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Bust A Move, Pose


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I seen George Thorogood the other night & he did this shuffle almost like Keith Richards.

It looked cool enough to try & unlikely to result in a fall.


I seen Billy Idol fall, & I think the only reason he finished the show was determination.

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In retrospect, when I was playing both rock and country in bands in the olden days... I may have been seen doing "moves," but whatever, it was totally unconscious most of the time and in the .01 percent when it was conscious, it was impromptu rather than an an attempt at a pose. OTOH, I've been told that I'll have facial expressions that tend to "tell the story" as much as the lyric, so... I guess I pretty much have the same, "I'm telling this story that's real" automatically when I'm doing a first-person living history schtick.


Playing strictly instrumental... I'm mostly sittin' there concentrating on pickin' - but some pix of me doing so show some odd facial expressions I don't remember making. <grin> EDIT: See photo at left for an example. Sheesh.



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The only move I practice in front of the mirror are my kicks. Outside of that I just wing it knowing my singing and in-the-moment guitar lead faces will get me as many dates as having an alligator head.

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In retrospect, when I was playing both rock and country in bands in the olden days... I may have been seen doing "moves," but whatever, it was totally unconscious most of the time and in the .01 percent when it was conscious, it was impromptu rather than an an attempt at a pose. OTOH, I've been told that I'll have facial expressions that tend to "tell the story" as much as the lyric, so... I guess I pretty much have the same, "I'm telling this story that's real" automatically when I'm doing a first-person living history schtick.


Playing strictly instrumental... I'm mostly sittin' there concentrating on pickin' - but some pix of me doing so show some odd facial expressions I don't remember making. <grin> EDIT: See photo at left for an example. Sheesh.




We're in the same boat. Our natural, unrehearsed moves are so good there's no need for practice or posing.

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Yeah - I wish. <chortle>


Evol... yeah, a mirror is good for either dance or marital arts move practice. A vid with stop action may be better, depending on how you're practicing.



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We're in the same boat. Our natural, unrehearsed moves are so good there's no need for practice or posing.


Yeah, this !!!!!! And, see the video of me playing live at the bottom of my signature....Yeah, that's really me......

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Ive bever practiced a move in a mirror and honestly never even thought of trying that, just not me. About the only thing i always do is raise my guitar in the air as a wave when I finish don't know when or where it started even but it seems to be there all the time now. Find the post on damage at gigs and you cab read about what raising your guitar does on a high stage with low ceiling fans. Or just imagine the WHACK, WHACK,WHACK sound of a headstock in a ceiling fan. [cursing]

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Evol... yeah, a mirror is good for either dance or marital arts move practice. A vid with stop action may be better, depending on how you're practicing.



I am more the Elvis style; throw in a karate type kick here and there for entertainment value only.

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Up until I busted both both bones in one of my legs when I was like 63, I could still drop into a splits... but only did it once on a bandstand. It felt silly even when I was 20. But that's just me, I guess.



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Up until I busted both both bones in one of my legs when I was like 63, I could still drop into a splits... but only did it once on a bandstand. It felt silly even when I was 20. But that's just me, I guess.




I think James Brown used that move so no need to feel silly.

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Yeah, but I ain't James Brown. No way close.


OTOH <chortle> I remember once with a veeeerrrry low stage and a long, long coily cable, dancing with a young lady between me and the Rick. Ah, those days of youthful ... exuberance...



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Moves? That's what front men (or women) are for. The only time I ever tried to practice my moves was when I was fifteen. My guitar popped off the strap and crashed to the floor. I still have it and it's still cracked.

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Moves? That's what front men (or women) are for.


Tell that to Pete Townshend or Angus Young. Sometimes or all the time the music moves you in such a way that standing still is not an option.

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Sometimes or all the time the music moves you in such a way that standing still is not an option.


Agreed - though not quite what the OP said...


"Any signature poses or moves that you practice in the mirrow on a daily/hourly/minutely/secondly basis?"


While it's possible that Pete and Angus practiced their schtick, but I prefer to believe it was spontaneous and heartfelt. (I think we are on the same page here)

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Tell that to Pete Townshend or Angus Young. Sometimes or all the time the music moves you in such a way that standing still is not an option.


Alvin Lee used to have some good ones!


And one of my favorite things about Rush concerts (aside from the obvious....) is watching Alex and Geddy move!


Those guys!=D>

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There's a line from the movie "Wild Hogs" that pretty much describes my stage moves. It's when Dudley says, "The music moves me, but it moves me ugly!"


No planned moves or mirror poses here, the stuff I end up doing on stage is completely in the moment.

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