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I would be good in a Hendrix film


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i try and make guitar faces but its not working, maybe if i go acoustic tonight i will do it

Kid, c'mon, quit trolling. You've got a lot going for you, but BS threads like this one are just going to piss off the folks on the Forum who haven't already tuned you out.


And WRT "guitar faces", it's not something you add to a performance really. Your concentration as you play and truly get lost in the music is where that comes from, and it's essentially just something that happens (yeah, I'm sure some do put effort into it for showmanship, but that's fake- sort of like those fake stage prop Marshall stacks posted in another thread- real is when it just happens as you play).

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I give up. He'll learn the hard way. Good luck to you (you're going to need it). Read my Neil Peart thread on how humble he still is at his age. You probably won't understand it but maybe someday you will.

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+1. Cruel to be kind and all that but a gentle pull on the reins can do alot of good and save alot of heartache. You should listen to these guys FenderGuy1

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Don't listen to other people that tell you that KISS sucks! You know in your heart what great music is,

and you know that there is something more than just music coming from KISS. KISS is a lifeforce,

KISS is a way of life!!! After all these other bands that have come and gone, KISS is still here, nearly

40 years later!!! Never be ashammed to love what you love, and enjoy what you like. If KISS would

have listened to other people, they would not be here today. Kaleb, show your love for KISS!!!




I will agree that KISS is a lifecore. KISS fan for life. And you're right about them not listening to anyone else, but that's true for every great band. Like if SRV listened to other people, the blues wouldn't be anywhere near as popular as it is today.


I think I have shown my love for KISS a little too much on here.


And Gene and Paul have let me down a lot. The Farewell Tour was all a scam.


I have negative feelings toward Gene which I won't get into, Paul I still respect a little. I actually wish he would do something with Ace, maybe with Eric Singer on drums and Ace's bass player, Anthony Esposito.


Ace and Peter (mostly Ace) are the guys I looked up to. I really like what Ace is doing now with his solo stuff, as opposed to what KISS is doing now. Kinda like Slash solo VS Chinese Democracy, so to speak.


Tommy is a decent guitar player, but he doesn't have that "spark" that makes certain guitar players great.


Bruce Kulick and Eric Carr, as well as Eric Singer are (and were! RIP Eric Carr!) great musicians and I admire them. Vinnie is another story....


But I find that being fixed on KISS closed up my mind and deprived me of hearing other music.

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Kid, c'mon, quit trolling. You've got a lot going for you, but BS threads like this one are just going to piss off the folks on the Forum who haven't already tuned you out.


And WRT "guitar faces", it's not something you add to a performance really. Your concentration as you play and truly get lost in the music is where that comes from, and it's essentially just something that happens (yeah, I'm sure some do put effort into it for showmanship, but that's fake- sort of like those fake stage prop Marshall stacks posted in another thread- real is when it just happens as you play).


I was watching one of my recorded gigs and my faces looked weird....


Kinda gave me the creeps.......


But they were 100% real and natural, I know that.


If I ain't feelin' the music and havin' a good time, then it all falls apart.

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I have an owl living in my back yard.


Nice! I took a walk around the block today and found an owl inside an old tube TV that had a Win 95 IBM tower next to it. There was a CB radio there as well

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I'd suggest a role in a made for TV film starring as "Vanilla Ice" before tackling a role as Hendrix......


I kinda think he looks like a mix between Joe Bonamassa and David Byrne from the Talking Heads.....

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Hey come on it cant be that hard being in a Hendrix film,someone has to come onstage after a set and give Jimmy a towel to wipe off with!

I guess I missed the whole Kiss thread before it was mentioned here.I really dig Kiss and although IMHO by themselves not the greatest musicians but together as Kiss they rocked.They were really in tune with each other and again IMHO although the song lyrics werent top notch the music rocked,the stage show rocked and put together a dam good time.i saw them in 1977 or maybe 76 (who can remember that far back)in Springfield Mass and again here in GA.during their first fairwell tour around 2000 sorry dont remember but both were great shows.

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Owl be thinking of that as I try to fall asleep tonight. H-hoo-hoo would post such an eerie video? [flapper]



Doubtless some T ' wit (who, being married, no longer needs To Woo)......





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