and would be available a month

or so later, and it showed up, on my door step, the next day! So...take

those dates, and even what you're told by their CS department, with a "grain!"



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With a big entity like Musician's Friend, you'd think their inventory control would be more robust, but I guess not.


It still irritates me from the standpoint that I'd held off specifically until it was "in stock." But based on your P-93 experience, I guess there's no telling when it will show up.


Edit: mark another one up for good old Charlie Brown. Less than an hour after I posted the above, I get a ship notice with tracking number.

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With a big entity like Musician's Friend, you'd think their inventory control would be more robust, but I guess not.


It still irritates me from the standpoint that I'd held off specifically until it was "in stock." But based on your P-93 experience, I guess there's no telling when it will show up.


Edit: mark another one up for good old Charlie Brown. Less than an hour after I posted the above, I get a ship notice with tracking number.



LOL...How come I'm not surprised?! Great!!...post some photos, once you have it, and can put it down, long enought to do so. [thumbup][biggrin]



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Well thar she blows - my very own Moby ****. Most of the backstory on this thing was on the "Who is this old friend" thread - which started just slightly less than a year ago.


Sorry for the bad quality - I only have my phone right now. I'll try and get some better pics later.






The HVAC vents above my desk make the paint look distorted, but it's actually pretty smooth. However, there are a couple of little imperfections here and there and there's a little bit of masking bleed on the headstock where the black of the face just creeps a little onto the sides of the headstock. Neck is much wider and flatter than I expected, but feels pretty good overall. This thing weighs practically nothing.

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