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New Microphone

Buc McMaster

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Over the weekend I finally figured out how to use the Mac's built-in camera but couldn't get an audio track to work. So I ordered a microphone, got it today via the friendly FedEx man and I got this thing to work. Seems like a way fine microphone, made by Blue and called a Yeti. Plug & play kinda thing, which is always a plus in my book. The cam in the computer seems like it will shoot good images......this was shot after dark with just the room light on. I expect with the shades up on a sunny day the video quality will be even better. I do think this is an improvement over the Sony camera I have been using........ I can hear my foot thumping the floor in parts of this........maybe I should get the suspension they have that goes with this mic.



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Over the weekend I finally figured out how to use the Mac's built-in camera but couldn't get an audio track to work. So I ordered a microphone, got it today via the friendly FedEx man and I got this thing to work. Seems like a way fine microphone, made by Blue and called a Yeti. Plug & play kinda thing, which is always a plus in my book. The cam in the computer seems like it will shoot good images......this was shot after dark with just the room light on. I expect with the shades up on a sunny day the video quality will be even better. I do think this is an improvement over the Sony camera I have been using........ I can hear my foot thumping the floor in parts of this........maybe I should get the suspension they have that goes with this mic.




That was great [thumbup]


You make a lovely sound both vocally and on the guitar . It just seems so effortless to you


BTW - I have started to use the Mac's camera and quite pleased with the quality too, I think a good sounding performance somehow always comes through what ever the quality.



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Shadowster: Bird is strung with Pearse 12's for now. DR Sunbeams have been my string of choice on other guitars but I haven't yet put a set on this one.


Struma: Indeed! The Yeti is a killer desktop mic and serves this purpose very well! I think the Mac camera does a better job than the Sony I was using also.


Thanks for the love, people! Keep on rockin' in the free world!!

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Buc, I'd say that you're really getting things dialed in. New mic works great, and does a better job of allowing us to hear just how good you and your 'bird sound. I think you've hit upon a fantastic match in that guitar.


Effortless — great word to describe how your performances come across. You definitely should be out playing live and frequently.


Now I'll be looking forward to more tunes from you even more than before.

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