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Naming your guitar(s)


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Mine are all named after my daughters and my girlfriend.


Epiphone Sheraton 2, Melody

Gretsch 5120, Tiffany

Epiphone Hummingbird, Ruby

Yamaha APX500, Emily

Epiphone Howard Roberts, Wendy

Squiier Telecaster, Sheena, the punk rocker :)



Slow news day, I guess. This is a year and a half old thread, and appears to be one of three Lazarus threads recently.

One of the others is on "the new iPad"!

Isn't it easier to start a new thread ? Maybe disguise it as an original thought: "Do you play better if you name your guitars?"

Or "do you send Letters To The Editor after reading a year old newspaper?

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Slow news day, I guess. This is a year and a half old thread, and appears to be one of three Lazarus threads recently.

One of the others is on "the new iPad"!

Isn't it easier to start a new thread ? Maybe disguise it as an original thought: "Do you play better if you name your guitars?"

Or "do you send Letters To The Editor after reading a year old newspaper?


The last time we had a spate of zombie threads I deliberately updated a few that were 4 or more years old, ALL of them garnered a fair few responses before toddling off to the graveyard again.

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The last time we had a spate of zombie threads I deliberately updated a few that were 4 or more years old, ALL of them garnered a fair few responses before toddling off to the graveyard again.


May a rift in the space - time continuum cause a Delorean to back over your foot.

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Well , if you're a liar then I definitely know what foot you kick with . lol


(Sorry other members , sectarian joke)


I'm the most dangerous sort BBG, I'm a leftie who plays right-handed..... Funnily enough, the other boy from the Ayetunes does kick with the opposite shoe to me.

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Indeed.... We're fine as long as we never have to play the West coast of Scotland or N. Ireland. :D


Ah . thats all forgot about now PM. John Hume n bono sorted it all out. One big happy family :)


More seriously , I have never once heard a muttering from a musician. Not sure what that says , but its a shame it didn't spread a bit wider

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Slow news day, I guess. This is a year and a half old thread, and appears to be one of three Lazarus threads recently.

One of the others is on "the new iPad"!

Isn't it easier to start a new thread ? Maybe disguise it as an original thought: "Do you play better if you name your guitars?"

Or "do you send Letters To The Editor after reading a year old newspaper?

There seem to be topics which are as old as man's history, and others as old as the history of playing guitar.


Reading a one year old newspaper can make one think how far we went ahead during that period.


Casually reading several decades old news stories my parents had cut out when I closed my mother's household after she had passed away made me think the world stood still since then - always the same troubles, and mankind doesn't seem to learn out of history.


The reasons for it? Maybe we already know the answer:


May a rift in the space - time continuum cause a Delorean to back over your foot.

I think the Back To The Future timemachine perhaps is only a symbol. For good or for bad, we all seem to repeat history a bit like the story of our own lives.


Developing the quoted "Do you play better if you name your guitars?" question to another one would create a third topic out of it - the answer could push forward guitarists of all generations if ever found :rolleyes: :


[cursing] "What shall we name our n%8&y f/%?)(g b%§=h guitars to play them better?" [crying] - OK, sorry, I try it again:

[love] "What shall we name our beautiful baby girl guitars to play them better?" [wub]


Sometimes these stringed gadgets put out wrong notes or chords - must improve their performance [biggrin] - will have to go on educating them [lol] - must be some kind of a Lazarus occupation, or should it be named a Zombie occupation [scared]

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Yer man out of Duran Duran once said his ambition was to 'kill a catholic' sure, there's been a few others too who've uttered stupidities on both sides... I couldn't give a monkeys for either side to be honest, folk are either sound or they're not... Folk with awfully strong religious/political beliefs tend not to be ;) I always ran in a mixed crowd in Glasgow, we may have watched old firm games in different pubs though, haha.... but here we all used to watch the matches together, banter was excellent...


It's one element of Scotland I'm thrilled to have left behind and anyone moving here who's too gobby one way or another is usually put in their place fairly quickly.

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Yer man out of Duran Duran once said his ambition was to 'kill a catholic' sure, there's been a few others too who've uttered stupidities on both sides... I couldn't give a monkeys for either side to be honest, folk are either sound or they're not... Folk with awfully strong religious/political beliefs tend not to be ;) I always ran in a mixed crowd in Glasgow, we may have watched old firm games in different pubs though, haha.... but here we all used to watch the matches together, banter was excellent...


It's one element of Scotland I'm thrilled to have left behind and anyone moving here who's too gobby one way or another is usually put in their place fairly quickly.


Who listens to anything Duran duran say ?

I did say musicians.

I'll let it go for fear my level of messing around gets taken for a genuine concern about the whole sorry feckin mess :)

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Who listens to anything Duran duran say ?

I did say musicians.

I'll let it go for fear my level of messing around gets taken for a genuine concern about the whole sorry feckin mess :)


I did mean to sign off with "but then you did say 'musicians'...." hahaha. :D

Yeah, madmen will always find something to get shirty about. I've two mates here from norn Irn... brothers in law and opposite feet to boot, hilarious stuff... Fortunately the other lad I play with has no interest either, I think we both relaise things are tough enough when yer pedalling acoustic disco.

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That's why I like this joint, you guys know how to party. There was a similar thread on AGF and there were some people posting with condescending replies acting above it all insinuating people are idiots for naming their guitars. Lighten the hell up

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That's why I like this joint, you guys know how to party. There was a similar thread on AGF and there were some people posting with condescending replies acting above it all insinuating people are idiots for naming their guitars. Lighten the hell up


Nicely meets my opinion. I think who has fun making music can have fun talking about instruments, too, including discussing the intricacies on the way. Sharing fun with others depends on oneself having some, doesn't it? Maybe those people flaming at others have nothing else to share.

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