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Matt Sear on the radio TONIGHT!


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For those of us who have been wondering where the ridiculously talented Mr. Sear is these days we get a chance to find out very soon...


If you can get the signal he will be performing LIVE in (as far as I can gather) BBC's Radio Kent studios for Dominic King's drive-time show at around 17:00 this evening.


Thought some of you might like to tune-in!


EDIT : It's scheduled for around 16:40.


Here's a link which should work. Once open click the speaker symbol on the red panel and it should go 'live'.




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Keep your ears tuned, I've heard Matthew will be doing a very special rendition of a Bon Jovi song ;)



One written when they were going through their little-known 'Inspired by Fernando Sor' phase, perhaps?...





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I had never heard of Matt Sear before Pippy raised his name on here. I went to have a look at his website and perusing his “Itinerary” section I was gobsmacked by the beautiful guitar playing he had in the background so I emailed him and asked about it. He kindly replied thus:


Hi Alan


Thanks for getting in touch and I am thrilled you enjoyed the music...


It is an excerpt from a piece I wrote called 'The longing' - which is based on a dance by the flamenco guitarist Juan Martin. It is on a compilation album I did called 'Valentine's Guitar' - which is available to buy from my website as a CD (via paypal) - or on iTunes and Amazon to download.




Needless to say I shall be buying it...superb!

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I had never heard of Matt Sear before Pippy raised his name on here. ....


Matt used his real name for a display name until a while back, around the time or a bit after of your join date. Then he changed his display name to Duende (the artist formerly known as Matt Sear). . B)




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I had never heard of Matt Sear before Pippy raised his name on here. I went to have a look at his website and perusing his "Itinerary" section I was gobsmacked by the beautiful guitar playing he had in the background so I emailed him and asked about it. He kindly replied thus:


Hi Alan


Thanks for getting in touch and I am thrilled you enjoyed the music...


It is an excerpt from a piece I wrote called 'The longing' - which is based on a dance by the flamenco guitarist Juan Martin. It is on a compilation album I did called 'Valentine's Guitar' - which is available to buy from my website as a CD (via paypal) - or on iTunes and Amazon to download.




Needless to say I shall be buying it...superb!


Have a look at his website http://www.matthewsearguitarist.co.uk/www.matthewsearguitarist.com/Welcome.html there is some pretty cool stuff on there

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