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Massive meteor on a path to earth, could hit in 2040


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No need to blow it up. My colleague at JPL developed a solution a long time ago. All you need to do is put a solar sail on it and it'll gently be nudged past us. Another colleague of mine checked out the feasibility of it too and showed it should work. See here. No need for the Bruce Willis Armageddon approach.

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No need to blow it up. My colleague at JPL developed a solution a long time ago. All you need to do is put a solar sail on it and it'll gently be nudged past us. Another colleague of mine checked out the feasibility of it too and showed it should work. See here. No need for the Bruce Willis Armageddon approach.



Sure,,then it would hit somebody elses planet! I can just see the lawyers lining up on that one.

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This is getting even more confusing on how and when were all doomed. I thought we were all dying on December 21 2012 like the Mayans said when the world flips upside down and Yellowstone erupts into the largest volcano ever? And then there's another asteroid that is supposed to hit the earth in 2029 so hell who cares we won't even be alive to all die if this comet hits the earth. Or did we all die in either Y2k, or with Mad cow or SARS or the H1N1 flu. and we just don't know it yet because the Matrix hasn't been reset yet???

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