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I can only have one


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I have recently decided to start saving for a Les Paul and I am well on my way. I have decided that I can only have 1 more fine guitar. I am not a pro and I dont want to be a collector. I am also a working class guy with family and other responsibilities, so, my next guitar is it, my lifetime guitar. Problem is there are too many models that I want. I started saving with my mind on a LP Classic Custom. Since then I have sort of shifted my interest toward the new standard. But now I am really jumping the ship and have started lusting after the Custom shop ES-339. How can this be? Why must Gibson make so many gorgeous instruments so as to put me in this position? I know that whatever I get I will love it, but I fear I will constantly be wondering if I made the right choice or would I have been happier with one of the others. 339 is so nice, so versitile, Les Paul Standard OOOHH it speaks to me, Classic Custom such value, my original plan. [omg]

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Stick with the plan... Classic Custom is a great guitar... My first Les Paul was a Classic in cherry burst and I love that guitar. You can't go wrong, you'll have an amazing Les Paul with an amazing top. My classic has the 60's slim neck and is a pleasure to play. I'm not sure if the Custom Classic has the same neck or not. Make sure you play it first and it tells you, yes I'm your guitar buy me...

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I am in the same boat as you. Not a pro, not a collector, working class stiff supporting a family.

I'm in denial that my Classic Custom is the last good guitar I will get. I've always wanted an SG but that's so far down

the list Timmy's playing it in the well.

My advise to you would be if this is your last, forget about price, forget about reasoning and logic. Go out and play them

all and take the one that feels the best in your hands.

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My only comment is that the Classic Custom is the most consistent guitar I have played (and I have played several) that had excellent quality control. No blemishes, poorly cut nuts, nice action out of the box, nice sound. I can't say that for other Gibson electrics, it seems hit and miss as far as build quality goes.

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My son picked up a used ES-137 last weekend and WOW does it sing!! I'd trade my LP Stnd Trad anyday for one (sucks to be a lefty though - I'd have to buy used as they don't currently make 'em lefty). If you can handle the feedback issue...it's a wonderfully versatile instrument. Looks like I'll have to be content with my Hag Viking (ES-335 copy)...it's fun to play...but doesn't have 'that tone'.

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I used to say that same exact thing I'm gonna buy just one more guitar, so I'll make it one I really want! I bet Ive done that at least 20-30 times now over the years and my guitar numbers just keeps growing. . [blush]


Never say it's gonna be your last guitar, Just make sure nothing else in life suffers and that you only buy what you can afford and don't buy guitars or anything else that's a luxury item on credit cards and then let it go get the classic in a few years after your guitar fund has grown again or your disposable income increases you can look at something else. but just a word of advice don't ever say it's gonna be your last guitar not only will it probably not be true but your wife will hear you say that and she'll remind you of it probably often.

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Ok Retrosurfer, you make a good point and you are probably right. It will certainly be my last one for awhile and I still want to purchase it like its the last one. Its not every day I have $2500 to thump down on a guitar so I want to make it count.


I have spent a fair amount of time in the local shops holding and playing guitars trying to decide what I want. Funny how it works but every time I decide my mind is made up I will come across another beauty that grabs my attention.


My best bet would probably be to put the blinders on and stick with my original plan. The Classic Custom felt really nice in my hands, it is the least expensive of the 3 so I would have a few bucks left for gadgets and accessories to go with it. And even though its against the traditional grain, I actually like the baked maple fretboard. It has a smooth fast feel.


So, there we have it, my decision is made, Ill get the ES339, er, the LP Standard ....... DOH! :o

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The Classic Custom felt really nice in my hands, it is the least expensive of the 3 so I would have a few bucks left for gadgets and accessories to go with it. And even though its against the traditional grain, I actually like the baked maple fretboard. It has a smooth fast feel.




Yep, I would, and did go with the feel. For me that's most important. I'm not a purist so the baked maple didn't deter me.

I was a purist in my younger days but as I matured I learned that kind of thinking was just annoying and not always justified.

It was all about the feel and I loved the feel of the Classic Custom.

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LOL Why do you think they call it GAS (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome) hell if we all only had one guitar the makers like gibson and fender would have gone bankrupt years ago. [thumbup]


Tell me about it. I picked up the guitar after a 20-yr hiatus about 6 years ago and have bought eight since (my wife's a gem)...and I'm still pining for something new (despite acquiring a new Martin last weekend). I'm a hobbyist with 4 kids still at home...so needless to say...I've not been able to keep all eight....only got four now. GAS.....what an awful disease... I feel bad for my 17-yr old son....he too is always on the prowl for new guitars, amps, pedals, etc. I told him he needed to go to college, get a real degree and job so he can afford his 'habit'.





Oh, he's selling his Mesa Dual Rectifier....excellent shape...if you know someone in the market.

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