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Ep's have small side fret marker dots


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One thing I've noticed about Epiphones is that no matter what Gibson model they are making an Ep version of, they always make the mistake of making the side fret marker dots much smaller than they would be on the corresponding Gibson model. I can see no reason to be doing this; could small dots be that much cheaper? Also, obviously the proper size dots would be easier to see and make their reproductions more authentic. Is anyone else bothered by this? I have actually taken some of my Ep's and other makes to a guitar tech in the past to have this corrected.

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Maybe it is that I played classical music and have owned a number of concert guitars, but I have never used fret markers. My first teacher in '73 would insist that I NEVER look at my left hand while playing. Consequently, it is nearly a four decade habit not to look at fret markers.


I never paid any attention to what I have on my Broadway and I sure cannot remember what was on my other Epi's or the three Gibsons (an ES-335 and two different LP's) I owned over the years.

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This is actually an important issue with me because:

A. I'm getting older and my eyes aren't as good as they used to be.

B. Some of the stages I play on are so poorly lit to the point where I find it necessary to play a guitar with white binding.

C. I'm also singing when I'm playing guitar so a lot of times the mic also adds a visual obstruction to seeing the neck.

D. My gut's gotten bigger and I never see the markers on the fretboard anymore.


It just seems like such an inexpensive detail to overlook in producing a more affordable guitar it makes me wonder why Epiphone doesn't fix this. The next time you're at the music store just take a look at all the Gibsons and Epiphones and you'll see what I mean. It's easy to take these markers for granted and don't think you use them but if they weren't there I think you might be surprised how much you rely on them.


I've also played classical guitar in the past and my teacher showed me that putting just 1 side marker at the fifth fret is all you need because the neck always joins the guitar at the twelth fret.

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Maybe it is that I played classical music and have owned a number of concert guitars, but I have never used fret markers. My first teacher in '73 would insist that I NEVER look at my left hand while playing. Consequently, it is nearly a four decade habit not to look at fret markers.


I never paid any attention to what I have on my Broadway and I sure cannot remember what was on my other Epi's or the three Gibsons (an ES-335 and two different LP's) I owned over the years.


he's talking about the markers on the edge of the neck which of course you used

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Never noticed, really...I mean, I know they're there, just never paid no mind to the size compared to Gibsons (have only played a few Gibs in my lifetime, never owning). The dots on the Epis are about the same size as the ones on my BMG, but Epi's are easier to see - the BMG has black binding with white dots.....go figure...

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  • 1 year later...

If not using your side fret makers buys you some santifying grace, good for you, but people ask questions for a reason and it would be nice to actually get some useful info. It's pobably true that if your neck is black or dark blue and the fret marker white you'll have no problems--those of you use actually play or at least care to find out why things are out on a guitar besides decorations. But I have an Epi with white binding and a light colored wood and the smaler black dot often disappears into the glare from an over head light all by making it temporarily invisible. Good call. I found this thread looking for a low cost solution. I'd hate to finish bigger ones in. Hey Epi, this is a for reals problem. If there's no room to make them bigger--elongate theme. My neck is designed where I can't see the rosewood at all, just a little black dot on a tan and withe background and it not enough,

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