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SG Sydney

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Status Updates posted by SG Sydney

  1. Good-day rct, just got my SG Gibson back from guitar shop . As I said before it was in for a setup . Came  back setup A1.  The stop-tail piece is sitting right down on the body, not sticking up at all . The bridge before setup was tilted way to much to one side , now it tilts just a little bit , no way as bad as before.  It looks set-up as it should be , nice and even, sounds and plays superb. I'll be taking it  to this Luthier from  now on . He knows his stuff .  I won't be touching nothing on it, just keep on playing the guitar. Thanks for your comments it all helps.....Cheers rct.

  2. Thanks for reply NighthawkChris, I suppose every guitars are set up differently , just wanted to check with other players about this topic , seems like no worries . I've got my guitar in for set-up at guitar store, I'll let the pro set it up for me......Cheers.....

  3. Good to hear that kidblast about your guitars and bridge . Just wanted to check if other players had no worries with it. Every guitars are differently set up.  Cheers...  

    1. kidblast


      I understand, and it's a topic of lots of debate..

      and I know what you're asking about , well  I think I do anyway,..  I see it on imports, where the bridges are leaning forward.

      Mostly due to weaker materials used in the stud/anchors they're putting in there I'd wager.

  4. Hi  rct,  what I said about stop- tail being raised 1inch from body was so it clears back of bridge, I haven't been playing guitar like that. Stop-tail is now about 1/4 inch from body , just wanted to check if it was o.k. to touch bridge. Had a few replies about this topic and seems no worries about bridge. I've seen other guitars in shops and some touch , some don't,.. any way guitar is in for a setup at guitar store, I'll let the pro set it up. Cheers ......

    1. rct


      It is true, there are some folks that get a little agitated by the strings touching the back edge of the bridge as they go by.  What you see in my posts is a long time of trying to get people to relax and stop thinking about that.  All of the great Les Paul sounds people love and try to cop every day were made by Les Pauls that had strings touching the back edge of the bridge.  We never cared about it then, anyone my age and experience still doesn't.

      If it touches it's fine.  If it doesn't, it's fine.  Just don't get yourself balled up over what other people are doing and saying when it comes to thinks like this.  Good luck with it.  The Guitar World is bizarre and full of fun stories and plain old made up stuff!  Don't hesitate to message and ask if you don't want to in public, I'll help you out best I can.


  5. P.S    like U said  the 2019 SGs all good guitars.......mines a beauty.....Cheers ..   

  6. Yeah I've seen that top wrap been released on some SGs from the Gibson factory as standard, it is an option to do.....my SG came new from Gibson touching back of bridge , some do some don't.... Guitar playing well so if it ain't broke.......keepa playing.....

    1. Eracer_Team


      There are some that say, "they shouldn't touch the back"

      And the other camp that says "doesn't make a difference "

      I suspect the original ABR1 bridge would collapse in the middle as they were soft alloy and players thought it might be extra tension on back of the TOM.

      If you can hear the difference between touching and not touching your ears are pretty amazing 


  7. Gooday mihcmac, I had a look around at some guitar stores on SGs  and  they seem to be all differently set up on bridge and stop bar areas. SG plays well and sounds great so I'll leave it as is ...... Cheers......

    1. mihcmac


      Enjoy... SG's are one of my favorite guitars.. 

  8. Gooday IanHenry,  SG all playing well....if think they got it right when they first released the SG saying that SG stands for Solid Guitar........Cheers......

    1. IanHenry


      Glad to hear this Sydney.

  9. Gooday Navy Vet , it was a disastrous situation I got myself in , SG  survives to play another day.....SG does stand for ......sold guitar......

    1. Navy Vet.

      Navy Vet.

      I love my SG, it has replaced the Telecaster as my ‘perfect’ guitar. Good to know that yours wasn’t damaged.

  10. Gooday  Big Bill , commercial endorsement hey , sounds good ......I'll title it  SG Gibson......SG  stands for "Solid Guitar".......

    1. Big Bill

      Big Bill

      Amen buddy!!!

  11. Yeah kidblast, it definitely was a disastrous situation , only had the SG for about a month then that happened, can't be to careful...... anyway the SG all good..... SG does stand for "Solid Guitar".........

  12. Gooday deeman , if U google Sydney trains gates and scroll around till U find the red gates you 'll  get a better idea of the gates down here in Sydney Australia. I went through the gates first with the SG behind me, and it got hammered. Next time SG first or overhead.....SG playing all good....... Cheers.......

  13. Yeah Gibson make these guitars durable for sure........

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marky Forrest

      Marky Forrest

      It's a really nice case. It even has a rubber seal all the way around it for water protection. It has a piano hinge, a mahogany handle and is pretty much bullet proof, like I said. It's actually a 2017. My 2018 is a Fender Strat. Here are some pictures:


      Upon arrival!


    3. SG Sydney

      SG Sydney

      Gooday Marky Forest , just scrolling around D Forum, must have missed your pictures on your guitar case, looks sensational , heavy duty stuff, your SG same colour as mine . Late reply to you but all good , keep it rockin'..........

    4. Marky Forrest

      Marky Forrest

      Hi SG Sydney, I really like the case but have two minor complaints. It scratches very easily and it's very heavy. I was never very careful with my cases but I am with this one. Got to keep it lookin good. :rolleyes:

  14. Yeah Gibson make these guitars durable for sure........

  15. Yeah all good , SG working fine.......

  16. Yeah Karloff, she seems to hang around every band session, but we do like Mari........

    1. Karloff


      lol. I loved her more than anything for 23 yrs. had to give it all up 25 years ago. smoke one for me buddy ... lol

  17. Gooday Saturn, will send pictures tomorrow, not sure how to send pictures at the moment, old school here, will ask young neighbour later... Cheers

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