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Lets see some band photos...


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Well, not exactly my band, but I know them all and hired them for my wedding. I sat in on a couple of numbers...




And wifey says hello mid-solo. Of course I effed it up... [rolleyes]





Great day it was. And expensive as hell :blink:

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Now I don't have band anymore, but I am searching :) and these are from the past


This one is from the band I have played with for the longest time (10 years), I am on the right:




And this one is more recent, I am on the center:



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To say this was a long time ago would be an understatement..... half these guys are dead, one other is totally blind with no use of his hands at all..... and then the only one left is me.



More recent, (2007), at a 1960's Bay Area Bands Reunion:


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